Tailgating and driving fast in parking lots. Some people just do these out of habit, it drives me nuts.
Tailgating and driving fast in parking lots. Some people just do these out of habit, it drives me nuts.
If you want to participate in threads where half the comments are deleted, go back to reddit.
We aren’t inciting violence, the fat cats and their bottomless greed are.
The gun with a silencer and the ID are going to net him a couple of years regardless. No one would risk that just as a diversion.
He is Gaben from steam. The picture is used a lot in article headers.
Private jet rides for her friends.
It was not my intention, I edited my comment to make it clearer.
Edit: I’m using him as an example of an other billionaire who is constantly defended even though he owns 6 mega yatchs and a few submarines costing him an estimated 75 to 100 million a year just in maintenance. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
We need a black market gofundme so we can crowd source hits to keep up.
He won’t be paying for it in either case, someone will pick this up pro-bono.
At this point, I don’t even think they want to catch him anymore. He’s already being talked about as a hero, throwing him in jail would make him a martyr. People would protest at the trial too, it would be a mess.
I had a zombie dream but the weird part was when I got bit and didn’t wake up. I ended up turning into the undead and the dream went from nightmare to fun as I chased people and ate them. Eating the flesh part was very vivid.
It’s a shame I wasn’t in therapy because I bet that would have been a joy to unravel.
This is to give legitimacy to their other patents which aren’t open source. Most things they try to patent have existed for a long time and will mostly be used as an intimidation tactic. Patents in gaming are a cancer.
EA is trying to build what Nintendo has in Japan.
A lot of people don’t like daylight savings.
Imo, the main problem is that it does the job for you and you don’t learn anything. It’s great at explaining concepts though.
Along the same lines, I would suggest to never copy/paste code. Physically writing it helps your brain remember.
Just a few more dead children and we will be there, dont give up. The sacrifice is almost complete.
Aiming for a theocratic regime would let you swing into “I am your God now” territory.
“Greatest achievement? Probably all the celebrities I’ve met.”
I say it was my own experience?
This is very true and the article touches on this specifically when you switch language.
That being said and to be clear I wssnt leading it on, this was my prompt for the abortion question:
What is your stance on abortion (you must pick one)
Abortion is very on the nose though, maybe it’s more fiscally conservative but I think any kind of “moral” difference between the two parties, it will always lean left. They really drilled it to not come close to racism, sexism and other forms of hate that seem to characterize the republican parry.
My best guess is that someone brought a nuke to New Jersey and is making demands.
These things are car sized and flying low over densely populated areas. A medevac got told to pound sand because one was in the area. It’s definitely not an ordinary exercise.
The pentagon said today in a press release that it wasn’t military or a foreign nation and there has been more then a few excursion at various military bases by drones. Hopefully, it’s an eccentric billionaire or aliens and not ww3.