Batman rubs out another one of the Jokers boners. Unfortunately his boner was a trick and it turns into a sticky situation for our caped crusader. Tune in next week kids!
Batman rubs out another one of the Jokers boners. Unfortunately his boner was a trick and it turns into a sticky situation for our caped crusader. Tune in next week kids!
Hey, I hope you don’t mind, I got up a little early, so I took the liberty of milking your cow for you. Yeah, it took a little while to get her warmed up, she sure is a stubborn one, whew.
Creole style “Holy Trinity” is onions, bell pepper, and celery. My first big recipe book was by Chef Prudhomme, cooked a lot of things in that book. Almost all of them started out with sauteing those veggies and than making a roux, Cajun napalm.
As a guy who was limited on cookware. Everything ends up in a big ass pot was very appealing.
Oh yeah plants? Eat my ass!
Wipes ass with toilet paper
Just goon forever
I throw them one of these looks.
Plot twist the asteroid is made of copper.
Getting high and playing on modded Tribes servers was a certain form of Zen for me.
For me “slow mornings” means I get to take my time as I poop, shower, and then enjoy a cup of coffee in absolute silence. Before my day is ruined by my kids fighting or asking me for things.
I’ll keep this in mind next time I get pulled over. Who knows could work with the right cop.
I’d usually leave and not bother waking them up.
Usually we were all hung over or stayed awake all night anyways and just rolled into some breakfast joint looking like homeless tweakers.
“… it’s time to go to distant lands…”
Thanks, this really fucked with me when I tried to scroll past.
Like when you are backing up your car and the car next to you starts going forward.
He killed Bowser and rest of the koopas are taking revenge.
Except instead of a smuggling guns or drugs we are stealing eggs and produce.
Um yeah same… I certainly wasn’t thinking “wow what a juicy minion ass”. That would be weird right?
I love subtle edits like this