Let’s see here, RFK wants to ban vaccines and promote raw milk.
There is currently a bird flu epidemic in dairy cattle from bird droppings getting into the feed.
Consuming raw milk is one of the few ways humans can become infected with bird flu.
I’m sure this will be fine and the virus won’t mutate to allow for human to human transfer, it if it does luckily it only has a 56% mortality rate compared to the Covid morality rate of ~4% during its peak.RFK is secretly a flu virus wearing a human suit.
The plot twist is that the worm in his brain didnt die, its pulling the strings to keep him going and further the global parasite agenda
In the US, right now, the dairy farms where they let the cats drink raw milk saw half their cats die.
This is an actual thing.
Edit based on comments below: The context of this thread is concerning hi path AI. I should have been more clear. I am referring to dairy farms where the cows have hi path AI and the cats drink raw milk.
However it is impossible to tell if your raw milk is infected with hi path AI, so to the readers of this who are really in to drinking raw milk, I wish you luck.
You’re sort of right ( based on the article I think you read about) The cats drank bird flu contaminated raw milk which led to them dying. For that reason, raw milk is dangerous to humans because pasteurized milk would
n’t be as dangerous.have reduced the chances of the bird flu, and other illnesses, from people that drink it. https://arstechnica.com/science/2024/04/concerning-spread-of-bird-flu-from-cows-to-cats-suspected-in-texas/*Edited
I am more than a little confused.
According to your article
By March 20, over half of the farm’s 24 or so cats died from the flu.
That is pretty much exactly what I said
I learned about this at a CBRNE conference from people familiar with the situation.
Yeah, that’s exactly what you said. He also said raw milk is dangerous to humans because pasteurized milk is safer for humans (??). I think he’s drunk or just very dumb. Either way, just ignore him.
You’re right my original statement could have been worded better. I’ve edited it, and responded to the other user with some clarifications. https://sh.itjust.works/post/28117434/15082665
Sure I’ll clarify. The implication from your statement is that raw milk can kill half of cats very frequently, which is seemingly untrue. What seems to be the situation is that raw milk from cows infected with the bird flu can lead to a 50% fatality rate for cats that drink it. So if cats consume raw milk, will there be a near 50% fatality rate? Not necessarily, but it seems like that would be the case if the cows in question are infected with the bird flu (based on articles).
The reason why I want to differentiate between what you said, and the article is I can imagine someone saying: “nearly half of cats die drinking raw milk!” to which a skeptic may find online people talking about cats not dying at such a high rate from drinking raw milk, leaving out the fact that the bird flu infected cows is the issue. This can dissuade skeptics from believing the reality that raw milk increases the chances of illness from the bird flu, as well as other sicknesses.
If I’m wrong about the fact that nearly 50% of cats are dying, all the time, from raw milk, feel free to provide an article so i can educate myself.
Thanks. The context of this thread is concerning hi path AI. I should have been more clear. I am referring to dairy farms where the cows have hi path AI and the cats drink raw milk.
However it is impossible to tell if your raw milk is infected with hi path AI, so to the readers of this who are really in to drinking raw milk, I wish you luck.
On the plus side the high mortality rate should lower the spread.
True, but on the minus side, dumb people actively seeking out the infected milk would artificially increase the instances and thus the spread.
But on the plus side, dumb people actively infect themselves and get removed from the gene pool.
But on the minus side, other people don’t have the choice to completely avoid those dumb people and thus minimize their risk of infection.
If they did, covid wouldn’t have been a tenth as bad as it was/is.
True, but on the minus side, dumb people actively seeking out the infected milk would artificially increase the instances and thus the spread.
I’m sorry I only see benefits here.
That’s because you’re overlooking the fact that stupid people mingle with other people whether they want to or not.
If you don’t have at least a handful of truly idiotic coworkers and neighbors, you’re probably a self-employed hermit…
I have idiotic coworkers but I also work from home so my exposure in minimal.
You still interact with other people in person, and one or more of them interacts with the public.
If you learned nothing else from CoViD-19 I would hope you at least learned that you are only a couple degrees of separation from a hotbed of infection at most.
I don’t care. Do you?
They voted for this, they can deal with the consequences.
You might misunderstand. The bird droppings did not accidentally get into the cow feed. Humans put it there intentionally to save money. Just search for “poultry litter” or “broiler litter” and “cattle feed” if you don’t believe me. The people who came up with this idea are actually proud of it.
trump’s appointments are in the style “Who is the worst person i know for the job that lives inside my colon?”
if Pablo Escobar was still alive, he’d probably have been appointed head of the DEA
Junior’s gonna get that job.
He’s Colombian, that won’t fly for Trump
El chapo is a better candidate
Oh god he’s gonna kill someone
Don’t worry, the worms will protect your brain…
Then why was everyone eating horse dewormer during the pandemic?
Well isn’t that the question of the decade?..
That’s the plan.
Try listening to the Behind The Bastards podcast about this guy if you can spare the time.
He is messed up far more than you think.
Raw milk is dangerous. When I was growing up people would get sick all the time from raw milk it gets contaminated all the time.
We can’t even manage to keep listeria out of our waffles and deli meats snd have e coli onions but sure, raw milk will be no problem.
This is the dumbest shit I swear to god. Fuck this timeline already.
Dude is gonna get ppl killed…raw milk…jesus
Unless he also outlaws pasteurized milk, I’ll have 0 sympathy for any adults that die drinking raw milk. This country seems to be in dire need of a toxic cleansing. I’m sad COVID didn’t do the job better.
