Colby, no!
Colby, no!
I hope there isn’t even an attempt, that he’s instead snuffed out by something stupid like a battery fire in that dumb little tunnel he made where you can’t get the car doors open.
He does look like a potatoe.
I am…
A surgeon!
Well damn. You supplied the name and a whole goddamn archive. Nice one!
I think it’s moreso they’re, by way of the terminology chose, point themselves in with the likes of “mom blogs” and other social media hustle trash.
You got a source on this, or…?
It can’t be that many.
Gog goes another step and provides a guarantee on stuff they’ve modified to ensure it works, and provide an offline installer that’s entirely self-contained for archviing purposes.
I wanna know how they got that past Midjourney’s insane railroading and “no no” filters. The guardrails on MJ’s models are preposterous.
Damn, this warranty is still in effect for a few more weeks, and the company’s gone…
It’s exactly forbthat reason that Revopoint (I shit you not) recommends you catch 'em while they’re asleep. Same for pets.
I gotta give that stuff a try again. Twice I’ve started Laundry Files and just couldn’t get into it, despite loving the context.
So they’re using the Thu’um?
Less eyeliner.
Suck my InterLibraryLoan, Pearson.
Played us like a damned FIDDLE!!!
It’s a standard RPG but replace the equipment with animals. Done.
Hell, check out Barron’s history of animal mutilation and other psychopathic behaviors…