Japanese disaster prevention X account can’t post anymore after hitting API limit - The issue has arisen after major Tsunami warnings have been issued in areas of Japan following a strong earthquake::undefined
Why governments would ever use a private service for critical use baffles me.
Create your own emergency notification system!
They have one, but you also want information to be where people are. Especially if where people are is full of misinformation and rumours.
Create your own emergency notification system!
Those never turn out well.
Running their own mastodon instance should be viable though.
The Los Angeles/ California earthquake alert system worked just fine today.
I remember seeing that they did have a fediverse account? This seems related to that
Yup see here:
It’s also in the article linked above:
Luckily, the creators of the NERV App, Gehirn Inc, have created an app-based alternative for users to get information in real-time, as well as running a Mastodon account.
Is Mastodon even viable for time sensitive information? You need to wait for your instance to propagate the post from their instance which can take time.
As opposed to waiting until next month for your API call limit to reset?
I’d suggest they join a system that has users, proper SLA and an open frontpage.
As much as you might like Mastodon for being open, there are no SLA between instances. Bluesky or Threads likely do.
Not saying they shouldn’t start their own Mastodon, but not for emergency and time sensitive things. Or just for people who can’t access those other services. More options also mean more reach.
Cell phones already have the emergency alert system they could just use that.
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I’m able to take a screenshot and translate this comment in the photos app in iOS.
Edit: I have no idea how good the translation is, but I’ve done it this way for things that needed translation.
deleted by creator
Remember when just about every government employee was carrying around a BlackBerry device for official business?
Pepperidge Farm remembers.
That’s different. They had signed contacts and were legally obligated to provide service. Twitter is a free service that can be turned off at any time, with no notice, and is run by a schizophrenic twat with a god complex. It’s just monumentally stupid to put lives on the line through a service like that.
I remember when they all loved the Nextel PTT phones.
Hate to say it but I would commonly get alerts from Twitter in the before times about local issues before I would get notified by my local government. Sadly they switched to encrypted radios so I can’t even keep up that way either these days
Japan has various earthquake notification systems. Tweets are just one more way to get the information to the people on a platform they use.
Because it’s often easier, cheaper, and more efficient in cases that mirror public needs. Alerting, SMS, cloud storage, all are solved and competitively priced. And don’t get me wrong, there ARE use cases for doing certain things custom or internally. There will need to be a mix of things.
The issue, is having an appropriate SLA and having the ability to hold companies accountable when it’s not met. You need stated provisions that won’t happen. Most commercial enterprises already operate under this model successfully, however many of the tools don’t have SLAs around an earth quake. Most companies are willing to provide those provisions but it totally will come with extra cost which is typically not budgeted or sales teams or contracting officers are not equipped to have these conversations.
This is reason #856632 that you don’t put vital government services on fucking Twitter.
Reminds me of Canada’s emergency alert system.
A custody mixup happens a 5 hour drive away with the child last seen an hour ago? Top priority notification to every device capable of receiving SMS. And then a second one in French. And then a third one because they forgot to give any details about who or what to look for. And then a fourth one in French. And then a fifth one because they settled the mix-up. And then a sixth one in French.
Again, they are IMPOSSIBLE to turn off through general device settings because they’re sent at the presidential level (aka. “nuclear launch detected”-level threat).
But an active shooter is going on a killing spree dressed as an officer? Better hope you’ve liked and subscribed to the right police association on Twitter! Because only one of them sent out anything, and nobody sent out an emergency notification at any level.
The difference being a team of 10 high up administrators took 1 hour to write each of the messages regarding the child.
Active shooter? Good luck getting ANY credible info until after police have killed them. IC, EOC, Unified Command all have to get together and push out the same message.
As others have said, there’s a reason why you wait for verified information through proper channels.
How about “If you’re around [TownName], get to shelter; people are being shot”?
They don’t need long for an earthquake, then they shouldn’t need long for a situation where people have already started dying.
… because PDF Warning: 1/2 of active shooter scenarios are over in 5 minutes. Like earthquakes, we don’t get warning minutes before the event because of seismometers and +$100,000,000 in detection and automated warning systems. With easily verifiable information and buildings built to resist them.
If you’re at a university, they’re required to have mass alert systems. They also know their community and can push it to the people who were smart enough to give their college their actual phone number rather than some random shit or not bother to update it when they changed their number.
Everyone else though? Good luck dropping a geofenced 911 alert with actually relevant information besides what people should already know. Run, Hide, Fight. It’s literally all that’s sent out in any of those college emergency alerts. MAYBE a hall location/area if they got non-panicked lucky info with someone calling Security instead of 911.
After action reports, and debriefs are easily available for most of these events if you want to read them. The FBI and DHS have a LOT of info too.
This one lasted hours, and the killer was known to be impersonating a police officer.
If they could send an official tweet, they could use the Alert Ready system.
I don’t think you understand how infrequent mass shooters are. Nor how predictable lol.
