Edit: Due to popular demand FatTony Search servers are down for the time being. but has gone open source just in time (Yes that’s how it works 😡) . You may now get responses from other users. Servers will be back up some time later.
FatTony Search engine is it down or just me
It’s loading.
Walmart near me
Still more accurate than bing maps
I gotta say, Google Maps has been getting squirrelly on me lately tho.
Most recently, I was out fishing and wanted to get directions to the other side of the lake and a parking area over there.
The road directions had me driving a little ways up the shore, then down a fucking footpath to the water, then swimming across the fucking lake, then getting on another road and driving to the parking area.
Go back to MapQuest, let us know how it goes.
Put a grid in the middle, then this is accurate for 80% of American cities.
I’m traveling to their homeland this weekend, I believe there’s a Walmart museum and everything. To be clear I’m not going there for Walmart
Hot MILFs in my area (Yukon)
Mark Zuckerberg now a backstreet boy
I don’t know who the backstreet boys are but here you go:
You fucking what
Oh god
Oh fuck I’m so old
So this is what it feels like.
Edit: I’m going to take this moment to let those of you who are not aware know how how many hits Max Martin wrote in the '90s and beyond.
You are, my fire
My one, desiiiiire
My one, desire
deleted by creator
Just hit me with the truth, babe
Now this is content
Looks more like N’Sync to be honest.
Do kids still say music slaps 2024
Only the groovy kids!
edit: seriously my dudes wtf is corn I have a job interview at a farm in five minutes
corn.com 🌽 is for sale and I tried putting in an inquiry a while back but stupid GoDaddy never reached back out to me so I guess we’ll never know 😞
Also my dreams of being [email protected] have been dashed.
I remember back in junior high we had to make a fake company and product and advertise it in print form for some class.
This was the height of iMac and iPod so my group basically made Apple but for corn instead and it was awesome how many corn related product names and references we were able to work in . Even had a cool minimalist ear of corn logo and our iCorn computer even had an ear of corn shaped tower lol
Nu-metal band.
I need to order some
Corn is a word for the predominant food crop, even before the creation of maize which is what americans call corn today.
what are the new shapes
— wherever you go, whatever you do, you create this one and only shape that has never existed in any time and space. Science is baffled by those shapes, as they are constantly popping into existence everywhere.
Theoretically they can be morphing from Anteyouzoids™ and even into Postyouzoids™ — those require further research.
I’m intrigued, where can I learn more
Sure, tell me what would you like to know?
How do I create a Youzoid™?
You do it naturally and automatically, using your whole body and energy — whether you sleep, sit and watch a video, walk somewhere, dance, wait in a queue, ride your bike… Some would say that you can not not create one.
But, there is a special kind of Youzoids™, maybe you wanted to know about those? They are called Laeyouzoids™…
Yes! What can you tell me about all the subshapes?
I wish I knew about all of them, it is more of a journey, exploratory process.
Laeyouzoids™ are created whenever you are doing something important, or when you are passionate about it, when you like or love what you are currently doing…
Those are a little rarer, thus more complex in their flow at first glance. More defined and brighter.
now this has gotta be my new favorite
This is my new favorite question.
I have to admit, I totally lifted it from CollegeHumor’s “If Google Was A Guy” sketches.
do I need to interrogate her to find out what they are
and how I can shape love into them
Sydney Sweeney
Why does my stomach hurt after eating french toast?
In France everyone has a stomach ague. To make French toast as authentic as possible they put a drop of cyanide in every slice.
Zuck beard real or fake
As real as a wig.
Hot singles in my area.
I think the best billboard I’ve seen is in South Florida where it has a picture of a sexy woman and it says “Your wife is hot” in big letters. When you get closer, you see it’s an ad for an AC servicing/repair company.
I guess you?
This is hilarious. Thank you Lemmy!!
Do flip flops cause flat feet?
Only the left one
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orgy etiquette host or group cleans up
Many handies make lots of fluids. But many hands make light work.
Field tested solutions are highly recommended. Use well defined and structured sorting system, consider color coded bracelets and / or separated thematic areas.
tar extract gz
eXtract Ze Vucking File
It stays with you.
Use “tar xvzf [filename]”
How do I create a bzipped tar ball?
Draw a circle
Create the rest of the fucking tarball.