My son is trans. Please vote for Joe Biden so he can have the protections he needs and I don’t have to stay up at night worrying about him.
I am very good friends with a trans women who I worked with for a number of years. She is seriously considering leaving the US because of this bullshit. So yes, please vote for Biden.
Also, I hope you son is doing well! It’s a hell of a process.
My best friend is trans and he’s considering doing the same. It’s so bullshit that he has to leave an entire life behind because the conservatwats are so hateful.
Most people are unable to flee the U.S. Most countries will not simply accept someone without meeting specific criteria.
I wouldn’t be shocked, though, if at least one or two countries would accept trans asylum seekers.
I just hope it’d be more like trans krakoa and less like trans genosha
Friendly reminder that everyone who believes in accelerationist BS is privileged af.
Looking at you, Hexbear… and people who deleted my comments yesterday calling out Hexbear as tankies
Sadly, the behavior isn’t limited to certain instances though
“accelerationist”? Pardon my ignorance, but what’s that?
The idea that we cannot have real change without some for of revolution, so we should make things go to their extreme, and cause some kind of cultural revolution.
I see. I understand that as a path, but that seems like the “option of last resort” to me, and these guys want to make it the proposed one?
Fake communists. Hexbears. It’s just Anarchy, but the “fuck everything” type of anarchy.
I understand the frustration and desire to burn everything down, but I just think that’s lazy and won’t end up working at all.
Those are just nihilist. Actual anarchist generally aren’t the fuck shit up kind. Those are generally angsty young teens with very little understanding.
You are however 100% right about hexbear and Lemmygrad. They are all Marxist leninist. Which was an ill-conceived transitory authoritarian style anti communist government that was supposed to facilitate the build up to and transition to communism. But not communist itself. Which has failed everywhere it’s ever been tried. Much like capitalism if you go by it’s stated goals and ideals.
They love to blather on and on and on about communism and how great and wonderful it would be. And it would be. But everything they do is actually in opposition to it so they are very much fake/ performatory communists.
To be politely pedantic, while I agree generally, in the defense of nihilists, not all of them want to actively burn it down. They just don’t care and nothing matters. It’s the unique combination of anger and anti-establishment that makes the type of person we are talking about. And if they care enough to burn it down, I’d argue they can’t be a nihilist by definition.
No, it’s people who think accelerating the country into a hyper capitalist fascist hellhole will lead to the accelerated collapse of the capitalist system. Then revolution will bring the promised land to them. Of course they don’t realize that collapse isn’t necessarily guaranteed.
Someone who thinks we should have the worst right now and get it over with.
Hey not everyone from ml is a dipshit. Some of us just stumbled into ml because it was a stable and popular instance when we joined.
Hexbear on the other hand? I don’t think you would just accidentally join that place, at least not without getting banned the first time you say something against their pro fascist hive mind.
I just had another comment on ml deleted today for saying some people on ml are bootlickers. Becoming less and less of a fan lately
But they are both the same
- some asshole
People don’t realize (and some people just outright refuse to admit) that we are in the middle of a genocide of trans people. Trump will make that so much worse.
I wish your son, my daughter’s best friend who is trans, and all the other trans people in this country the best life. That won’t happen if Trump gets in.
For such an incredibly lazy person, he sure is planning to do a lot “on day one.”
This is starting to have “lock her up” vibes.
Yes but with the architects of project 2025, i feel like this one will actually happen.
Oh this one has a good chance of happening. I’m just talking about in general. He promises to do every single thing on day one.
Ah yes, very true, well the one promise he made, to be a dictator for a day, I think he will do that one day one.
“I’ll only be a dictator on day one.”
Can he stay awake long enough to revoke everything he says he’ll do on day 1?
Don’t worry, the bigots who are backing him won’t let him forget.
It will be a cocaine-fueled frenzy.
Yes because he only falls asleep when other people are talking. He LOVES listening to himself
Here we go again and again on this repeat episode of Hold Your Nose And Vote For Joe Where as Joe is enacting and upholding protections for the LGBTQ community, Trump is only too happy to repeal that shit so fast. Not only that, but big boi Trump also has alluded to glassing Iran, which is way further than Biden has escalated towards. Biden is sadly, our current cold comfort here. We’re stuck between a rock and a slightly more malleable corrupt WW3 causing dipshit rock
Just one more example of why voting for Trump would be a big step backwards for the USA. Even if you think Biden is bad, Trump would be far worse.
And if you don’t like the notion of voting for either “Bad” or “Worse” then you should move because that’s how elections work here.
