When you break the subscription cost down into weekly payments, it seems very reasonable.
It costs less than a Stabucks coffee every 5 minutes.
I wouldn’t know. I can’t check.
Adless addition is easily worth it
The secret to selling the calculator subscription is to use the smallest possible time base for the quoted price since the potential clients can’t use the calculator to figure out the yearly cost of the subscription.
Yeah, but if you sign up for a year up front you get an additional 15 parentheses a month.
There’s a decent occult/sci-fi novel series called the Laundry Files wherein people sometimes stumble across or come up with forbidden mathematics that actually functions as a form of occult spellcraft. They then get forcibly drafted into this secret government organization that works to protect the world from extraterrestrial threats, occult creatures like vampires and succubi, and the lovecraftian horrors from the depths of the oceans or the
fridgefringe edges of space. They’re like the men in black crossed with Lovecraft crossed with a British comedy about monotonous office life and bureaucracy. It’s a pretty entertaining series. Highly recommend.What a bizarre idea. Thanks for the rec!
My library has it thanks!!
the Laundry Files
Sweet, Thanks.
I just checked The Atrocity Archives (first book in the series) out of my local library’s e-book program.
I’m looking forward to reading this.
Awesome my library app has it, thanks! Sounds right up my alley!
I need to read this. Thanks for the book recommendation
novel series called the Laundry Files
Thank you i’ll search that 👍
Happy to share. Hope you enjoy.
I need to read this. Thanks for the book recommendation
It’s the teachers that said we wouldn’t always have calculators in our pockets getting revenge.
Yup. If you use your calculator for 5×6 instead of remembering your times tables, they lock you out
You divided by zero didn’t you?
look what you did, now everything is broken
Pssh, I’ll divide by zero all day. You just need -infinity=infinity (think a number circle instead of a number line), and you’re good.
It’s 0/0 where the real crimes begin.
Yep. ∞ is infinitely big in the same way that 0 is infinitely small. -0 = 0 and -∞ = ∞. Opposite ends of the circle. (Or the Riemann sphere if you like complex numbers.)
While this Riemann sphere seems like a useful concept, -∞ = ∞ is an observation that doesn’t seem to hold true outside this spherical model of complex numbers. Just add ∞ to the both sides, and you end up with 0 = ∞ + ∞ which is most certainly not true.
Sure. And it also doesn’t help to avoid the problems with division by zero. But lucky we’re posting in the shitpost section, so we don’t have to worry too much about details.
For an easy approximation by this rule, just differentiate both numerator and denominator by the same variable and apply the limits again.
Silly Euclideans
iPad users be like
Now only included on Apple One.
Tried to do the funny “58008” on the display didn’t you?
Literally 1984
screams in infinite series
-1/12, obviously
Correct! 😄
oh no
It’s 1+2+4+8…
I stand corrected.
Now I really want to know what this person did to get this.
Wall hacks.
This is what smurfing will get ya
Seems fair
Wouldn’t even care. Excel is always open.
He really said 80,08.
The forbidden math is used to summon demons:
This is what happens when you try to use third party ink cartridges in your calculator.