Depends. He seems pretty out of it right now and I don’t know how much he would really accomplish. He’s also pretty old and unhealthy.
But if he comes back angry and the people around him are effective, then yeah we would start looking for other places to live. I’m not trying to live in a Russian-style handmaid’s tale.
I don’t think it’s dramatic to suggest Trump may actually put an end to our democracy though. Another Lemmy commenter summed it up best. They pointed out that we on the left may have disagreed with McCain or Bush, but we never once feared that they would seize power or leave NATO. We trusted them to at least keep the ship afloat and respect the basic tenants of our free and democratic nation.
With Trump, we don’t have that. All bets are off because he’s an unhinged narcissist. He would leave NATO and risk the Pax Americana that has stabilized the world for almost 100 years now. And he would do it for money, for negative attention, or just because someone told him he couldn’t. America has some pretty major faults but China and Russia are not ready to take the reigns. Say what you will about the West but we at least endeavor to protect human rights. I think anyone who isn’t trying to build on the current Western peace is incredibly dangerous in a very scary way.
Everyone should read their Project 2025 plan, they plan on consolidating power by firing or arresting any non Right winger in power or employed by the government, among many other fascistic power consolidation wet dreams:
I humbly request you post this in
Make the thread and I’ll pin it
They pointed out that we on the left may have disagreed with McCain or Bush, but we never once feared that they would seize power or leave NATO.
They were saying all of the same things about W. Bush in 2004.
We trusted them to at least keep the ship afloat and respect the basic tenants of our free and democratic nation.
Not at all. The left viewed W. Bush as a wannabe dictator, not much different from how Trump is viewed now.
I did not view Bush at all like Trump. Really disliked his political takes on most things and thought he was embarrassingly dumb some times but it never ever even crossed my mind that he was a threat to the republic. And actually admired his composure and leadership after 9/11. They’re not even remotely comparable.
I viewed Bush as an incompetent moron with business cronies crawling in to every spot in his administration. I don’t recall people saying he was a wannabe dictator, he had at least some respect for the Constitution and the electoral process. Trump on the other hand, put extreme pressure on the DoJ to direct investigations away from him, minimize their impact or bury them as best as possible. His administration freaking extradited a convicted Russian agent back to her home country because she was funneling money and propaganda to the GOP through the NRA. Trump is a wannabe dictator, he didn’t get to be one because he didn’t have to spine to follow through with his coup because he knew he needed the thinnest amount of plausible deniability to give his GOP sycophants cover to justify letting him off the hook if it failed.
What the fuck can I do? Just be even more depressed about the state of the country
Not everyone has the luxury of uprooting their lives when a fascist comes.
Yeah so many in the thread are like “duh I just moved, easy”
Yeah ok easy for you
I’ll get the kerosene
i’ll worry about it if and when it happens. i have wasted too much time, energy and resources worrying and catastrophizing about things i cannot control.
Not a bad idea to consider a plan though. If you’d want to move away, that’s a major decision that is best made through research and deliberation, not in a fearful rush to escape.
So in other words, you plan to let yourself and your family be killed so you can feel better.
The “stick head in sand” method has become extremely popular and it is a serious problem.
Be killed??? Look, I know Trump is nutso, but why in the world would him being president again equate to someone’s family being killed??
Dunno know. Maybe they are immigrants and will end up in some camp, maybe they are trans and someone will murder them, maybe they are Jewish or muslim and someone will shot up their temple, maybe they are Asian and someone will push them right into the subway tracks, maybe they will work in the service industry and be forbidden from wearing a mask, maybe they are diabetic and lose their Obamacare coverage for insulin…
If we make plans, and post them on the internet, people start throwing around words like “premeditated” and it just makes things harder.
Lose my last shred of faith in this country, mostly
Looool look at this guy, he still has some faith left
Kicking him out did restore a nonzero amount yes.
to continue to live my life
How, when being targeted, jailed or killed under fascism?
I would simply shoot anyone who attempted to do any of that to me or anyone else in my care. We should all be prepared to defend ourselves, rather than give in to oppression.
You’re damn right. I’m the kind of man that most men wish they could be.
Trump isn’t going to target everyone. It’s literally impossible for him to do that.
Not all at once. Fascists target a series of out groups, starting with the most marginalized, making the in group smaller and smaller. The more of the rich white cisgender heterosexual Christian male boxes you check, the further down the list you probably are, but you will be targeted eventually.
Assumes he gets a third term, though, and that will not happen without a civil war or massive protests unrest. It also ignores the amount of legal challenges he’ll get, and the Supreme Court can’t rule on all of them.
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Chill out, dude. I’m not voting for a Republican in a state or national election any time soon. I’m of the opinion that Trump is a puppet controlled by other Republicans given the fact that Angela Merkel had to explain to Trump 11 times that he has to make trade deals with the EU and not Germany.
The fact that you resort to insults first and communication last (just like hardcore Republicans, by the way) is what’s gonna make the left lose elections and make America worse off.
I am not so sure he is such a puppet. Care to explain? A lot of high flying republicans seem to fear him.
From my limited knowledge of other Republicans, they probably fear his influence and reach. The thing about Trump, though, is that every time I read a recollection of some high-level conversation between him and another qualified official, he always seems clueless. For example, in a 2021 interview, Fauci said that Trump would believe personal anecdotes from “friends” despite Fauci explaining multiple times that anecdotes are less trustworthy than scientific studies:
It was always, “A guy called me up, a friend of mine from blah, blah, blah.” That’s when my anxiety started to escalate.
