Twitch allowing more nudity after disproportionately banning female streamers | Twitch confirmed its policy banning nudity was sexist.::Twitch confirmed its policy banning nudity was sexist.
Sexism is an issue with gaming for sure but banning nudity is not sexism.
It is if women’s nipples are nudity but men’s nipples are not.
I agree with you but this is more of a societal issue and not necessarily a Twitch issue. I think Twitch following the standards set by society was reasonable however them pushing to improve upon those is absolutely welcome.
I disagree. At one point in time it was society saying black people couldn’t eat with white people and it was people and companies willing to push that boundary that changed this.
We are all members of society and it is on us to constantly push back against the unfair traditions in our community.
Did you just equate Jim Crow with not being able to see titties on a mainstream streaming site?
You know you can see titties on other streaming sites, right?
Yikes why even reply to people if you want to be this deliberately dishonest.
Yikes, you’re the one who brought up Jim Crow in the context of seeing titties on twitch.
How else am I supposed to interpret your desire for society to progress when you go from Jim Crow straight to “free the nipple”
You could have brought of women’s suffrage or any other women’s struggle, but you chose the racism side of things.
How dare wanting to treat people fairly be cited when wanting to treat people fairly. Time to strawman that people just want boobies.
I would have to sit here wading through accusations and strawmans to try and get anything through to you. That’s why it’s a yikes because you don’t care to be more mature than a 15 year old about this and it show.
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Bad take in my opinion. It’s quite clear the difference between the two in our society.
Wait a minute could our society be sexist?
Maybe, maybe not, that really makes no difference here
Yeah, but that difference is specifically rooted in sexism and misogyny. The very fact that we can all see the difference that isn’t much of a difference shows that there’s a divide that needs to be bridged. We only think women’s nipples are inappropriate because we were taught to. Plenty of cultures around the world don’t see breasts as inappropriate, and they’re doing just fine.
Yeah, but you’re not going to stop people (generally) from getting horny when looking at breasts no matter how much you educate them. So idk what your goal is.
It’s hard-wired.
No, it’s not. People at nude beaches or at nudist colonies aren’t walking around with erections all day. African communities where women don’t wear tops don’t have guys jerking off whenever they get a chance. The sexualization of breasts in our culture is a product of our association with breasts as a purely sexual object, and the viewing of them as a purely sexual act. The way that stops being a thing is by allowing them to exist in non-sexual contexts, and teaching a new generation that they are just like any other body part.
If a girl nonchalantly takes off her top while going about her day today, it will be viewed as a sexual thing, because anyone who sees will have only seen such an act in sexual contexts. If, for several years, women all around the US are empowered to nonchalantly take off their tops whenever feel like it, it will become a common, non-sexualized act, because it will be associated more with everyday life than with what people do behind closed doors.
A horny teenage boy is a prime target for abuse. You may think it’s cultural, but you may also be wrong. Hormones are a helluva drug.
A horny teenage boy better learn to keep his hands to himself. I don’t give a shit what he feels compelled to do, and neither should any woman who happened to set him off.
Just out of curiosity, total non sequitur here:
Do you believe homosexuality is a choice?
Your “non-sequitur” is trying insinuate that a person’s innate sexual orientation toward certain genders mirrors an innate sexual response to certain body parts, which I don’t disagree with. I find women beautiful, and in the right circumstances, I have a sexual response to that beauty. The difference lies between simple attraction and horniness.
I’m attracted to a beautiful woman wearing clothes that compliment her beauty. Do I immediately get a hard on? No. Do I become unable to function as a result of seeing her? No. Whatever reaction I have toward her beauty is my own circumstance to handle - she is under no obligation to change herself based on my reaction. I’m attracted to her, but seeing women wearing well-fitting clothes is a normal part of my day, so I don’t find it overtly sexual. It can become sexual if the woman starts flirting with me, for example, but just wearing nice clothes doesn’t make me horny, because most women wear nice clothes simply because they want to.
I see my wife topless all the time, and while I think she’s beautiful, I don’t get horny at every sight of her, nor should I. Most of the time she just doesn’t want to deal with putting a shirt on - she’s not trying to turn me on, and I’m not getting tuned on. This is a normal example a woman comfortable with being topless in a non-sexual situation, and a man, used to seeing that woman topless, not having a strong reaction to it. This is how all men, regardless of sexual orientation, would see breasts if women were as comfortable not wearing a shirt around men as my wife is around me. If my wife were to start teasing me and trying to turn me on, I would start getting horny, because that’s the appropriate time for a person to have a sexual response to another person’s body.
That doesn’t mean society isn’t sexist. There’s lots of bullshit society is sexist about like how men can’t be loving and affectionate parents.
Show of hands, how many here have jerked it to male nipples?
