When they do come to it. I hope its the easily swappable like the ones in Nokia 3310. Otherwise its pointless imo.
When they do come to it. I hope its the easily swappable like the ones in Nokia 3310. Otherwise its pointless imo.
It’s true what you said, being newer than most other developed nations.
However at the back of my mind, whenever it says “made in china”, i don’t expect much quality or built to last.
I think you’re thinking of secret secret meetings.
I prefer to use my pocket wifi that uses sim card for data. Then I can share my data with my partner or/and friends.
I’m keen on what you suggested but I don’t quite car catch, how would recording an activity help with photo documentation?
You can have her completely.
My dumb ass read figure as finger and went wtf? Just go to a hospital.
I’m able to take a screenshot and translate this comment in the photos app in iOS.
Edit: I have no idea how good the translation is, but I’ve done it this way for things that needed translation.
And I’m sure of that. Suffice to say it doesn’t matter because Apple’s walled garden allowed the Gov’s invasive app regardless.
Just to be clear: it doesn’t matter because the walled garden sucked and didn’t work and I don’t mind a third party store anymore.
You guys downvoting me do realize that I’m fine with sideloading right?
I was against sideloading, because I’m in it for the walled garden and if governments were to use their own stalls to publish their apps, then, actually it doesn’t matter anymore! Our gov apps still invasive anyway, imo.
For the clueless, the particular app scans your face with various coloured screens being blasted through the phone screen, doesn’t matter if you have face ID enabled or not, its their own scan.
Power to sideloading.
It isn’t. Apple still bad for selling out, but won’t use chrome.
I still think its a bad idea. Because in my country, the government loves their apps. And being able to bypass the app store will mean that they will force you to install their own “app store”. This would also mean they can put more invasive features in their app.
Or perhaps I’m overthinking it and my government has the best interest for the people.
You can still return the phone back to Apple. It’s a shame to lose the screen protector, but I wouldn’t want a dust to be in all my photos.
Of your list, while there are multiple good games, I’m still waiting for the next great game that I can enjoy.
That’s good to hear I think? I have been using Kasa products and getting annoyed that im unable to get anymore recently. Especially the fact that using 2 different apps just to control the devices from the same company is a little silly. Didn’t know why they have to make Tapo, but this should solve it.
Thanks, the link wasnt working awhile back, but I got everything to work now!
That’s a really neat shortcut. Unfortunately it doesn’t work for me and I’m unsure of how to fix it. Ill just wait till there is a fix for it.
I will avoid sleeping a metal spring bed as much as possible. I will go out of my way to buy 10x duck feather pillows and sleep on them. I will sleep on a cement floor if I have to. But metal spring beds are horrible for me, and i will avoid them.
Sounds really good to me!