Yes it was lmao
Yes it was lmao
Exactly, so why are you blaming people if its not our faults? You are the one debating in defense of blaming people, voters, and non voters alike.
You have no opposition party in America, your two party system also is a huge problem. In this way fascism will always win.
Better question, why not?
You need an actual opposition party then. Blaming non voters is the dumbest thing you can fucking do and will make your situation worse and worse
Ill do whatever the fuck I want bitch, shut the fuck up and go suck Elons dick.
Bitch Musk has been an asshole for longer than a fucking decade, get your head out of your ass
American food is the worst thing you can ever ingest.
Yeah same was also worried, but he is awesome in Sonic
He is antivax for real? Didnt know, got a link or anything?
Descending into name calling is because you are a racist and transphobic asshole my dude, get the fuck over it snowflake. Your feelings got hurt? I dont give af how you feel since you are a racist transphobe.
Trump doesnt give a fuck about you, but keep on sucking his dick like a degen.
Still using mine too and it’s awesome, all my coworkers also notice and compliment it. I do think there is a market for small phones
Zen, Librewolf, Waterfox, Mullvad Browser to name a few
How about taking your own advice?
You sound ignorant, transphobic and racist af, what the actual fuck is wrong with you?
You live in a make believe bubble that isnt reality in the slightest.
Conservatives are the least tolerant group of people in the country, with zero diversity.
Fuck off shitstain Trump loving inbred bitch.
Math is hard.
Americans cant do math.
Then explain why I see them everywhere. People are just way too late on finding out about Elons true colors