Bet if it was a drone following a billionaire around they would have someone in custody
Bet if it was a drone following a billionaire around they would have someone in custody
itll take decades to repair institutions once trump is done
Unnecessary care
The doctor thinks its necessary. Claims handler and insurance company suddenly become medical professionals and give a second opinion of “its not necessary”.
Why even bother with the doctor? Just ask the insurance company instead.
Whats funny too - whenever the alternative is brought up (socialised healthcare), at least the conservative side of america starts seething over it, falling over themselves defending private insurance companies
yeah great idea. criminalise everything. had your freedom to the state. the american dream
Glad they said this after the election
we should build the bomb to prove the concept, we dont know how bad itll be once we drop it
“yeah but what if we make it 100x more powerful”
well no shit. the problem is russias’s “peace plan” is “Ukraine no longer exists”
the starbucks model
there wont be
Took me a moment to understand this headline wasnt banning “propaganda that doesn’t include children”
unfortunately itll be the consumer lumped with those costs
You can wave your hand at a dial and find it easily just by touch
while youre busy opposing genocide, you got someone significantly worse elected instead. Well done.
bUt hArRiS sUpPoRtS gEnOcIdE
theres not a huge amount of content posted per minute across all instances. And it seems theres no rate limit in some places for how much can be posted. So a huge batch of stuff is just dumped into a community and it appears in a block in all/new
Are Japan radio frequencies the same as Australia?
Their blog post on the topic is an interesting read. General arm support seems to have begun specifically because of the M1