Just tell russia to fuck off right out of Ukraine.
Just tell russia to fuck off right out of Ukraine.
Now now, he ALSO wants genocide abroad.
As per usual, russia instigates
Magic, weather control (magic), invulnerability (magic also)
I mean the repubs are russian puppets… so yeah you’re last sentence :)
Yup, it’s a “pot meet kettle” situation
As applicable for the crimes he’s committed yes. But he’s been pardoned now, so it’s moot
You could also be killed for it, because the cops fucked up again and got the wrong house and went in guns blazing.
That’s the shitty part. When it was “adults” it wouldn’t have been an issue, but since children where allowed to run the government it would now be weaponised, as you pointed out.
That’s probably their plan.
Look, I know things are hard, but that’s a really narrow take. At the very very least the democrats would not tear down what social services you could still claim. This is like shooting yourself in the foot, and being like “fuck that hurt, maybe it will be better next time?” Instead of “oh shit, better not shoot myself in the foot again”.
Rest in piss
That’s why trump et al want to get rid of the brass and replace them with their cronies
That’s what I read on Facebook, so it must be true
We need Vermont to join. It makes sense. Maple syrup monopoly to boot.
He’s a fascist .
I know :(