Pornhub has disabled its site in Texas to object to a state law that requires the company to verify the age of users to prevent minors from accessing the site.
Texas residents who visit the site are met with a message from the company that criticizes the state’s elected officials who are requiring them to track the age of users.
The company said the newly passed law impinges on “the rights of adults to access protected speech” and fails to pass strict scrutiny by “employing the least effective and yet also most restrictive means of accomplishing Texas’s stated purpose of allegedly protecting minors.”
What kind of “small government” legislates morality?
They want to ban it nationwide
Pornography, manifested today in the omnipresent propagation of transgender ideology and sexualization of children, for instance, is not a political Gordian knot inextricably binding up disparate claims about free speech, property rights, sexual liberation, and child welfare. It has no claim to First Amendment protection. Its purveyors are child predators and misogynistic exploiters of women. Their product is as addictive as any illicit drug and as psychologically destructive as any crime. Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders. And telecommunications and technology firms that facilitate its spread should be shuttered
-A Promise to America", Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise, p. 5, Project 2025
as psychologically destructive as any crime.
…what? Just because something is a crime doesn’t make it “psychologically destructive.”
Removing tags on mattresses has left me a shell of a man.
May both sides of your pillows always be hot and your socks slightly damp.
Ohh we’ve been looking for you, buddy 🤨
Remember, one of the defining traits of right-wing political movements is the redefining of words. When a Conservative says “small government” what they really mean is “a government that can enforce our morals and values, but is incapable of enforcing rights, regulations, or equality.”
Pretty sure “government” is what they call their dicks.
They are definitely “small government conservatives” then.
A theocracy (an autocratic one if they get their way)
The least moral of them.
I sure hope all porn sites follow Porn Hub’s lead. Just block Texas from viewing porn. Then I hope all broadband and cable TV operators follow suit as well, can’t have transexual cock on VOD or PPV. Let’s see how quickly Texas falls back in line. It won’t happen, but I can dream.
I’m in North Carolina and the porn has been blocked since New Year’s. The hentai websites are the only ones I have access to. (E621 is also blocked).
How Dare They Block E621! Now I have to become an armchair warrior and get mad over something that doesn’t affect me in the slightest because I still have access! All while doing nothing about it!
In all honesty, fuck these types of people for blocking sites that try to a degree to try and stop illegal porn on their platforms.
Get yourself a VPN or learn to sail the high seas!
TIL there are people still paying for PPV porn on cable after we invented an entire worldwide network of porn you can access for free.
I’m a woman in Texas and if this has anything positive to come out of it, I hope a lot of the men here who don’t care about women’s reproductive rights will finally wake up to the Christian Nationalism really taking hold here, realize it may impact them, and help to do something about it.
I’m with you, but I can’t imagine any other outcome than an increasingly large group of sexually-frustrated men taking this out on women / men / animals around them. Particularly as other porn sites follow suit.
What’s worse, I imagine this is either by design or a very welcome byproduct. In other words, one step closer to y’all qaeda.
The end goal is more babies. Unwanted, uneducated and poor babies. They’ll get there by any means possible.
Porn reduces the incident of rape. Combine that with the inability to access abortion. This is going to get worse. If vulnerable people have the ability to leave, they should.
Sooooo all according to plan then right?
This all sucks, but to be realistic it’s probably not going to change anything for anybody. Pornhub is not the only porn site, there are more options than any human being could ever make use of out there, and plenty of sites will not recognize the laws of TX.
What realistically will happen is the porn consumers will go “oh no Pornhub is down, I’ll have to go to another site” and within 5 minutes they’ll be masturbating with porn from an unblocked site. For all we know, they might even visit lemmynsfw communities, which all do not give a fuck about these laws.
You underestimate the lengths people will go, in order to watch that perfect/favorite video that is now blocked. It’s why the porn industry makes so much money in the first place
Unfortunately, vulnerable people tend not to have the ability to leave.
My guess is rape rate will increase instead
You keep commenting this, and yet your source doesn’t provide any evidence other than quotes…
I’m out at work but i believe its this
At least this’ll probably push more people to hate Republicans. Like, fucking with a man’s porn supply is just political suicide. At least I hope it is.
