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OMG, that meme! do you have any idea what is the context?
Starship troopers
Just realized that I might have misunderstood your question. It’s a giant (telepathic) bug, and it was afraid because it got captured.
It’s afraid because the space-nazis (on your image) are successfully exterminating their species.
Maybe this extend to other corporations. Nestle, FIFA, Blackstone…
Other corpos in the same industry are def taking note
already removed public facing leadership info like the internet archive isn’t a thing.
Look up any of these companies proxy statements and you can get all the executive board including big shareholders. Quickly download them before they’re removed too.
Astonishing timing
Most likely just spending more on security.
This is the part thats exciting to me.
Who hasn’t been affected by this? Or hasn’t seen health insurance denials hurt people?
They can pay security all they want. But the security better be truly sociopathic because whatever the salaries they get paid still won’t bring back friends, family, neighbors, mentors, etc.
But the security better be truly sociopathic
I mean… the industry tends to attract a certain type.
Imagine being too sociopathic and too corrupt to be a cop.
We’re talking high end here. These people are too skilled to be a cop.
Often they have quite a bit of experience in the military right?
Military, spec ops, retire. Then they got military pension on top of big money being security contractors. And their bosses will buy them all the best toys.
Let them pay for security. In the words of the IRA: They need to be right all the time, we only need to be right once.
The hurt folks only need to be lucky once.
The security might be willing to go hard for just that reason. Don’t underestimate the ability of a human to compromise their morals for money to help their loved ones.
And who says the security will be loyal? Just like who says the cops are really gonna try to catch this guy?
The hatred of the health insurance companies is truly universal. In such a divided polarized country it’s truly incredible how unifying this act of murder was.
Everyone except the politicians have to deal with these insurance companies. That includes cops and private security. How many of them have had their claims denied for their sick children or family members? No amount of money can buy off that rage.
I’d never trust a cop to do what’s right for the people but god damn I hope you’re right.
It has nothing to do with what’s right for the people but more so doing what’s selfish. They’ve been fucked over too so I doubt they’ll put much effort into this.
I hope you’re right but I will never underestimate a fascist’s desire for power. Kill this guy or frame a scapegoat and you get money, promotion, worship from the common fascists. Maybe even a ghostwritten book deal and get millions.
Oh I’m sure there’s someone who wants to get the fame for killing modern day bin Laden (omg what a sentence). But I think the majority of the rank and file have had negative experiences themselves with the health insurance companies and don’t want to do more than the bare minimum in solving this.
Maybe I’m being biased and hyperbolic but this is the most unifying political event I’ve ever lived through and I lived through quite a bit of major political events now. Only the most pearl clutching of false piety liberals are condemning this… nearly everyone in this country has had first or secondhand experience of being fucked over by health insurance.
If we’re still talking about the same guy I prefer modern day John Brown.
This is truly the most unifying thing. I wish it had happened before the election but I doubt it would have changed anything. I want to hold onto this feeling.
Do you mean blackrock? FIFA and all the international sporting organizations suck and are corrupt as hell but they’re just not on the same level of evil as health insurance companies. Nestle is, but it’s evilness isn’t really in America, it’s elsewhere, and elsewhere isn’t armed to the teeth like we are.
I’m shocked it’s taken this long.
Nestlé is Swiss, and the Swiss have a gun ownership rate that doesn’t exactly say “not armed to the teeth”. And they siphoning the great lakes is definitely a North American problem.
Yeah the Swiss seem to be who Americans think we are. A free federation of states that embraces the multiple cultures that formed it and is filled with responsible gun owners who are ready to defend their country if need be.
The Swiss may have plenty of guns (they take it home after army duty), but that doesn’t mean they have bullets.
Don’t go around spewing NRA rhetoric.
They do have bullets, all that is stopping the from using them is some wrapping that is “not to be opened”.
There’s a reason Switzerland has the highest rate of guns used for violent death in Europe. The fact that they have one of the lowest rate of violent deaths is unrelated.
I was referring to the third world countries where they do their worst offenses
Like literally killing babies! Fuck Nestlé.
Cough here you go.
