Pornhub has disabled its site in Texas to object to a state law that requires the company to verify the age of users to prevent minors from accessing the site.
Texas residents who visit the site are met with a message from the company that criticizes the state’s elected officials who are requiring them to track the age of users.
The company said the newly passed law impinges on “the rights of adults to access protected speech” and fails to pass strict scrutiny by “employing the least effective and yet also most restrictive means of accomplishing Texas’s stated purpose of allegedly protecting minors.”
If porn is the only thing stopping someone from raping another person, then their problems are a whole lot deeper than porn
So? If porn is the only thing that stopped me from getting raped, then my problem is solved. I’d call that a win.
The perspective we need
Yes. But not the problems of the victim.
While true it still is stopping them. I don’t really care that much of a person is intrinsically a good person or not I care what their action’s are.
Question: what do you call someone capable of the act of rape that has never raped anyone? Answer: normal.
I agree with you. However, that’s oversimplifying the matter. I don’t think every case in which “porn helped prevent a rape” has porn as the one and only reason.
Religion can sometimes prevent mass murderers, so you’re absolutely right
I’m full on anti-religion, but some crazies have said the fear of eternal damnation is the only reason they don’t go out murdering
I have my doubts about how accurate their assessment is. I said things like that when I was a theist and turns out I am still pretty boring even without the fear of hell. However, on the off chance I am wrong and quite literally the only thing keeping someone from being a murderer is the fear of hell well they should probably still believe in hell.
This is what the narcissist does to you. They convince you that you are nothing and even less than nothing without them. Religion teaches people that they are worthless and can only be saved from their deserved fate by absolute obedience.