My childhood car was a Pinto. I was very grateful it never blew up when I read about the issues many years later.
I figure as long as you visit with adblock enabled and don’t post anything, you’re not contributing to them in any meaningful way.
The memo is in this article, if you’re curious.
They all float.
I agree that it won’t go bad for them. It costs them almost nothing to implement and when you have a big enough userbase there are always rubes who will pay for anything you charge for.
I don’t even use any apps and was just planning on boycotting it for a few days in solidarity. Then Greedy Little Pigboy made his statement about how everyone will come crawling back and that was that.
That book has some truly fucked up imagery in it. Of course, I loved it as a kid.
The trick is to not care if anyone else cares.
Neither is Greenland.
The framing made me think of the Dragon of Pollution from the Secrets of the Gnomes book. If only I’d known back then I was looking at the future of America’s government.
And it costs very little to do, so anyone who actually pays is automatic profit.
I know it won’t affect current subs, but the thought of a paid Piracy subreddit is amusing nonetheless.
Because when you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.