Blackstone and Blackrock deserve to be on the list.
Silly thing- Gboard swype got Blackstone first try twice, but failed twice on Blackrock, then gave me blackcock. I’ve never typed that as a compound word in my life.
Hahaha. What is black stone? I know of black rock but I didn’t realize there’s two black earth things
Blackstone is a big money company specialized in leveraged buyouts. Leveraged buyout is the nice word for hostile takeover. They buy companies, fire everyone, sell everything that isn’t bolted to the wall and then sell the building and dissolve the company.
It’s very profitable and terrible for the workers. But you gotta have big big money to play their game.
I can’t believe I haven’t heard of them. I’ve heard of the concept though. Isn’t that what mitt Romney was up to with Bain capital?
Damn right, I thought about mentioning Mittens at the end but I didn’t want to dilute the post.
…, exxon, shell, chevron, …
Exxon-mobil… BP…
Indeed it would be a horrible development if the missing liability would be enforced by vigilantes!
Those don’t affect people as personally as healthcare so it’s unlikely.
Give it a decade or two, when the effects of climate change really start fucking people over, they lose their jobs/housing/food, that’s when shit will hit the fan. We’re still only at the beginning of the effect, and when they really hit it will put the squeeze on everything. The current system is cracking under its own weight.
And the housing market is just a ticking time bomb.
You’re so right. I hate the age I am. I’m 41 and in pretty decent shape. I could fight right now. In 20 years I’ll probably be dead, if I’m not I’ll probably be decrepit. On the other side of the coin I mourn for the children. I have two nephews and a niece and they don’t deserve what’s coming.
What do you mean about the housing market? Prices are insane I agree, but do you think bubble go pop? That would be great for everyone, which doesn’t fit the tone of the rest of your comment.
What do you mean about the housing market? Prices are insane I agree, but do you think bubble go pop? That would be great for everyone, which doesn’t fit the tone of the rest of your comment.
If/when it pops, it’s going to do so like a pimple, with puss, bacteria, gross warm goop.
The rich will buy up even more of the housing, (eventually) push out even more first time buyers, and people will lose their jobs.
The share of homes owned by investors increased after the 2008 crash, and has been increasing since. Another bubble burst will be the same. Granted, the share of first time home buyers also increased, but it didn’t last, and it came at the cost of other people losing their homes.
And we’re now seeing reality companies turn into megacorps like they haven’t before, with more and more properties each. They should not have that level of control over the market, and it would only increase (dark gray and blue sections on that graph).
Thank you, very well explained with sources. Seriously you went deep into the comments to explain it to me and I appreciate that.
I don’t know why I thought real estate would be different when I’ve been preaching that the people who run Trump are going to wreck the economy on purpose with tariffs so billionaires can buy everything cheap. I just selfishly want to buy a home that’s bigger than the shitty one I rent so we can move my wife’s elderly mother in with us.
Thank you, very well explained with sources. Seriously you went deep into the comments to explain it to me and I appreciate that.
Of course, no problem.
I just selfishly want to buy a home that’s bigger than the shitty one I rent so we can move my wife’s elderly mother in with us.
I’m in a similar position, so I feel you.
How is this not the top comment?
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Samesies. Let the guillotines commence.
I wonder how many it will take until we get universal healthcare.
I have enough popcorn to find out.
It would be fucking priceless if America only got universal healthcare as a result of executing rich people. Very character consistent.
Sad, but I mean we take what we can get and that lesson will be around for a long long time if it works…
We didn’t get weekends off, 40 hour work weeks or 8 hour days without murdering the rich.
More like getting ourselves killed protesting, but I appreciate the sentiment.
We did have people calling for it though
It would be one of the first times I’d be proud to be an American in my entire life.
They know they’re evil and everyone hates them.
They’re fine with that, cause the money is good and the plebs don’t matter.And up until now the only consequences, if there were any, were
finesthe cost of doing CEOs themselves were NEVER fined. At worst the company was fined, which was then passed to the consumer.
I can’t find where I read this, but very few of the over 16,000 employees mourned the guy, as he was really hated.
