23 year old Irish non binary satanist
Those rich people have names and addresses. And they can be made examples of.
Despite getting three reports I won’t take action against Ulph. They don’t seem to be a troll. I don’t believe in removing proples comments just because they are morons
Jodie Foster is in her sixties now. The best way to impress a woman like that is by promising to take her to the finest nursing home money can buy.
Could you translate this comment into English for the non trekkies out there?
That’s it. You let the meme fester in your mind. Slowly, the more you think about it the funnier it gets. Coincidentally you’ll also have a much more difficult time preforming, communicating with others and reading. You will think about it more and it’ll get funnier. You will notice a punk slime dripping out of your ears and nose accompanied by a rotting smell emanating from your skull along with flies buzzing around your head. It will be at this point when you’ll truly understand and appreciate memes like this.
Not anymore if we let the woke left win. The motherfuckers will force me to wear the cat ears and eat grass. If the woke left wins all restaurants will be closed and replaced with plots of land where we can graze on for a allotted amount of time.
The way you just casually discuss cuckolding people. It’s like the banality of evil as they called it or in this case the banality of cucking
Sir. Let me get this straight. You’re sating that that stealing candy from a baby is an easy thing to do like stealing candy from a baby?
You can only pick one.
Your uncle sound like a well cultured man
I didn’t know that. I’ve only known them for like the last couple of years. Granted, in 2013 I wasn’t on the Internet yet.
I love the Poland balls.
Why are you pooping on the dog
Thanks for that mental imagery Jordan
I did break my streak in Greek lessons today…so do you think Duolingo has hired Alvin and the Chipmunks to kill me?! 😧
Can I be notorious Nazi war criminal Klaus Barbie? I figured that since this is role-play that we could be imaginative and add new characters
He is owning the libs by drinking milk. Don’t you know how leftists are trying to get milk banned? As a leftist this post made me so angry that spontaneously combusted and now I am dead/s
Feck of cunt. I was too busy masterbating when making this meme. The thought of a giant spider was too much.
Please add a NSFW tag to this post. Please. Thank you