Wisconsinite here where the badger is native and the mascot for the University of Wisconsin is the Badger.
This meme is inaccurate.
The American Badger will also remove your kidneys and sell them on the black market as well, to support their meth habit.
I’m in new mexico and saw a badger crossing the road while I was driving to work. It stopped in the middle of the road, turned towards me and waited, like it was deciding whether or not to fuck up the large metal thing coming towards it. Then slowly turned and continued on it’s way when it decided I wasn’t worth it. No fear whatsoever.
Brother in law had a huge wolf dog. The kind that can put it’s paws on your shoulders and look at you face to face. Massive. He got in a tussel with a badger and got tore up, took two weeks to heal. Then took off and came back with a 40 lbs badger in his mouth. Overall a 40 lbs meth badger = 150 lbs wolf dog.
Dog had a bone to pick with that badger
That was a good boy
Badger Boogaloo 2 - Payback is a Bitch.
Was it the same badger?
Australian badgers are half this size, have no teeth at all, but can project venom 50ft from a gland in their nostril. The venom is completely harmless to humans, however it soaks into the skin and causes a pheromone to be emitted from the lungs such that when you are asleep, it attracts 14 different species of deadly venomous spiders that are attracted to your airway from up to a 4km radius.
Those are the ones related to drop bears, right? I mean they’ve gotta be.
I don’t want to know if this is true or not. Nobody look it up.
You had me in the first half
That’s worse. So much worse. “I won’t kill you but you’ll wish I did”
It sounds kinda based on stink badgers but they also aren’t in Australia.
Reality is that they’ll both kill you. European badgers are just more classy about it.
He’s just a lil guy dies
That’s exactly what badgers do in the stories of Beatrix Potter
Cook meth?
Having just visited the Lakes District, it’s wild how much Beatrix Potter stores there are.
Wait till you hear what they do in Brian Jacques’ Redwall series!
Honey badgers will fuck up your shit simply because it was there.
deleted by creator
American badger is a wolverine? Genuine question.
No, this is a wolverine:
It’s about twice as big as an American badger.
No, this is a wolverine
No, this is a wolverine:
He’s a living raging powerhouse who’s bound to knock you back on your emerald posterior!
Fucking awesome
Ah, a family sized meth weasel.
I’ve witnessed a European badger stand up to a golden retriever much bigger than it barking and growling aggressively in its face and the badger stood its ground. I don’t know if it was too scared to turn away or if it genuinely wanted to fight, but it was brave AF either way. (also I’ve never seen such a clean badger, but tbf most examples I see are dead on the road :/ )
If you think American badgers are bad wait till you meet the crack fox
Dammit is this how we got the Lion & Wardrobe and such?
When I was a child, I was told that hunters used to put things like twigs in their boots, so the European badger would let go, when they heard the “leg break”.
Though I doubted it even then.
You’ve missed out the Scottish snow badger. Like the regular European badger but about a third larger and completely white to blend into their (now disappearing) snowy highland habitats.
They are the sole reason hard plastic shell ski boots were invented after it was found that snow badgers have no problem biting through the old leather ski boots we used to use.
They hibernate through the summer months and only come out to hunt during the winter so it’s very hard to get a photo of them.