It straps you to the seat so when the plane suddenly drops 50 feet due to turbulence your dumbass doesn’t launch into the ceiling.
Yeah, and this is a much more frequent thing than crashes. I’ve been on planes multiple times when there was sudden turbulence and people without seatbelts lifted out of their seats. I don’t think any of my personal experiences resulted in someone hitting their head, but that happens. There was just video of one earlier this year.
Ive seen a loaded drink cart get a few inches of the floor, though that one was intense enough that even the flight attendants adopted an “oh fuck we’re about to die” face, which is comforting
Probably less of an “everyone is going to die” and more of a “everyone is going to start screaming and vomiting” look.
No, though I get what you mean, I locked eyes with this woman as my ass came off the seat and she death gripped the cart, I think she might legitimately have been momentarily worried about hitting her head on the ceiling and breaking her neck (had a friend be a hostess and she said the training absolutely mentions that)
As soon as they were touching the floor again they moved as fast as they could to their area, locked it down, and strapped in hard, and the captain yelled in Japanese over the intercom for a couple minutes before finally translating in English that we were fine, clearly freaked out
I know planes are safe but that experience at 1am over the pitch black Pacific ocean occasionally flashes back to me when I’m on planes because holy shit what the FUCK happened
The kraken almost had you…
I have observed that “very clever” people on the internet have a tendency to disregard solutions that are only partial, even if there is little to no downside to them.
“Oh yeah? Why should I be wearing a seatbelt in a car when it won’t even save me if we crash head-on into a semi truck at 100 kph?”
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Correct me if I’m wrong too, but if you’re coming in on a parachute and somehow hit your head during the landing, that could hurt a lot, right?
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So you don’t get launched out the window and then crushed by your own car for the non-semi accidents.
If you play the SNES version of Monopoly, you can play against CPU opponents. Mind you, this is artificial intelligence coded in 1992, on a cartridge with about 16mb of storage space for the entire game. Only a fraction of that is dedicated to the AI decision process.
If you propose a trade, I’ll give CPU $5 in exchange for $0, the CPU will respond with NO DEAL!!!
But if you propose "I’ll give you $100 in exchange for $0, the CPU replies “IT’S A DEAL!!!”
The CPU was holding out for a bigger handout!
Unrelated, but if you hold the B button, and don’t release, you’ll keep looping the shaking the dice animation. They use digital photo scans of a real hand/arm…if it were disembodied. And the animation looks like he’s just jacking off.
You weren’t kidding.
Edit: I see now you said SNES, can’t find a good animation of that one though. But I can see in the screenshots that it’s a pseudo-mocap human hand and yeah, that would be worse.
Old-school Monopoly jerkoff is how I discovered we can upload gifs now w/o using third-party hosters.
There’s something to that animation…
SNES is worse huh?:
Oh man I haven’t seen that classic in a while. Thanks for the smile!
I often see that in political arguments. There’s much to be said about wasting political capital on a poor and partial solution, but as you said, people bitch even if there’s no real downside.
Also in the event of a crash you don’t become a projectile that kills someone else.
Juat like in a car!
Never been on a flight never assumed I would be afraid of flying however that sounds horrific, so thanks for giving me a new fear of flying.
Don’t worry, some turbulence is par for the course but dangerous turbulence is pretty rare. Also 50 feet is an exaggeration, turbulence usually feels worse than it is. Plane rides are usually smoother than driving in a car, but flying can make you sensitive to lateral motion.
Can’t really let random stuff like that with a low injury profile bother you. You’d end up fearing and respecting escalators in that case.
Reminds me of the time the brakes gave out on the L’enfant Plaza escalator for the DC Metro after the Rally to Restore Sanity (a lot good that did). Everyone was piled on going down and it just gave up the ghost and accelerated at full speed to bring them all down in a pile.
For reference, the DC Metro is quite deep underground.
And when there’s a collision on ground. And when the pilot just breaks too hard after landing.
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For sure, anyone who has seen some of the videos of drink carts and luggage bouncing off the cabin ceilings during crazy turbulence shouldn’t have any questions about the utility of seatbelts in less than catastrophic events… Which of course is the goal even in ‘crash’ landings. There are crashes where seatbelts would obviously be worthless, but in anything short of that, you’ll be happy that you weren’t in a box with 300 human shaped dice being shaken up.
I was watching one air accident documentary where the plane dropped so hard that people who were unbuckled were launched into the ceiling and people found their phones and laptops in the back of the plane.
