For gaming and everything else I couldn’t easily do on Linux back when mandriva and Gentoo were still considered fairly new distros? And because I didn’t know Linux well yet?
Linux has come a LONG way, but back as much as 20 years ago, doing something as simple as installing suse8 could see you with a fat string of error -3’s just because you had a slightly less common model of hard drive. Forget trying to play one of the few MMOs that existed back then.
Production mac’s were still running os8 back then.
It was a different world and gaming meant windows for almost all major titles because there were only so many WINE contributors.
I’m sitting here thinking “I don’t remember it being TOO bad…”
Oh. Yeah.
There’s a reason someone (Midas?) once parodied the entire steppenwolf song…
You don’t know what
We can find
Why don’t you die for me little n00b
On a magic Corp Por ride