I personally know some folks who spend all their money on fast food, and then online it seems pretty common folks not knowing how to cook causes massive financial problems.
My super duper cheap meal that takes no effort is “lazy rice veggie soup”: Can of peas and carrots cooked with a bouyon cube until cube is dissolved Add cooked rice to mix, and heat until rice is flavorful with absorbed broth
I do a cup of dried rice, and a can of peas and carrots which means the soup has 800ish calories and I think it’s pretty good as it’s either 2 small meals that you can have sides with, or one large one!
So what are your cheap meals you like to make? The less well known, the better!
Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew.
i love potato
that isn’t super common
The price on rice goes down dramatically when you go bulk. A cup of rice out of my 25 lb bag costs a few cents.
Rice and beans, rice and eggs, dirty rice, add tomato and Sazon for Mexican rice, Japanese barbecue sauce and you have hibachi rice, Korean sauce and a little sprinkle of some form of protein and you’ve got bulgogi. I’m starting to feel like Forrest Gump talking about shrimp.
Nothing makes me feel more secure than looking over at my giant bag of rice leaning against the kitchen wall.
how do you keep it and how long does it last?
The most important part is it must remain dry. I leave it in the bag that it comes in, cutting only a smallish hole (an inch or so on diameter) which I keep clamped shut with a spring clamp.
In my main pantry I keep a 2qt container of the rice. When that container empties I go back and refill it again. I’ve had a bag last the better part of a year with no discernible loss and quality just by keeping it closed and climate controlled. In my bug out supplies I have a bunch of dry in mylar bags with oxygen absorbers. 3 years later they still taste exactly the same.
A $20, 25 lb bag has a little more than 50 cups of dry rice in it. Rice expands by a factor of 3 when you cook it.
A cup of cooked rice has little more than 200 calories with nothing in it. If I’m using as a main course, I plan for 1 and 1/2 to 2 cups per person, by the time you add seasonings and a reasonable amount of oil it brings it’s not hard to get about a third of your daily calories out of a couple cups. You just have to be careful about nutrition because it doesn’t have much.
So you could do 75 meals or maybe 150 sides out of a $20 bag of course paying for all the accoutrements to make it tasty.
Also of note stick to white rice for this. Brown rice still has the bran on it and a little bit of fat and tends to go bad faster. Also stay away from par-boiled rice, It cooks faster but it doesn’t keep the same.
The other commenter gave a good rundown, but you don’t have to get that scientific about it. I just use a large coffee mug to eyeball how much rice I want, and use the “finger method” to measure the rice to water ratio in the pot. Cook on high until boiling, cover and turn to medium for fifteen minutes, turn off heat and wait five minutes before uncovering and fluffing with a fork.
For storage I put the large coffee mug back in the rice bag, give it a twist and seal with a chip clip, and it’s ready for the next time.
As to how long it lasts, that will depend on how much you eat and how big a bag you get. ;) But it will last you: a long time.
Bananas, potatoes, corn, oats, bread and rice are all pretty cheap. When I’m trying to not spend any money I’m fine with a bowl of oatmeal with some sliced bananas in it.
I’m more of a “cook over ripe banana into the oatmeal” person.
Gives it good flavor and a bit of sweetness.
There’s a Filipino dish called Tortang Talong, it’s basically an eggplant omelette. Broil the eggplant, mash it flat, soak it in egg, and then fry it. People eat it with rice and ketchup but I personally like it with soy sauce. Sometimes I’ll add a little bit of ground beef or corned beef when I want meat.
Gotta be rice and beans for cheapest. Not sure what it comes to exactly but rice, some veg or other, and a protein (usually tofu) is my usual go-to when I’m cooking.
Obviously you can spice this a million deferent ways. Like tomato + cinnamon, or chili flakes and green beans, etc etc etc
E: oh I just read the part about about being uncommon. I’d say a rich tofu scramble with veggies. You can even do like half and half egg and tofu. Sometimes I’ll do that to like upgrade my morning egg
My kids love something we call “brown eggs” which started out as a keto “oatmeal” recipe in 2012 when they were toddlers.
3 eggs, beaten 1 T butter 1 T peanut butter 1 T almond butter if you are feeling fancy 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon White or brown sugar
Beat the eggs with the ground cinnamon. Scramble the eggs in half the butter until they are just runny, add the peanut butter and almond butter and stir well. Serve while still runny for more oatmeal like spoon pudding or give them another minute in the pan to get them firm and crispy for a more French toast like experience. Serve with more butter and a sprinkle of sugar or cinnamon. You can also add maple syrup.