If you follow for any length of time, you’ll learn that 1) the vast majority of aviation incidents are completely benign, and 2) the vast majority of injuries aboard airliners are caused by passengers not wearing their seatbelts. The seatbelts aren’t there for the once-a-decade crash; they’re there for the once-a-month strong turbulence event, which the airplane itself will barely even notice.
And in the rare horrific crash, the seat will not remain attached to the floor anyway.
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In one accident the only one who survived was a girl who stayed strapped into her seat. theorize that staying strapped in saved her life.
As many as 14 other passengers were later discovered to have survived the initial crash but died while waiting to be rescued.
Jesus, what shit luck for them…
In the event of catastrophic damage leading to explosive decompression it should keep you from being sucked out into thin air. Like if the roof tears off like that one time. Or that Boeing thing. Or that other Boeing thing. Or that other other Boeing thing.
The roof tearing off was a Boeing. an Aloha Airlines 737.
Of course it was, how could I forget.
Or keep you from bouncing and hitting the ceiling in cases of extreme turbulence. Or yo help on cases of lower-speed crashes (cases where the plane goes into some nosedive are less likely), etc.
Hope you’re also wearing a parka.
…what? Obviously. It’s for turbulence, which is common. This comic is a joke, but not how it’s intended to be.
No, comics are the primary legitimate source of facts so I’m sure it’s true.
That sounds a bit sketchy… Now if you had presented that statement in comic form, I might believe it.
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Is that better or worse than being told you have a face for radio?
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looks grotesque, and even just drawing stick figures would still work for the joke
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I like the use of perspective in that last panel
Wasn’t this proven wrong on mythbusters too?
Yep - the seatbelt and the crash position are extremely effective at preventing death and lessening injuries
Is he clicking or unclicking it?
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Why does it say cuck on his pants though
its keming/kerning L and I to make u
I think it really does help in crashes though.
Similar to a car crash, you are generally safer in your padded engineered metal box than being thrown out of it, or thrown around inside it.
It’s like the difference between dropping a carton of eggs vs a bunch of loose eggs in a box.
That joke was made by Miguel Gila, a Spaniard comedian, decades ago.
God these comics are absolute trash, I don’t think I’ve ever seen an EFC that didn’t have an offensive art style and horribly mediocre punchline.
It’s part of the appeal
What’s the appeal?
I think the general absurdity of it, plus you’re never quite sure where they’re gonna go.
For example:
It’s absurd in such a predictable way though, when every joke is le wacky literalism or I-want-to-die, it becomes rote.
Like, okay, there’s the cum betweener, he cums between people. That sure is the opposite of what they said would happen in the first panel. Please clap.
Stupid question here, I guess, but why isn’t there a system to potentially deliver commercial passengers and crew to the ground in case of a crash? Military jets have ejection seats and parachutes, so why don’t we have at least something required for commercial aircraft in the same vein?
Is it the money that it would undoubtedly require?
Edit: misspelling
Throwing untrained people out of a commercial airliner at high speed in the middle of a emergency is a good way to ensure no one survives. The equipment would add a significant amount of space, fuel and maintenance burden too, and require major compromises to the aircraft design itself. All to resolve a problem that effectively never happens.
I remember seeing an article back in the 90s or maybe even 80s that was exploring the possibility of the entire passenger compartment separating from the wings and rest of the fuselage and parachuting down in the event of a major failure. The thing is, it would be ridiculously expensive to implement, and there are very few situations where such a system would be any better than keeping the plane in one piece.
Yeah, escape pods have been implemented in some aircraft in the past, but the idea has always ended without wide scale adoption for the reasons so many have stated here.
Iirc, when experimented on, these ‘escape pods’ would enter a spin so violent it would turn the whole thing into a lethal centrifuge.
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Just carrying a few hundred escape chutes would add significant weight to the plane. Have you ever worn an emergency escape chute? I have. It’s like having a chair strapped to your back and ass.
Some valid answers are already given by other commentators. Just want to highlight that commercial airlines are operating barely cost positive. Every extra bit of cost added has to be at least covered by some other stream of revenue. How much more money can a seat in these crammed airliners make to cover the cost of R&Ding and maintaining additional safety measures?
Commercial airlines make a fuckton of money, but not in economy passenger travel. Cargo and elite passengers make the money.
So it doesn’t matter on Southwest?
There’s always a first…
During the cattle call, we’re all just cattle…
Do they think your odds get better if you’re get thrown down a metal tube on impact?