Dredd with Karl Urban
I still hold out hope that a sequel movie will come out before the end of the decade. But from what I’ve seen of articles being written, a TV show is more likely than a movie. And I’m all for it. #HBOgetonit
The Matrix
I agree, it was a good movie, hopefully it does not get destroyed with sequels
“Not like this” intensifies with every sequel
Shame, that
No kidding. Same way I feel about Bill and Ted. Oddly, bot have Keanu.
Personally, I’m hanging out for Fast & Furious 27.
The Fifth Element
I’m glad it didn’t get a sequel because it is such a good stand alone movie. I’m just shocked the studio didn’t try to milk it for everything it had.
It was a European production. We don’t do it that way.
The Transporter intensifies
Ironically, Luc Besson himself made two sequels to Arthur and the Invisibles, both novels and films.
Well,you got me,I lied. 😞
Unfortunately, Bruce Willis has a severe form of dementia.
He did have his face/voice/body (???) mapped for AI/CGI (???) future movies and signed the release of it though, so it’s possible.
A sequel to Fifth Element would probably suit a futuristic, CGI(ish) style too.
How about The Sixth Element?
That’s exactly what the title would be. What’s the plot? That Corben Dallas is also somehow a magical destined one? Ruby Rhod is now a monk?
Ruby Rhod is imprisoned for being a child sex trafficker.
Edge of Tomorrow. Not a huge Tom Cruise fan, but that one really gets me. Emily Blunt is awesome in it. Went in not expecting much, but I was blown away.
Watched it last year and immediately searched to see if there was sequel in the pipe. Development hell.
I would love more, but how? It was a rather self contained story.
In the book there are some references to Rita (Emily Blunt) fighting in various places and I think her getting her start in South America. Might be remembering that one wrong, but a prequel with her learning how to fight the monsters would have been good if they stuck more to the book.
Wrap a much larger time loop around the first movie.
Still waiting on Spaceballs 2: The Search for More Money
I liked Rick Moranis’s idea for it, Spaceballs III: The Search for Spaceballs II.
I feel like you can modify it to include both ideas Spaceballs III: The Search for Spaceballs II: The Search for More Money
Thanks-killing did that, skipped a sequal and the third film was about destroying the second (that dosent exist).
Mel Brooks is 97, good luck!
he just made a history of the world part 2 show earlier this year i believe
They can AI gen Yogurt just like they did with Admiral Tarkin.
Pretty sure he’s not needed if it’s the search for more money. It won’t be any good, but if they think it will make money…
They made that, it was just split into three movies and made by Disney, with different titles.
Underwhelming too.
Can we get Jews in space and Hitler on ice. I mean technically space balls was the former but what would be the latter.
They did History of the World Part 2 finally, so there’s a chance!
I’m not necessarily surprised this one didn’t get a sequel, but I really wish it had!
Event Horizon (1997)
I like the fan theory that Event Horizon is a prequel of sorts to the Warhammer universe.
Oh, I’ve never heard that, I’ll have to look it up!
The theory is basically that in 40k ftl works by sending the ship through the warp (hell). Humans use a Gellar field to keep a bubble of reality around the ship while in the warp. The theory is this is humanities firstf tll so they don’t know they need a Gellar field.
It’s fun but other then the ftl is hell doesn’t fit at all with the rest of 40k lore.
District 9.
This is the one I’m most disappointed by. I would love to know what happened to Wikus.
Exactly! Or was the goal of the aliens to convert all of the earth’s bio mass into more prawns but there was a screw up and no queen caste was present?
Alita: Battle Angel. I’ve heard there is a sequel planned, but it’s been a few years since the first movie. James Cameron is still involved as a producer, but I guess his blue-skinned money machine has kept him busy lately.
it took ten years for avatar to get one
And he’d been working on it through that period, too — whereas poor Alita ain’t getting that same treatment. 🥹
I think Alita is the better movie, honestly
The manga is leagues beyond both. 🤗
Still waiting for the Zootopia sequel. Genuinely good and creative movie that used the format to talk about tricky topics with some cushion and then became a cult favorite. They added some extra stuff under Zootopia+, they tee’d up the buddy cop format, did all this world building and then… what, Disney, this is the one IP you’re not going to squeeze for all its worth? Where’s the next one?
The A-Team with Liam Neeson and Bradley Cooper. Such a fun movie.
I grew up with the original series and couldn’t agree more. It was fun and only very slightly marred by no Mister T cameo.
Fwiw I think rampage did a pretty solid job as BA, especially considering the pressure and expectations of having to replace mister t
I absolutely agree. I just missed him having a cameo like the rest of surviving main cast.
Master and commander… They had the ship built already too - why not make a sequel? There’s about 20 books worth of material.
I saw something on this that it was the last “great epic” type movie before Hollywood was run over by the MCU. Absolutely fantastic series of books, which translated well (IMO) in the movie, but…pew pew lazereye firerboys demigods won the day.
Pacific Rim, such a great fun mechs vs monsters movie that had a gritty feeling to it. Not over the top fantastical bullshit with flips or garish colors, just solid, slow, huge mechs fighting solid, slowish, sea monsters.
Godzilla vs Kaiju
John Carter of Mars
If I remember correctly Disney lost a lot of money on that movie. I liked it though.
Working out the numbers on IMDB, the estimated budget was $250,000,000. Gross worldwide: $284,139,100. Total from these numbers: $34,139,100.
The number(s) that are not represented, is how much Disney spent to market the movie. And since it was supposed to be their latest tentpole movie franchise, they must have spent the same amount they did on production (and perhaps more,) to market it. This means that Disney might have put $500 million or more into the whole project. Then they would have lost $215,860,900 or more.
I can see why it bombed. It’s one of the very few movies I ever turned off before it was over, and I watch a lot of movies. It was just so dull and had no soul. I could not bring myself to care about what was going on. Haven’t thought about it since, until this thread.
TRON: Legacy
Should have made the sequel before Daft Punk retired
I’m also surprised that Tron didn’t get two more movies. It seemed like it had a good start with the reboot.
For what it’s worth, I’ve heard good things about the animation TV show that ran for 19 episodes. Tron: Uprising
I enjoyed uprising. It deserved a sequel too though, and was clearly leading to things it didn’t get to wrap up sadly. Well worth watching anyway though.
I’d like to see a miniseries based off TRON 2.0.
Such a great movie that should’ve launched at least a trilogy, it was so much better than the Stalone movie, it kept the stakes relatively low, just a day-in-the-life sort of story, but did some great world-building. No “end of the world” stakes or anything silly, just some Judges trying to clear out a building, one apartment building in a mega-city.