Been very happy running Manjaro, which is based on Arch.
Been very happy running Manjaro, which is based on Arch.
Thank you
Thank you.
I was going to say definitely the rock, then I saw the stick. Now it’s a toss-up.
You waited for Star Wars Day to post this, didn’t you?
Babylon 5 Shadows enters the thread.
I had this thought as a kid. But I thought it was neat that we might be part of an atom of some larger molecule. Didn’t keep me awake. I had other trauma keeping me awake, like going to school.
It’s totally Marjorie Taylor Greene
I have a degree in CS with a minor in Earth and Environmental Science. I taught middle school science, and could have taught math.
I recently introduced my wife to Quantum Leap. She liked Al’s outfits, and I said that I’d love to have some to wear. She eagerly said she’d get me some. A week later she said she was sorry that all the clothes for men are bland. Oh well.
Will the TV even setup at all if it can’t connect? I expect it’ll stop working until it can talk to the company again.
Spreading election lies (and that’s what these deepfakes are), needs to be a felony, not protected by the 1st amendment.
I like to deadname X and always call it Twitter.
Yes, I already know that I’m a sad, sad excuse for a lifeform.
I’d like something like multi-reddits. I want to be able to define specific groups of communities to show together, instead of having to either have a mish-mash of everything, or having to view each community on its own.
Yes! I’d love this.
I really want to be able to buy lab grown meat. I want it to be cheaper to grow meat in a lab than raise a cow/chicken and then slaughter it. It is ethically the right thing, as it reduces suffering.
Does nyancat have vocals?
People are vacationing in North Korea?
Oh, it’s for North Koreans who vacation in other parts of North Korea. Because they can’t vacation in South Korea.
The data is for sale, so you should be able to buy it. Good luck buying only one person’s data though.
We are not the same