While I get it and I wish people were more informed it’s because education has been dismantled on purpose. No one deserves do die, especially from the actions of others directly or indirectly. We really need to fight for better education standards and not stop, not go and dismantle the department of education…
The only thing covid did was fhinder education with online classes and such. This is the year that the children born (19/20) right at the start of the pandemic are going to kinder they need all the support they can get…
lets be better and do better, you can’t fight fire with fire…
My (night school) education, personally, improved quite a lot with COVID. Yep, it was disrupted. But instead of spending two hours in transport I’d be at my desk. Instead of just sitting in a boring depressing auditory with my ADHD, ASD and possibly PTSD, I was at my desk with tea and my laptop and maybe some food and my dog nearby.
Never heard of a fire break, eh?
Be stirring as the time; be fire with fire; Threaten the threatener and outface the brow Of bragging horror
I think everyone is making way too much out of this. What could possibly go wr-
Weird, I didn’t get a paywall with the first one.
I didn’t either.
Nor did I.
With any luck MAGAts will self-select in removing themselves like they did during COVID.
Today’s Republican Party didn’t get into their position of awesome power by listening to experts…
If I and my friends and family could be certain of getting immunized against the inevitable H5N1 pandemic, this wouldn’t bother me so much. But RFK jr. will combat the flu with honey and whole grains and the death toll will make Covid look like a cold. Thinning the herd. Maybe we’ll get lucky and RFK jr & Trump and his true believers will get it first.
How do you fail to ask yourself why it was pasteurized in the first place?
This is a situation where we let Darwinism take it’s course. The people who are stupid enough to listen to this are going to drink it, get sick, and then wonder what happened. Maybe I’m more negative than usual, but fuck em. Let them fuck themselves.
They’re going to kill out kids, not just their kids and themselves. RFK Jr is a plague rat.
I look forward to the establishment of c/HermanCainAward
Yeah but before they pass, they’re gonna drain money from the failing health care system, which hurts everyone more than we are
They’ll cut funding for real medicine, and funnel a small amount of money to homeopaths and faith healers as a consolation prize.
Nah man, this has been a long time coming. I agree: fuck all of them.
Yeah but we’re talking about stupid people. In their brains they’re probably convinced that milk is not heat treated to kill pathogens but because of government population control or something.
Go ahead. Let your anti science cultists get themselves sick. I don’t fucking care anymore.
It feels like we’re living in the middle of one of those cultist documentaries, where 29 years from now the stupid fucks that survive are going to be on camera going “I know it sounds weird, but it was really compelling at the time”. Except this cult doesn’t even have fun drug fueled orgies.
Kind want to find a fun drug fueled orgy cult and disappear for about 4 years
He’s going to be in a position where he may actually be able to ban pasteurized milk, vaccines, and more.
This is the most dangerous political appointment in US history.
Except this cult doesn’t even have fun drug fueled orgies.
Drugs may be bad for one’s health, but orgies are good. So yes please. I’ll be the cult leader with prima noctae right.
I’ve seen a documentary about the Jan 6th timeline and one insurrectionist said this in an interview. He couldn’t think anymore and everything about it seemed like the best thing since the invention of toast. He allegedly saw his errors in hindsight. I’m more than convinced he is back in the cult. Can’t fix stupid.
Newspapers need to just call RFK jr what he is - a child killer. Forget about this raw milk stuff and lay out the direct harm he has caused including deaths of babies from his vaccine misinformation.
Yeah but y’know, you gotta have one very last last resort abortion method.
/s lol
He’s about to have the authority to effectively ban vaccines.
I just hope they have the raw milk distribution set up to go live nationwide at the same time. I want all the people excited for this to get it, and enjoy it for as long as possible before the news gets to them.
Unpasteurised milk drank at cow temperature ‘can’ be fine - depending on the cow, milker and drinker. It’s ludicrous to even suggest it could be safely distributed nationally in the US. He’s an absolute lunatic - and so is anyone who buys it.
At first I thought this might be fine because the idiots are doing it to themselves. Then I remembered many of the idiots also are parents.
I know. It’s, potentially, an absolute tragedy. These (adult) people are so confident / smug in avoiding the “woke virus” that they seem to have forgotten that it’s the real viruses and pathogens that take us out. In droves. Throughout history. Again and again.
my parents raised us drinking raw milk from a farm down the road. I’m so glad nothing bad happened to me.
At the moment farm sales are OK in all states.
Seems like obtaining raw milk in a safe environment isn’t a problem.
By “farm sales” do you mean from a small herd kept by an actual farmer who is geographically close to the purchaser; as opposed to buying from either an industrial creamery and/or factory farm?
Milk, by its very nature, has some risk involved in its consumption… but from udder to mouth it’s not exactly akin to Russian roulette / certain death as some are claiming.
In 2025, how many children will die from raw milk?
You certainly may drink raw milk if you like, but it may always come with a nasty risk. Plus it doesn’t keep as well, so if it isn’t stored perfectly, you might have a 12 dollar gallon of foul white liquid.
That doesn’t matter. What matters is that they get their way. We have to just sit on our hands and let them hurt enough people to make MAGAs switch allegiances. Or just let them keep killing people until there aren’t enough functional MAGAs left to make any meaningful opposition.
There is no point to argue with them. Just let them do it.