• 9 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • You could try a litmus test with your friend, based on the criteria you personally have for a friendship breakage.

    For me, with my (now ex-)friend, it was a simple question: “Can you not see that Trump is a malignant narcissist who will—like at the end of his first term—not cede power at the end of his second?”

    My (ex-)friend refused to render a judgment, so my response followed: “That cements it. I no longer have respect for your judgment of character. For you to support this transparent a wannabe dictator makes it clear you lack the basic moral fiber I expect in a friend. I’m sorry, but I no longer can call you someone I want to associate with, let alone a friend. I’m a truly, deeply disappointed in you, and will no longer tolerate your companionship. I have to draw the line somewhere. I tolerated your choice of husband, I tolerated your choice of political party, and I tolerated your first vote for Trump based on the idea that you didn’t understand the person you were voting for. No longer. You have had plenty of time to see the true character of the disturbingly mentally disordered candidate you voted for in 2016 and yet you still support him in 2024. I have such a low opinion on of you at this point that I can’t stomach keeping your company, even civilly.


    Her response: a “HaHa” reaction to my comment.

    We haven’t spoken since.

  • Days later, the Silvers said they received their son’s medical records, which showed less than two weeks before his death, Biruk told his therapist twice that he was suicidal and had a plan – similar to the way he died. Katy said she couldn’t believe what she was reading. Katy emailed his therapist, asking, “You spoke to me every day. I called you every day. How could you not tell me?” She told KSL she received no response.

    I work in mental health and that’s pretty much grounds for having your license suspended. Along with all the other investigations into this organization, it’s hard to justify why they should be allowed to continue to operate.

  • On Oct. 16, 2023, Mr. Cure, 53, was traveling to his home outside of Atlanta, Ga., after visiting his mother in South Florida, when Sergeant Aldridge stopped him on Interstate 95, not far from the state line.

    The Camden County Sheriff’s Office said that Mr. Cure was pulled over for driving more than 100 miles per hour in a 70 m.p.h. zone. It later released camera footage of the encounter, showing Mr. Cure saying that he had done nothing wrong and pulling his arm away from the deputy.

    After Sergeant Aldridge told Mr. Cure that he was being arrested because of speeding and reckless driving, they continued to argue and Mr. Cure refused to put his hands behind his back, according to the footage.

    The footage also showed the deputy using his Taser on Mr. Cure. The two struggled, with their arms wrapped around each other. The footage shows Mr. Cure grabbing the deputy’s face, pushing his head and body back and cursing at him, while Sergeant Aldridge hit him with a baton. The sergeant then shot Mr. Cure.

    As much as I think police brutality is a problem, particularly for racial minorities, my sympathy drops substantially when people engage in violent resistance to arrest. You make yourself a danger to officers, you make them defend themselves and the public via whatever means necessary. Not saying reasonable force considerations don’t apply, but if you get violent, don’t be surprised when violence is used against you.