Are you quoting the timeline? Is the alert ready system something unique to Canadia? Does it geofence? Who needs to approve it? How does 911 or equivalent contact them. Do they have it? Do you need supervisor approval? Is your supervisor even there or is he shitting? Half your recent 911 calls in the last 5 minutes have hung up after 20 seconds. Most of them just screaming. Can you triangulate? Do you hang up? Are your other coworkers getting calls too or did you get the only person who had their phone in class because they didn’t let their teacher take it?
Life is vastly more intricate and complicated than any of you think in serious situations.
During the hours and hours that the mass shooting took place, they could have used the Alert Ready system. The process to send out an Amber Alert is often measured in minutes rather than hours, which makes sense – the process was designed to disseminate information as quickly as possible
There are government text messages and local websites and all sorts of ways of reaching people. Unfortunately, X probably reaches ten times as many people. I think a diversified approach makes sense.
That being said, us gov has sent the text messages and that seems to be the best way to do it. Everyone has a phone. And if you don’t, then you like to live on the edge.
All cell phones connected to a Japanese network received a notification regardless of their carrier, brand or what apps they installed.
This is already way better than whatever reach X provides.
Yeah, and kinda renders this thread and article pointless. X serves a redundant feature. Who cares if they treated a government like any other paying customer (like shit)? Bashing X is trendy and this article is just another one. I say this never having had Twitter, nor X, and I just don’t care. I also don’t own any MuskBrands™ stock or anything.
NERV is a private service, which rebroadcasts government emergency warnings with better representations.
It annoys me that pretty much every local government agency is on Twitter and FB and don’t even really update their own websites. It’s a shame nobody uses RSS much these days.
It’s almost like trying to run the world on social media was a shit tier idea.
How about avoiding commercial platforms when it comes to vitally important official communication?
Kind of like the amber alert system?
The thing is, they communicate where people’s at. People gotta move
People will move if they learn that their lives are at stake by using X.
NERV already has a Mastodon server.
They already announced last year that they want to move away from Twitter.
They are using older version of Mastodon, in which it could lead to problems. They should update the software.
Love it when corporations have more power than government entities.
The dystopian future is coming faster than ever
Letting people senselessly get injured or die seems to be a common theme in Elon’s ventures, so I’m not all that surprised about this.
I feel like this is warranted:
Fuck Elon.
Come on, this is totally the japanese government’s fault. They should be aware of the limits of the services they use. How are we blaming Twitter for the incompetence of the japanese government? I get that we want to hate in Twitter but how incompetent is that team? A disaster prevention team didn’t forsee the limits of the communication services they use?
I don’t like Twitter but come on, stop shifting the blame.
Twitter worked. Elon bought it. Enshittification ensued. Twitter broke. Hmmm…
What an astute and elaborate explanation. Surely this is this answer and the guy you responded to is definitely over simplifying it.
Sounds like it’s time for governments to get off Xitter.
Everyone should.
Twitter was useless but X is just a vanity project at this point
It definitely makes headlines worse anyway
The Evangelion app name is pure gold.
Fuck X and Musk.
Just say twitter. Calling it “x” will literally always be silly and cumbersome.
I just call it twitter because I like dead-naming it.
Does that…do something?
No. But the asshole wants me to call it X, so I’m not.
But the town square!!!111
This is how I feel…
NERV announcements got blocked? I guess he’s not getting in the robot after all
Time to switch to mastodon.
Did you even bother to read the article?
Luckily, the creators of the NERV App, Gehirn Inc, have created an app-based alternative for users to get information in real-time, as well as running a Mastodon account
Yes. They need to dump twitter
Switch to != just use it on the side. Drop X, loudly make clear why, and point people to Mastodon.
Mastodon is a thing and they will own their instance.
Doesn’t help if people don’t use it.
That said, they should definitely stop using the thing formerly known as Twitter.
Use news outlets, public radio and TV and SMS alerts, those are “correct” ways of handling such situations, social media is not.Shouldn’t they use every means in their disposal? I know for myself I don’t watch OTA or cable news, and I don’t listen to public radio. Sure, SMS alerts are great, but the more widespread the messaging, the better.
Well the obvious answer would probably be yes, but I’m not so sure. We shouldn’t make either institutions or people expect they can use and find this sort of information on social media, as social media is inherently unreliable for many reasons.
I see no reason not to include social media in the mix.
Mastodon can be used as a feed and integrated on websites easily. People can follow the latest news and reports about the disaster. They don’t need to use mastodon or follow them. People need to know this is the right place to go to for a live ticker about a dessaster with an easy URL like disaster.gov.jp.
On top of this, they are independent with their own instance and don’t rely on social media companies servers.
TV and radio are definitely not the right place anymore. Too many people live without them. SMS can be a thing. We
Mastodon can be used as a feed and integrated on websites easily.
OK that makes a lot of sense. ;)
Which they already have