Don’t worry they’ll find a way to blame Biden.
Anything is possible when logic, facts, and reality don’t matter.
Maybe… I would have thought treating women like chattel would do it… But apparently not.
cattle ? or is chattel a thing ? not american speaker
Chattel is a specific type of slavery:
In chattel slavery, the slave is legally rendered the personal property (chattel) of the slave owner.
alright thanks
I’m almost afraid to ask, but what other forms of slavery are there that means you aren’t the property of a slave owner?
Slaves can also be owned by the state, rather than individuals. Weirdly some empires had slave armies, for example. In other cases slaves have significant rights, including their own property; Roman slaves could save money and buy their own freedom (although many slaves were worked to death in mines, or used for sex, so it was definitely still shit). In some cultures children of slaves were free (technically, although still starting from a terrible position). There was also indentured servitude, where you agreed to be a slave for a limited time period - a lot of people came to the Americas for free, but were slaves for a few years in exchange (before Europeans started buying chattel slaves from Africa, which gave better return on their investment, as long as you didn’t mind being evil).
Just tried it. Yep, no access. Just a long message lambasting Texas politicians.
I tried all the other regular sites, no issues.
They’re gonna need an industry wide cooperation to successfully combat this.
I tried it, got the block message, and then tried it with a Kansas City VPN just to see if it would work. It did.
I really liked the message though. Texas legislators are dumb af if they don’t think that this is going to push people to use websites without ID requirements and less stringent rules on content creation/safety.
I mean, they were dumb af before this, but they’re extra dumb now too.
Ironically, I just tried accessing PH with a VPN based in Dallas (I’m not in Texas) and got the normal site.
I wonder if they do it by ISP.
I always wonder how they do these types of blocks. Sure you can get a city from an IP record, mine reports me as several counties away.
Sometimes it’s a good thing that the boomers don’t know how the cyber works.
The thing is, there’s hundreds, thousands, possibly millions of porn sites out there. There is no way any state is going to be able to block them all. Even if, by some miracle, they did manage to block them all - it won’t matter, people will still just use a VPN anyway.
deleted by creator
I turned off my VPN and same. I talked to a buddy and found out they’re doing it in NC and Virginia too.
Same lol. Pretty interesting read - Phub advocates for age verification on the device level rather than an individual website level.
Disabled porn, thats kind of my thing
-Greg Abbott
He’s also good at getting logged on.
Even though we’re sitting down, we’re giving you a standing ovation.
Texas loves to use words like “freedom” and “liberty”, and make them synonomus with their values. Then they pass legislation to force women to give birth, and they ban porn.
Like… “y’all” really are fucking stupid down there (at least the conservatives.)
That’s why they say “Don’t make fun of Texas, it’s not nice to pick on retards.”
All blocking porn in the states will do is push users to sites hosted in the EU/Russia/Brazil/etc. Probably with even fewer safety checks or regulations.
Came here to say this too. All they’re doing is pushing the users of those sites to less reputable sites
I know how I was as a kid, and I sure as shit wouldn’t have stopped because my state said “no”
I can almost guarantee that the EU would have better regulations. Given that the US doesn’t even have anything akin to GDPR. If you’re in the EU and get a “sorry we can’t let you use our site because of GDPR” warning, you should consider it a blessing in disguise. Because it means the US users are getting their data harvested and sold without their knowledge or consent, and the GDPR prevents that.
You may overestimate how technical the average person is. Think of the sort that would never bother with Lemmy.
They’ll go farther for porn.
Shiiit, that’s how I learned to disable a Mac’s password from boot as a kid
I think this is one most people would figure out in time. After getting blocked on their go-to website, they’ll google or bing or whatever videos, and eventually find some that aren’t blocked and bookmark them.
Nah, the Sears catalog is about to come back in a BIG way in Texas.
My guess is rape rate will increase instead
Interestingly, according to the article, the biggest effect is in 15-19 year olds; which are the people the law is intended to bar from accessing porn. Granted, I have no idea how good the underlying study that article is based off of is.
If porn is the only thing stopping someone from raping another person, then their problems are a whole lot deeper than porn
So? If porn is the only thing that stopped me from getting raped, then my problem is solved. I’d call that a win.