Some people have jerked it to fully clothed women. Ought we ban every woman from twitch? Maybe enforce hijabs?
Too sexy, must enforce nikabs!
Keep it flaccid or we’re going full burka!
I would rather not see any nudity on my gaming streams…
How many male bimbo gamer streams are there?
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You’re in luck! There are millions of people playing games on Twitch. Who knew?
Definitely not RabbePompano.
goes on Twitch
finds game
watches someone play it
At some point in there I completely ignored all the discount OnlyFans over on IRL and Just Chatting tags.
That said: An opt-in with specific categories would halt a lot of the people complaining. Been awhile since I’ve dug into websites design, though thay shouldn’t be too difficult to implement, especially as they already have tags.
There’s a lot of good content under the umbrella of. Just chatting. From scam baiters to glassblowers and musicians, all trying to do their best to attract viewers.
It hasn’t been strictly gaming for many years,
What is interesting is if you don’t click on or watch those streams Twitch doesn’t recommend them to you.
A lot of the complaining is often just an unaware self report which is kinda funny.
See people said this about tiktok too and while for the most part it’s true they’ll still push it in your face every now and then.
I’ve blocked or clicked “not interested” on every clearly sexualized video yet they keep showing up.
They recommend what’s popular. The biggest issue is there’s enough simps with endless money watching these streamers/content creators that they’re not going away anytime soon
I don’t use tiktok and haven’t ever so I’ll have to take your word on that.
I suspect ignoring content is way more influential to the algorithm. But at the same time I spend relatively little to no time just browsing streamer channels.
It really seems like seeing something sexy every now and then isn’t really pushing it into faces. But if anything I do not think Twitch is readily prepared or equipped to adequately sequester their 18+ content given the absolute reliance on users and streamers to self report their content and access to it.
No, they’ll definitely still show on the front page if under Just Chatting, even if you log out, open a private window, or use a different computer altogether. It’s basically random, as far as I can tell, or just showing popular streams (or both).
Sure, but you should be aware that logging out, using a private window, or a different computer are all sure fire ways to ensure it acts as close to randomly or popular as possible.
The 18+ streams shouldn’t be freely advertised until the user has identified themselves as 18+ at any rate.
True, no disagreement there
Cash money, son
Your comment insinuates that you have trouble finding gamers on the platform, as if there’s a finite limit on creator count and the gamers are getting pushed out by non-gaming creators, which is obviously not the case.
Is it a matter of going to Twitch for games but then getting roped in by the porn instead? If so, that’s pretty funny tbh.
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Twitch is stuck between a religious rock and a hard-as-wood place.
I’m gonna get downvoted, but this culture where teenagers can form parasocial relationships with what are essentially softcore pornstars and a culture where women can very easily become pornstars isn’t healthy.
I believe some of them are on websites like OnlyFans, which can be real porn if they decide to do so. I imagine being on Twitch is a method to be discovered.
I also agree with what you said. I also dislike how pornographic content is served right next to normal innocent content. It’s like having porn channels on TV right next to the family channels.
I can argue that everyone on Only fans is a pornstar, just that some are softcore pornstars. On the flip side some are prostitutes.
Twitch IMO is fucked up in a different way. This is a platform that pre-pubescent children frequently use. Allowing for nudity essentially creates a pipeline where kids hit puberty, form parasocial relationships with pornstars, and get unhealthy ideas about women.
Like in the past there used to be a lot more of a disconnect. Like if you went on pornhub, you were explicitly going to watch porn. The porn videos were well known to be completely over dramatized to the point where it can’t be taken as a realistic depiction of sex. The porn stars were explicitly porn stars. You had no idea about their personality and there was no concept of getting an emotional connection to them. There also was a general acknowledgement, even among the most liberal circles, that sex work was incredibly unhealthy.
Nowadays all of this shit is not only normalized to an insane degree, but the line between fiction and reality has been blurred to an insane degree.
Every time this comes up someone says “Oh what’s the harm? PRUDE”. There are some things that are harmful in ways that are difficult to explain, and not at all immediately clear. I feel like our current sex culture is a good example of that.
I agree twitch is stuck but for me they shouldn’t allow more nudity. Even if they put it in different categories. It s not a problem of puritanism , it s just that kid will have a direct access to literals strip stream , and your twitch account is directly linked with your amazon account and your cc. I have absolutely not problel with site like chaturbate , because you have to search for it , its completely clear on the content and even if of course there are kids who will browse it , well its more" difficult " to pay on it . Oh and btw on twitch the streamer is way closer to the chat than on any cam site the line between streamer and porn is too blur.
“It’s not a problem of puritanism, but (puritan argument)”
Interesting how we’ve gone from “expecting nudity from women is sexist” to “NOT expecting nudity from women is sexist”.