I personally know some folks who spend all their money on fast food, and then online it seems pretty common folks not knowing how to cook causes massive financial problems.
My super duper cheap meal that takes no effort is “lazy rice veggie soup”: Can of peas and carrots cooked with a bouyon cube until cube is dissolved Add cooked rice to mix, and heat until rice is flavorful with absorbed broth
I do a cup of dried rice, and a can of peas and carrots which means the soup has 800ish calories and I think it’s pretty good as it’s either 2 small meals that you can have sides with, or one large one!
So what are your cheap meals you like to make? The less well known, the better!
I don’t know how common it is, but I like carrot stew (EDIT: hutspot). 1kg carrots is around 1.30€ here, a bag of 2.5kg potatoes is around 5€, peel and cut it all, add a chunk of smoked bacon for flavor (ca. 2.50€ per piece) add water, broth, salt, a bit of pepper, maybe parsley, and just boil it all until it’s soft. Onion and garlic to taste - they don’t need to be fresh. Freeze-dried works just as well.
You end up with ca. 3,5 kg for 8.80€ and If you go by 500g per serving, that’s 7 servings for 1,25€ each. A little more if you buy the onion and garlic fresh, but it doesn’t make much of a difference both in taste and price, so I usually go with the freeze-dried stuff. If there happens to be too much broth, you can just dump a bag of mashed potato powder into the pot.
If you have a freezer, you don’t need to cook everything at once - get some zip bags, fill them with the peeled / cut raw ingredients in equal parts and store it in the freezer. If you want to cook it, just dump the contents of a bag into a pot, add water & spices and boil - no need to thaw first.
I used to cook this whenever we got together for roleplaying sessions and it was my turn to host. ;) It’s not difficult to cook, cheap, tasty and feeds a bunch of nerds for the evening or supper for yourself for a week.
PS: 1.00€ = ca. $1.07