• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • So far, they are going well. I have a few goals I am working towards.

    1st. Working towards significantly reducing my alchohol consumption. Kinda started last year in reducing what I drank. Decided after XMas to do Dry January. After reading a few articles, I decided to keep the streek going.

    2nd. I’ve been wanting to work out more, mostly cardio. Relized, I have been getting winded easily. Started last week doing a regular 3 days of cardio, mostly biking/spin as it’s easier on my knees. Plan to keep the streak going going for a few weeks before I try to add another day to the lineup or drastically change my diet.

    3rd. A few roles I have been looking at want someone who also knows some programming. I signed up for Python coding classes for data management. I’m still going through the basics. I am lucky, I can spend a few hours each week to work towards getting better at it.

  • Republicans are me/I people and if it doesn’t happen to me, then I don’t care. Think of all GOP that vote down any disaster aide til it hits their constituents.

    Another one version of this I hear is “I don’t need (ealcare/student loan forgiveness/ basic human decency) I alreadyhavr that. What do I get if I do that?”

    A functioning society is not appealing to them at all. It’s a party of selfishness.

  • This is pretty insane. They have the guy in custody that sold them the address he stored the stollen goods at. The city police go to the wrong address, outside their jurisdiction, at 11:50PM. They didn’t even inform the local county police whose jurisdiction this would be in. The address was repeated multiple times by the dispatcher and should have been on the warrant.

    Multiple officers are joined on the search with gun drawn ARs. After knocking on a door and a brief wait, when most people would be sleeping, they kick the door down and are “surprised” the person in the home responds with grabbing thier weapon and shoot him dead.

    Then, an FOI act is requested for the warrant non are found. All of this is none over a weed eater that is pretty useless in the winter and run on average $150-$250 for most models.

    This is a major mess up and all officers involved should be jailed

  • I was on the way home Sunday with my kid. Going down a road that’s 30mph. My house is on the left. I run my blinker on to turn into my driveway. A BMW speeds up and tries to pass on my left. Nearly T-Boned me. All I saw was the medallion and a lit-up UBER sign on the dash.

    They managed to stop, flip me off, and sped away before I could even get my window down. What the fuck is thier issue?