Lemmy users very biased link to article that isn’t nearly as biased as they are purposefully biasing.
Maybe this community needs stricter posting guidelines to avoid this sort of drivel?
Lemmy users very biased link to article that isn’t nearly as biased as they are purposefully biasing.
Maybe this community needs stricter posting guidelines to avoid this sort of drivel?
Except you can’t run it.
Every model You are downloading and running is simply just a checkpoint of llama…
Quit spreading that misinformation.
You, and the grand majority of everyone else, doesn’t have anywhere near the hardware to run the actual full deepseek model
The fuck is the first amendment?
This is a shit shit back to front now.
I wasn’t stating that it was.
Just stating the facts. In threads where delusioned Lemmy users act like they are having a big impact on Reddit.
We should focus on our community, how to grow it organically, how do we avoid bot hell? How do we foster something better? Instead of inflating egos and trying to stick it back at reddit, when we are but a blip.
Of course it’s not true, Lemmy is absolutely tiny compared to reddit. Napkin match puts it at 0.005% of the active user base.
All the actual left wing Redditors came here.
Lemmy has 0.005% (no, this is not a typo) of the active users. For every million Reddit users, there are 50 Lemmy users. To try and put this in perspective, if reddit was the entirely of the United States, Lemmy would be a town of ~17,000 people. Or about 1/10th of a square mile of Manhattan during the day.
Let’s not make up wild, inflated, statements like this . We aren’t even large enough to make up a single medium sized reddit community. Nevermind actually affect change on Reddit by way of user migration.
Even worse the majority of them are just reposts by bots scraping old personal stories people wrote, in addition to stories entirely made up by bots.
I think let me has less personal stories than read it because Lemmy isn’t infested by bots writing personal stories.
Or copying personal stories from previous posts, and recycling them for votes.
You underestimate the amount of bot activity on Reddit. Some threads on all are something like 70%+ bot comments, with most being at least half.
It’s crazy.
damn near every municipal government and municipal government office in the US.
You often will not be able to find news announcements or information without accessing Facebook
While there is a logical fallacy here I don’t think it’s a straw man.
It’s some form of two wrongs make a right.
Otherwise known by the modern term: Grifter
Kagi too.
I like the results, especially for research. Definitely worth it for me.
Better at what exactly?
Companies are monarchies.
A single person speaks for that company and drives the direction of that company the workers making the product have little to no say in the overarching ideals and principles of that product.
This is the way.
I do this. PFsense DNS resolver, and have loopback enabled.
DNS for all the domains points at a reverse proxy (Caddy) that handles valid HTTPS termination. So all my services have valid HTTPS certs, and devices on my network can access them normally.
Welcome to the day and age where courts have all the power :/
Like ~95% of the rest of the internet that uses cloud infrastructure.
Google, AWS, or Azure
What is your point?
If you’re not willing to engage in good faith, intelligent, discussion, please consider leaving the platform and making it a better place for the rest of us.
“I couldn’t be assed to read the article nor understand the problem, but I will assert my God given right to an ignorant opinion on it regardless”
Isn’t what this platform needs.
After nearly a year of Kagi. It’s actually painful when I’m on a device with just Google.
Would recommend if you are a knowledge worker or researcher, or just in a technical field.