He’s a puppet because he lacks media literacy and lacks an understanding of logical reasoning, and as a result, he’s easily manipulated by other people with stuff like conspiracy theories. Republicans might fear him because he will win. I fear him because he will make bad decisions not purely out of malice but out of a lack of due diligence and understanding of the effects of his actions.
The same plan I have every election, TRY TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD.
Take a shot for every comment saying “Move to Canada” :)
Move to Canada
Move to Canada
Move to Canada
Move to Canada
Move to Canada
Move to Canada
Move to Canada
Move to Canada
Go easy dude, you’re gonna kill him.
I thought that was the point?
Just giving him a head start
As much of a joke as it is, that’s a real option for me. Won’t pull the trigger on day one, but you bet your ass I’ll be ready to go at a moments notice.
There are currently only 8 or 9 “move to Canada” comments; you’ll need more before the number of shots is sure to kill you.
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Oh yeah because it’s that easy to just pack up and move to a country that doesn’t want you.
I will have no issue imegrating, I have “an in” as well as a place to live already.
The border is only a 20 minute drive anyway.
The “doesn’t want me” statement seems like your personal opinion, not objective reality.
Yah, if you have any skills and are financially stable, Canada is super down. They love people who contribute to society.
Or, ya know, you married one of em.
It’s completely understandable! I wouldn’t want to be in the US either if I were American and Canada seem pretty chill in comparison.
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You think you’re… you’re BETTER than me?! Huh?!
Well, I’ve got some rope, a candlestick, a revolver, a lead pipe and a nice knife; I wanted to keep my options open.
We playing Clue?! I’ll be Prof. Plum!
A typical Fallout loot inventory
How does one off themself with a candlestick
Watch Democrats blame people they were actively hostile towards for not enthusiastically waiting for hours in the cold to vote for them.
Then watch the world’s longest-running uninterrupted democracy with the world’s largest military and the world’s largest nuclear arsenal become a fascist dictatorship. Maybe I’ll die quickly and have a chance to be envied.
Fix your messaging, Dems. Pretend he’s a progressive and oppose him.
ackchtually russia has the most nukes
Honestly, just point to his examples of government overreach! Heck if Dems really wanted to hurt him, do some overreach that they want to do anyway and make sure that they thank the man, heck say without him this would be impossible and that if we don’t take advantage of it someone else will!
Just go hard on red flag laws, just use those bad boys up on all of their opponents, and say “Trump was awful for a lot of things, but thank god he got some of the strongest anti gun laws on the books in decades, without him, we couldn’t have gone after this dangerous far right militia, he really made this inevitable.”
Just go hard on red flag laws,
Democrats don’t “go hard” on anything.
The same thing I do after every election, cringe for another four years.
If Trump wins, he’s not stepping down after 4 years. He (and his kind) are staying in power for good.
Sure. I’ll believe it when I see it. Please can you try being more dramatic next time?
How’d that work for him last time?
Surprisingly well, given that his incompetent failed coup landed him fuck-all for punishment.
He’s literally on trial for a coup that failed and thats surprisingly well? What went well in your opinion the coup that didn’t work, or the trial(s) that are ongoing?
He’s literally on trial for a coup that failed and thats surprisingly well?
A properly-functioning society would’ve executed Trump for treason by now. Hell, even the fucked-up Weimar Republic had managed to try, convict, and imprison Hitler by the time three years had gone by since the Beer Hall Putsch.
Meanwhile, Trump hasn’t even so much as seen the inside of a jail cell yet, so things are going extraordinarily well for him.
Im not going to defend the court draging their ass but its a hell of a lot easier to try a dead man over one who won’t shut up. Hes also in the same situation as his little insurgent fans, those cases took and are taking quite a long time too, I still wouldn’t call that better than expected. If he doesn’t see the inside of a cell thats better than expected but by all meausre of lawyers commenting on his cases, ‘better than expected’ is not a take I’m hearing.
When we look at other countries that have had successful coups overturn their governments, the most common indicator among them is a previous unsuccessful coup plot.
I imagine a number of famous people will talk about how they’re moving to Canada, and don’t.
Its a time honored american tradition to shoot someone wearing red clothing thats trying to tell everyone what to do
Not Santa!
Idk I hear they have alters to him being put up in government buildings
continue being annoyed by the level of corruption and incompetence of the US ruling class while existing in a visibly collapsing empire.
Nothing I can do. Just do my best to finish out at college (assuming financial aid is still a thing) and move out of the country ASAP.
Move out of the country, *and still have to pay taxes 😂
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Its also weird to see outside America. In Europe you pay taxes on where you work, not because you are a citizen.
Agreed. Billionaires should be able to move around money to escape social responsibilities. Good job
Could give up your citizenship
What countries would even take U.S. migrants though?
And Americans would wind up being abused abroad by those who seek to give the U.S. retribution for the way it treats those who run away to it.
A lot of countries have tax treaties with each other as long as they’re in good standing with each other, so that people only need to pay tax in one country (in the case where one maintains citizenship in one country while working in another). Unless you’re making a shit ton of money to the point you’re subject to different rules, it’s highly unlikely you’ll be double taxed