Ive been struggling getting good sleep bc i had to wake up in the dark the last month, finally felt ok yesterday with the time switch. DST is a nightmare of sleep deprivation.
Ive been struggling getting good sleep bc i had to wake up in the dark the last month, finally felt ok yesterday with the time switch. DST is a nightmare of sleep deprivation.
If you preform the needed procedures your a felon, subject to hundreds of thousands in fines and multiple years of jail. While clearly the net moral shing to do is save the life, its a stupid choice to put on anyone. The laws are evil and so are its supporters
Mort of the people in Texas don’t support this. More over nearly a majority do not have the means to fight this nor leave.
Yeah please don’t toss out the underclass we all caush to have nice things.
Just give money. Its bizarre and sick that you feel the need to have your gift blessed by a corporation. As if the 3 minutes spent buying the things to have some fraction taken by your corporate overlord somehow means you tried anymore than giving a stack of money.
yeah the first, we don’t need letters when we have numbers
No its absolutely not. The best and only just outcome would have been acquittal via nullification by the jury.
well i was going to condemn genocide but then some people who want the killing to stop blockid traffic so now i think its ok to kill people.
sure have fun being mad at the protestors
Just send it mate
ironically half my team at work is in Norway and they use windows. My team in the US uses linux.
but they could be anyone, even worse candidate!
Dem by Apple, Leftists put linux on potatoes
They are doing a great job, no need to change
Bc the safe zone isn’t actually safe.
It’s short but to the point, use AGPL and the problem is capitalism.
He literally is an old man. Which is the core issue.
High super consumption has much more impact on heart health than fats as well.
Pork fat is less processed product and certainly more healthy. America isn’t actually great at much but one thing we do have is the least healthy food to ever exist.
Authentication of the author is not the same as copyright.
What ever time is fine, we just have to stop switching.