The perspective we need
Yes. But not the problems of the victim.
While true it still is stopping them. I don’t really care that much of a person is intrinsically a good person or not I care what their action’s are.
Question: what do you call someone capable of the act of rape that has never raped anyone? Answer: normal.
I agree with you. However, that’s oversimplifying the matter. I don’t think every case in which “porn helped prevent a rape” has porn as the one and only reason.
Religion can sometimes prevent mass murderers, so you’re absolutely right
I’m full on anti-religion, but some crazies have said the fear of eternal damnation is the only reason they don’t go out murdering
I have my doubts about how accurate their assessment is. I said things like that when I was a theist and turns out I am still pretty boring even without the fear of hell. However, on the off chance I am wrong and quite literally the only thing keeping someone from being a murderer is the fear of hell well they should probably still believe in hell.
This is what the narcissist does to you. They convince you that you are nothing and even less than nothing without them. Religion teaches people that they are worthless and can only be saved from their deserved fate by absolute obedience.
Doed the article not link to the study?
Showing once again the disconnect between lawmakers and the public they are meant to serve.
Texans will have to get their porn the old fashioned way now- finding an old magazine in the woods.
Guess it’s time Sears started mailing out their catalogs again…
Prior to the internet that was the best way to get it.
I can’t imagine what the older generations were doing out there with stacks of Playboys, but I’m sure glad they didn’t care about leaving them out there for us to find.
For real? That’s how we got ours too! (I’m exactly stranger things age.) Who was leaving all the porn in the woods?!?! Why? Why are anthropologists not dropping everything to figure this out?
Same when I was a younger teen. Then when I got to be an older teen with access to that I used to leave my stacks in the woods when I was done. Circle of life.
Sniff…maybe I should try to reconcile with my older brother… 😥
Ew don’t sniff them, you don’t know where they’ve been.
Surely you mean don’t sniff them, you know exactly where they’ve been.
Texan prepper here. I’ve downloaded ~2000 videos from PH over the years just in case.
Share it on torrents
The party of “small government” strikes again
They want the government to be small so it can fit in your pants.
Texan here. Porn’s busted. Brb gotta go watch dune 2 with popcorn now.
Use VPN.
The cum must flow
Ask for the promotion bucket with extra butter
Hey Texas dudes! Jesus make u mad? Christ took your Christina? No problem!
From the makers of the famous amous Chinese finger trap, here come the Cocklopper2000!
Just place the mildly used or completely unused cock into the cock hole and press the button 🔘!
No more useless cock hanging out like extra skin to toast in the hot Texan sun! The aerodynamics are fantastic!
The Cocklopper2000 comes in with different levels of blade sharpness and motor speeds! From the gentle lop and clop of the brushed 1/2hp DC motor and stainless 304 blades to the neodymium 0 cog out runner brushless motor of the XL model with upgraded boron carbide blades. While the lower cost model is gentle enough to only need mild sedation, the XL model does it so quick and painless you’d swear it’s still attached!
All models come with 1 year paid google drive with 3 email addresses! And free disposal cooler box with free postage paid for automatic shipping to the cock store! Your only only source of cocks! Your donation goes directly to benefit trans woman and transgender female to male persons!
FTMs are trans men.
Also what did I just read???
I mean if Texans have no porn, what use is their cock for? It just gets in the way. I assume that they will add a travel ban so men can’t fly to other states to watch porn? Maybe make it illegal to help a brother out and drive them to Alabama or something to watch porn?
I have seen that on interdimensional cable
thank you
The the reviews… review is in! No other cock remover has inspired such words before! The Cockloper2000! The best cock remover in town! YeeeeeHaaaaa!
please come to my house
Paxton is just trying to raise the money he wanted the taxpayers to pay for his corruption. The guy is a joke of a human.
In other news, VPN sales in Texas skyrocket.
Imaging knowing how to VPN, but not knowing how to vote to keep your rights.
I’m sure there are a lot of people who know how to use a VPN, but their votes against this nonsense get drowned out because it is a red state.
All states are basically red states with islands of blue cities.
Maybe compared to previous usage, but I doubt that most of the population will use a VPN for that.