Idiocracy is a funny movie that I enjoy. However I’m disturbed by the number of people who say it’s a documentary, or a warning. That’s because the central premise of the movie (that humans breed wrong and if nothing is done, we’ll devolve and society will collapse) also happens to be the central premise of Eugenics.
Hey, at least in Idiocracy, once they determined the guy to be smarter than everyone else, at least they put him in charge of things…
They did try to kill him first. Several times…
Welcome to Costco, I love you
I always say everyone should see requiem for a dream, but no one should watch it. That film does more for stopping drug abuse than any government program ever did.
“Ass to ass!”
I’m going to be on television!
One of my favorite movies that I’ll probably never watch again. The Kronos Quartet did an awesome job with the soundtrack.
Office Space
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Grave of the Fireflies
Main-lining high grade depression. It’s my go-to threat when someone tells me they think anime is ‘too silly’ to watch.
Great film - I think the world would benefit from more people watching it. But it is so depressing, I don’t think it is a film everyone should watch.
Everyone should watch it once. Once is enough.
Brazil. Should be mandatory after 9/11.
I came to say Brazil but what does it have to do with 9/11?
Brazil predicted the post 9/11 environment 16 years before 9/11.
It’s our future if we don’t fix shit.
Bold of you to assume we’ll be able to cooperate long enough to transport all of humanity off planet
They probably didn’t. It’s a single ship, not that big, and they only used one language on it.
Weren’t there supposed to be multiple ships?
In an early draft where there were blob alien things instead of humans. By the time they replaced them with humans they had reduced the fleet to a single ship.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.
This movie is the epitome of #mood for me. I love almost every scene as a standalone artwork. Must’ve watched it 20 times.
Did you like science of sleep? Similar vibes. Eternal sunshine is my favorite though.
I did a uni paper on it! I don’t like it as much, it’s a little too whimsical in comparison, but Gondry has a style that just settles my bones.
I loved this movie and if I was to read a summary I would think it’s boring as hell. But it’s not. It’s on my Made Me Cry list, has an amazing female main character and a solid romance that is not cliche, and I typically cringe at movies with too much romance. This one is good. I +1 your recommendation.
The baby scene was a little weird but otherwise great movie
5th Element.
Since my movie taste is a bit of everything here is my colourful list:
- Pans Labyrinth
- Princess Mononoke
- 12 Monkeys
- Her
- Parasite
- Persepolis
- The man from earth
12 Monkeys was unexpectedly good! Not many films can tell a story in that manner and pull it off.
+1 for the man from Earth! Best long winded movie ever!
The concept of Her is feeling more and more possible.
That’s why I rewatched it. This movie has a really good sense for the future. Actually AppStores are flooted with “your AI girlfriend” bs.
The Blues Brothers (1980).
I’m not the type that can watch the same movie or show over and over. This movie is one of the rare exceptions. I watch it at least 2-3 times a year.
It masterfully blends music, jokes, and action without a dull moment. It’s amazing how they can make you laugh your ass off with dry humor while Aretha Franklin is belting out a Respect. Not to mention having Ray Charles, John Lee Hooker, James Brown, and Cab Callaway all perform. And of course the car chases. Oh man, nothing can top those car chases.
The way they casually throw in a bazooka wielding character with zero introduction is just hilarious.
This one right here.
If you like dark humor, In Bruges is absolutely outstanding.
Amazingly underrated movie.
V for Vendetta
Lemmy will never understand how amazing this movie is.
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Children of Men is a madtapiece.
Everybody’s Everything. I knew nothing about Lil Peep and I absolutely loved the whole documentary.
Donnie Darko is an upside down version of “it’s a wonderful life”
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