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Are bunkers really air-tight ? Don’t they pump air through filters?
Unless they have a self circulating system
Which would presumably include a filtration system that cleaned the air of bad stuff.
Having a filtration system doesn’t mean it’s a good idea to create more pollution. In the same way that having a washing machine doesn’t mean it’s a good idea to start deficating in your pants.
And you’re telling me this now?
Yeah, could have used that knowledge a couple hours ago…
When i dump the detergent in i also dump a cupful of dirt in there too, just to make the machine work harder. That way the clothes come out cleaner.
Even if you somehow managed to scrub out the CO2, you’d still run out of oxygen pretty quickly.
Simple, get a miniature nuclear reactor to power the recycling of CO2 into O2 and C. You can then electrolize H2O to get more O and combine the H2 with the C from earlier to make gas for the generator.
Okay, it’s just a setup like the Martian then.
Yeah it only gets to be a problem when you have to change the filters. Otherwise any apocalypse that involves a significant loss of atmospheric oxygen or major change in composition ain’t something you can wait out, you gotta evolve past that.
Better to realize the value of drm free and sellers like GOG before that time then
Did i read linux isos?
How are we supposed to know what you like to read?
They did read it. And absolutely hated it. Main takeaway was, “Fuck Linux. Windows Gang 4 Lyfe!”
also play Xonotic, Beyond All Reason, Luanti, Cataclysm DDA and other open source bangers
That’s not fair. There was time now…
Oof. Still too soon.
In my heart, he later finds someone else’s glasses, and sits reading happily on their makeshift grave.
Wasn’t the whole world outside nuked?
Well, I can still read large print.
If they’d gone to that length, one would’ve thought they would have gotten games that didn’t require being always online, or researched, tested, and implemented workarounds.
If it’s gonna be a primary source of entertainment for the foreseeable future, you’d better make damn well fucking sure you can maintain it for as long as you play it. H/w and s/w.
Pardon me mister or misses. But in my naivity, I was under the impression that the comic above, perhaps, was intended for humoristic purposes, and therefore might not be an accurate reflection of reality.
Absolute nonsense!
Literally every single thing posted to the Internet is 100% serious and factual, including both your comment and my own.
Fun science fact! Mickey mouse performs ritual sacrifices to keep the earth rotating.
I nominate iii as the next one.
You are forgiven for your transgressions
Thank you so much. The worrying black mist clouding my sense of self-worth is starting to dissipate.
I have graciously bequeathed thee an UPLIKE due solely to thine reception of advice far greater than mine own. Be well, friend!
Know that you and Asafum have my gratitude.
Pardon me mister or misses. But in my naivity, I did not realize we are forbidden from discussing topics merely because they were brought up in a humoristic context
In one’s heart, a person is always free. The shackles are self-emposed.
Boy I sure hope someone was fired for that blunder!
The factory can always grow, even without internet.
This guy gets it, just download the mod server before everything goes offline.
There is a solution:
[email protected] (Not accessible via instance)
Live free on the high seas! 🏴☠️
Also a good option: [email protected]
Cracking your Switch is extremely easy if you have one from 2017/18 that is in the right serial number range ^^
Meh - there’s plenty of decent handheld gaming PCs that are far better choices at this point - you can use emulators to run Switch games, and a virtually endless range of games from other platforms as well.
And you can play Steam games offline without any issue.
Do you know when or why they blocked it?
It feels like every day I’m finding new annoyances with
I mean, its piracy.
Fear of legal troubles would be my guess.
They’d have to be significantly involved with the community to be held responsible in any way - there’s been a long-standing law that protects service providers from culpability for what their users actually do with their services.
Poker has all-in rules, which basically say if a player bets all their chips the other players can’t force them to bet more chips by raising their own bets. This is crucial for the balance of the game - without it, the moment a player gets a lead they could simply force all the other players to fold and automatically win every single hand - not matter what the cards are.
The legal system does not work that way.
Yes, but on the other hand, are weenies
Time to pirate! WHAT? 0 seeds?!
Well… if he’s running a generator inside a enclosed bunker, he won’t have much time to regret the lack of games.
I don’t want to out myself as a bunker nerd, but there’s two points here that are worth noting: all modern bunkers circulate exterior air (through an NBAC filter) specifically to avoid problems arising from “bad air”, and many bunkers have dedicated rooms for generating equipment that have entirely isolated air supplies to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning, isolate fuel from ignition sources and so you can lock your traitorous brother in there and not have to listen to his pleading he knows what he did.
You mean that people that have built bunkers for decades have thought of these obvious problems more than people making quick snarky comments online? Shocking.
That bastard will never be the banker in Monopoly again for the rest of our lives.
Fucker had it coming!
Well, that’s on the guy. Plenty of games run with no internet.
If it makes it any better, this way he might actually notice the generator exhausting fumes in his limited air.
With that, the low quality food and the failure to select and prepare offline-compatible games, this is clearly the worst prepper ever.
The spider in this one is rather sneaky. Haha
Yes, took me a while!
Spider? Is there always one?
Yeah, artist hides one in their comics.
It’s on the shelf, top right.
single player minecraft FTW!
oh yeah i meant to try it, is it any good?
Modern retelling of that Lloyd Bridges Twilight Zone episode. “Time Enough,” I think it was? Simpsons did it too!
I think you mean Burgess Meredith and it was Time Enough at Last.
Wow I really butchered that one! Thanks for the correction.
When did Simpsons do it? There was a Futurama Scary Door episode that parodied it.
Wasn’t aware of the Simpsons doing it, but I thought the Family Guy reference to it was really funny.
Hey, if you’ve got the bunker and supplies, what’s the point in waiting for n the apocalypse?
taxes, bills