I gotcha
Resentment for Thompson was widespread at the company, the employee said, citing an internal company announcement about his death that only garnered 28 comments despite being seen by 16,000 employees.
As one commenter put it: “You know your business is valid and moral when you have to run internal affairs like the mob”.
LMFAOOOOO this story just gets better and better
I wonder if even the wife and kids were relieved to see him gone
His wife’s comments were very much stick to the facts Jack. People grieve differently and all though.
“My condolences.”
This comment is not a guarantee of sympathy. Sympathy must be reviewed for necessity before determination of it can be established.
If there was ever a time for jury nullification this is it.
Hopefully it never comes to that. I think it’s more likely they pick a scapegoat than catch the actual assassin. The pictures that came out yesterday don’t even look like the same person.
That corrupt motherfucker Eric Adams needs a win badly. Remember the Central Park Five?
When Trump hopped on a bandwagon to imprison 5 black kids for the shooting done by Bernard Getz?
The very same. And he still says they were guilty to this day.
That would be fucking glorious. We’ve already seen the rule of law not apply to politicians and the rich. Let’s see how they like when it doesn’t apply to common folk either.
PR machine already going out to protect the rich.
Seems pretty reasonable since our elected officials will not help us
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The rich aren’t listening, what’s your genius answer?
Nicholas Forko… that name sounds made up.
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Nicholas Porko, it has a nice ring!
It’s a good time to see some important cogs in their perspective machine.
Can we just form our own society or something? Leave these people alone with themselves. If they are really worth 1 Billion people, they will do fine on their own.
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I kind of agree with them. Going around shooting people is not great for society.
You know what’s objectively millions of times worse? Depriving dying children of Healthcare. Also, the police go around shooting people every single day. Those people are just usually working class. People only give a shit now cause this guy was a ceo, a member of the ruling class.
Touch some grass
You have been watching to much of the white lie news. They get people all wound up so that they can make more money from advertising.
Grow the fuck up and respect people and get the boot of your ass. LadyAutumn is 100
Lmao, people don’t need to stop being online to see and feel the problem. A lot fucking live it, feel it on their own, or a loved one’s, skin
People are dying en masse because of no healthcare dude, what the actual fuck
That’s such a bad take.
People die everyday as we don’t live forever. Obviously access to healthcare is important but I think that going around killing people will not accomplish anything.
Your take is absolute fucking trash, and defending the rich who are killing the poor is bootlicker ignorant nonsense.
People are dying everyday because of no access to healthcare, food, or housing. So fuck off. Who is killing who exactly? You are a privileged moron with a boot way too far up his ass.
So is this the start of the revolution we are waiting for since we got into the stage of late capitalism? Can we finally burn those executives which leech from 99% like parasites?
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“What kind of world are we living in where some psycho can just decide one day that someone shouldn’t be alive anymo—oooh, I hear it now.”
That, but without the self realization
Lol, mods here be like “protected by satire, fuck you, TOS”
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“Profits? We deserve profits, right?”
Can’t wait for 6 months from now when people are saying, “what a mistake it was to make fun of that CEO” for no fucking reason. Like they do for BLM; defund the police; wokeness; eat the rich; anti-work movement; anything that brings light to the corporate oligarchs and the systems of oppression thet they use. Nah, this is where we are at. You can pretend our morals will overcome but that’s just pretend.
Can’t wait for more copycats tbh
Maybe all these disgruntled shooters will finally take the hint.
I sure af ain’t saying we were wrong. I just have no power to do anything about it.
You sure as fuck do. I’m still scared too though, it’s ok.
It’s not those who partake it’s the ones who took issue and thinks because we moved on after it got old we somehow gave into their protest.
All the more important to not move on! Let’s talk about this every fucking day because it’s the best thing that’s happened in this country in a long time.
Ok. I kinda do. But ok
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I’m surprised some execs didn’t get a Delay Deny Defend graffiti on their doors.
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Kinda reminds me of the time Ken McElroy was murdered in the middle of Skidmore Missouri during an altercation where most of the town was present and “nobody saw anything”.
[Chuckles] “I’m in danger.”