Kan mij inbeelden dat 't dikke zever lijkt als ge 't zo leest. Ik heb een beetje hetzelfde met Noors eerlijk gezegd.
Our coast is shit. Much prefer The Netherlands or France’s coast.
I love this comment. The different spellings of the names (Dutch, Fr*nch, English and some made up spelling) made my day.
We actually hate our own country most of the time, so I don’t mind everyone shitting on us. Thank you for enjoying your stay, love from Ghent.
As a nurse I thoroughly enjoyed this comic. I’ve already shown it to an anesthesiologist at work, and I’ll make sure to pester every following MD I meet today.
Trumps insurrection crowd*
In Dutch or Flemish at least we say: Ik moet een grote boodschap doen.
Which is a literal translation for: I have to make a big message.
Good bot.
Field Hockey, or just Hockey as it’s called, is a lot more popular than ice Hockey in (most of) Europe and possibly the rest of the world, excluding the USA and Canada.
Just like Football is extremely popular in the whole world except for North America, where they gave it a different name and then invented another game and called that Football.
The world is a big strange place sometimes.
If only he was as big as Trump. Would have definitely gotten away with it. Sigh
Pronouns: Tremendey/Tremendous
Insert bored Jeremy Clarkson meme
Even Nature publishes shit articles now and then. Impact score is becoming a joke more and more.
I believe Kurzgesagt made a video about exactly this, but I can’t find it. Might have been another YouTube channel?
5/7 movie
Heard that “DUM dum” in my head after I read that.
Je bin geen inconnu de da’s fantastische drei langue project de Belgica.