We swear, this sounds insane when we describe it to other people, but my kids love it and demand we make it for guests
Don’t be afraid to “dress up” box dinners like Mac n cheese or suddenly salad. A handful of beans, tomatoes, onions, carrots, or whatnot can stretch it and make it healthier.
Cooked and then refrigerated Quinoa, Bulgar, and Couscous make great salad bases for something different than lettuce.
Savory oatmeal is supposedly a thing, but I’ve never tried it.
A quarter pound of beef in Mac and cheese is ace and still super cheap.
Or can of tuna.
Personally, I like “White Trash Heaven”- it’s just mac and cheese with fried Spam slices.
The cousin of the also delicious Mac and cheese with hotdog slices.
Bro, it’s like hotdog slices 10x on steroids. Spam is so fucking underrated. It’s probably due to it being slightly slimy and gross coming out of the can, but damn if it doesn’t smell like bacon when it’s frying. Could also be that eating a lot of it will definitely give you a fucking heart attack lol.
Oh, don’t get me wrong. I love some pan fried spam with eggs. Add some bread for a tasty sandwich.
Franks red hot sauce with Mac and cheese is amazing. If you want more protein, grab one of those already cooked chickens from the grocery store, rip it apart with your hands, and toss it in too.
I like to eat carrot sticks, they are cheap and takes literally zero effort to cook.
Chocolate oatmeal. Grab a box of rolled oats, a bag of sugar, and a thing of cocoa powder from Aldi. Put half a cup of oats, a couple of teaspoons of sugar, and about half a teaspoon of cocoa powder in a bowl. Add enough water or milk to cover the oats. Stir, and microwave a minute at a time, watching g the bowl to make sure it doesn’t boil over. When the oats are soft, enjoy!
Can be breakfast or dessert as needed!
True . Baked potato, homemade fries or chips , mashed potatoes. So many ways to cook they and most of them don’t require much else .
Oh yeah adding a half can of Chilli makes it feel like a full and tasty meal!
I actually just cooked like 2 frozen hashbrowns with a can of Chilli yesterday and it was super tasty.
Eggs and rice. You cook the rice, then throw it in a frying pan with a bunch of eggs. It’s like scrambled eggs with carbs.
Rice burgers. Cooked rice, some grated cheese, an egg, a grated carrot, add salt and some seasoning as see fit. Mix using a hand mixer with those spiraly dough mixing things. Form burgers. Fry in pan. Doesn’t taste like burgers at all but I like it.
I don’t know how common it is, but I like carrot stew (EDIT: hutspot). 1kg carrots is around 1.30€ here, a bag of 2.5kg potatoes is around 5€, peel and cut it all, add a chunk of smoked bacon for flavor (ca. 2.50€ per piece) add water, broth, salt, a bit of pepper, maybe parsley, and just boil it all until it’s soft. Onion and garlic to taste - they don’t need to be fresh. Freeze-dried works just as well.
You end up with ca. 3,5 kg for 8.80€ and If you go by 500g per serving, that’s 7 servings for 1,25€ each. A little more if you buy the onion and garlic fresh, but it doesn’t make much of a difference both in taste and price, so I usually go with the freeze-dried stuff. If there happens to be too much broth, you can just dump a bag of mashed potato powder into the pot.
If you have a freezer, you don’t need to cook everything at once - get some zip bags, fill them with the peeled / cut raw ingredients in equal parts and store it in the freezer. If you want to cook it, just dump the contents of a bag into a pot, add water & spices and boil - no need to thaw first.
I used to cook this whenever we got together for roleplaying sessions and it was my turn to host. ;) It’s not difficult to cook, cheap, tasty and feeds a bunch of nerds for the evening or supper for yourself for a week.
PS: 1.00€ = ca. $1.07
Eggs, bread, cheese and Mayo or ketchup. I could eat egg and cheese sandwiches 7 days a week if I had to. Aldis eggs are usually around $1-2 for a dozen, bread is about a dollar. The big pack of aldis brand cheese is about $2 for 16 slices. Not counting sauces since you don’t have to buy those often
16 cents per egg Estimating 10 cents a slice but probably less 12 cents per slice of cheese About 38 cents per sandwich
Then throw in some various fruit and vegetables
Banana, cucumbers, snap peas are cheap
Edit: you said not common. Sorry lol
Can’t remember it’s name. A Japanese dish. Put some leftover rice in a bowl, nuke it. Crack an raw egg on it and some Japanese soy sauce, mix it. Serve with an raw egg yolk and sprinkle some furikake on it
Furikake mon amour!
Kake Meshi https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tamago_kake_gohan
ETA: buy a rice cooker with the keep warm option to avoid needing to nuke.