I moved here from reddit because I feel like every time you try to open your mouth there about how important it is to vote, you get absolutely mobbed by so-called leftists who “just can’t reconcile their values with voting for biden” as if they are helping the world and their brave stance is going to help people.
Seriously, between this issue and the “bear VS men” debate, I just can’t anymore, I can’t deal with people, I have no idea what super-villain has irradiated the population with a density-ray, but people right now seem almost surreally ignorant, like I always knew it was bad, but I’m beginning to finally see after four and a half decades how bad it really is out there. And it’s far, far worse than any of us ever imagined.
I had a terse argument with someone in RL the other day who didn’t know what lava was. Like, the molten rock that comes out of volcanos? They never in their lives questioned what a volcano was, and just assumed all the “red goo” that comes out just has to get cleaned up after it cools, and that the government should try to plug volcanoes. It turned into an argument because he didn’t believe my “mainstream science” explanation.
It’s okay to be dumb out there, dumb is actually good, dumb can be fixed. What’s terrifying me for our future is the doubling-down on ignorance, the weird pride in “choosing your own truths.”
Trump may get elected again and this fact alone should terrify all of us. Not just for what Trump will do in office, but what it means for our population that there are enough people who have chosen an entirely separate set of axioms and truths about the world, and just fukkin discard actual, verifiable facts. Now we have AI exploding into the world and distorting things worse. We’re in a lot of trouble.
You know what terrifies me? Even if I vote for “Bad” it just takes a few thousand people in some other state to completely negate me doing the right thing and we get “Worse.” And then we’re just supposed to accept the results. Because them’s the rules. Oh well…
It’s a stupid system of government and I don’t blame people for checking out. I wish I could just ignore it, too.
My point isn’t that people shouldn’t vote - because clearly Worse is worse than Bad - but that we don’t get to vote for Better. For that we need to protest and agitate and get our skulls cracked in by thugs and possibly killed. Our history proves that nothing improves in America without violence.
This feels like semantics. There is “bad”, and there is an option that is “better”. I don’t know why folks feel like they need to use “bad” and “worse”, other than to build pessimism. The things people are upset about can’t easily fixed by presidents anyway - we need a large base of like minded representatives to do things like housing policy and universal healthcare and education reform and climate change. It’s a lot easier to break things than to improve peoples lives, which is why it’s critical not to elect people intent on breaking things.
I don’t need to build pessimism. I’ve been aware of politics since the late 80s, and voting since 2000. I’m plenty pessimistic already.
Going on YouTube taught me that a huge chunk of Americans don’t just support Trump and people like him, they adore him sand encourage and cheer his awful behavior
He’s got a cult of personality to the tune of about 50 million. He just needs to convince another 20 or so to show up (or 20 of the opposition to sit home) to get the electors he needs for the presidency.
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
This is a quote by Martin Niemöller, a German theologian who spent eight years in concentration camps towards the end of WW2 and who afterwards publicly spoke out a about the dangers of complacency in the face of fascism.
First they helped fund a literal genocide, and I did not speak out—
Because it wasn’t my realtives being killed by US bombs and I was afraid that standing up and doing the right thing would have costs for me personally.
“I will attack these Americans on day one.”
Oh gee thanks asshole. How does anyone think that is okay at all.
god told them it was okay.
I remember that Bible verse:
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these… unless their LGBTQIA+”
What the hell makes him think he’ll be president again? If he loses the election he won’t be president. If he wins the election Biden can just refuse to leave office. It’s legal because everything a president does is legal. There is litterally a case before the SC where Trump is making that argument.
Biden would have to do that, which seems doubtful.
It’s all just so dumb and people being drawn into this are just sad and not very bright. Just a boring recipe.
If you are against a child taking a puberty suppressing drug they want to take at age 10, but are ok with tearing off the genitals (not circumcision, the whole thing) of a day old baby, you aren’t against transition, you are against children’s autonomy.
They’re also ok with child marriage.
Are you talking about intersex babies?
This man shouldn’t even still be considered a candidate…
If this isn’t enough to get literally everyone that isn’t a Republican to vote, I don’t know what is.
And yet there are people saying they cant vote for Biden due to the Israel conflict. Madness.
He will seemingly do a lot on day one. What will he do the other 4 years?
Whine, post misspelled toilet rage tweets, sell/accidentally blab national secrets to our adversaries… Yah know, the usual entitled baby who gets put in charge stuff.
He won’t even get to it. The moment he’s elected he’ll probably die or something. Fascist would take power. Then everyone who’s not straight white and only does missionary sex will be sent off to the camps.
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