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Nintendo has been actively taking down YouTube videos that feature its games being emulated or modded, which has sparked significant discussion and concern within the gaming community.
“So, those guys generate positive advertisement for our games. How do we stop it, and make sure that public opinion shifts to «Nintendo is cringe and you’re a loser if you play this shit»?”
Also, what the fuck is with Japanese law, criminalising modding?
Also, what the fuck is with Japanese law, criminalising modding?
My best guess would be that they’re trying to get ahead of the recompiler scene before it catches a bigger foothold. But also, that lumps in the entire rom hacking and fan translation community, which I’m sure they view as perpetuating the piracy of their games.
My best guess would be that they’re trying to get ahead of the recompiler scene before it catches a bigger foothold.
If AI-generating images from copyrighted training material is legal, then generating source code from copyrighted binary code is as well.
I don’t care what bullshit justification they try to come up with for it; the bottom line is that it violates computer owners’ property rights.
It is absolutely unconscionable, ass-backwards, Bizarro-world bullshit to privilege temporary fake Imaginary Property (IP) over and above actual property!
Nonetheless, the best thing would be to let those kinds of fans do what they do, because it is free advertising. But no, they’d rather be right than pragmatic, so they shoot themselves in the foot. Meanwhile, if they’re so worried that these guys have that kind of serious reach and influence - aren’t those the people they shouldn’t piss on??
I mean, if the decision were made today, I guarantee our current supreme court in the US would not have given us fair use.
the current U.S. Supreme Court wouldn’t give you democracy, even though the American military has killed tens of thousands of people around the world in its name.
Could I at least get a barrel of oil? No need to beat around the bush (heh), I’ll take what I can get.
You sure is Nintendo of Japan and not Nintendo of america that’s doing it because the american office would use american jurisdiction
Also, what the fuck is with Japanese law, criminalising modding?
You state that this is Japanese law but what is clearly happeing here is nintendo abusing laws, please correct that statement of yours because your unfairly criticising the Japanese government for the actions of nintendo
I would assume a company such as sony or nintendo lobbied for that law.
With all these news recently, you could think Nintendo wants to be hated. It’s truly shameful how the company has fallen since Iwata is gone.
Recently?! Nintendo famously hates their fans for years now.
On the plus side, it makes me feel extra good when I load their games onto my hacked Switch! Echoes of Wisdom was fun, but felt really short. I would have felt cheated if I’d spent $60 on it.
I mean, its predecessor was a basic-ass remake of a ten hour, thirty year old Game Boy game that also cost $60.
True, but it felt longer, even if it wasn’t. It also wasn’t worth $60, though.
I love that game, but I fucking hate the remake’s artstyle. Its completely put me off from trying Echoes even though the premise and gameplay of that one seem right up my alley.
I don’t mind the art style, other than the ugly-ass blur filter applied to the bottom of the screen. Fortunately, you can remove it if you’re playing it emulated or on a hacked Switch.
Nintendo has gone after youtubers and content creators for 15+ years. They are infamous for it.
All they have is their IP, they must protect it at all costs. Nintendo doesn’t even let Shingeru Myamoto wipe is own ass out of fear he will get hurt.
It just keeps getting worse. I’m done with Nintendo
We won’t have much choices left it seems
Sony: Greedy fucks who don’t know their customers anymore Microsoft: Kills off great studios then complains they have no games
We won’t have much choices left it seems
https://www.steamdeck.com/ is a good one.
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You can play any games you want, though? Throw an emulator on there and play all your old games. Install non-steam games, add them to Steam using its very easy to use “Add a non-Steam game” button, and play as normal.
Heck, if you don’t like Linux you can just install Windows on the thing.
Steam takes a lot of money and then turns around and invests it into the gaming community.
They also use that money to pay their employees more than the industry average and to make their owner a billionaire that owns a yacht collection. They could 100% afford to take a smaller cut with only Gabe “feeling the impact”.
I saw a review where it was said that you can only play steam games, but I just looked it up and apparently you can play all the other games as well by simply adding them or launching other launchers…
Steam invest’s into the gaming community? Do you have any source for that so that I can read about that?
They’re pretty much the entire reason gaming on Linux is as active as it is today.
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Steam takes a lot of money for their service, which is a problem.
They take the same amount of money as other console makers and the store cut is completely unrelated to what Nintendo’s lawyers do which is the actual topic here.
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This isn’t a good argument, right?
The topic is Nintendo who make a handheld console and unless CD Project make a GOGBoy with a bespoke SteamOS-like “console OS”, yet another storefront for Windows PCs is hardly an actual alternative.
I also though of them because they recently improved their subscriber agreement (apparently not for selfless reasons but still an improvement esp. in the light of what Nintendo is currently doing).
Not that you need to use special tools. SteamOS is built on Arch so you can just… y’know, install shit on there.
Thx, I did not know about this one
Steam getting a cut isn’t a problem, it’s a well deserved rewsrd.
I wonder why you think that way? Do you know how high their cut is?
I’ll give my own experience as a Steam customer and aspiring game dev:
I’ve never had a problem with Steam that wasn’t quickly and satisfactorily resolved. Usually, in ways that go above and beyond Valve’s stated responsibilities. They have been quick to respond to the two hardware tickets I’ve raised over the years of owning a Steam controller, two Steam Links, a Valve Index, and my own Steam Deck.
In the many years that I’ve used all flavors of Linux and installed all manner of native games and non-native games, it has only been in the last 4 or 5 years that the process has become, in my own experience, painless enough for me to not only consider suggesting other less technical people I know to try Linux, but to enthusiastically recommend it. They were the strongest single driving force I am aware of in bringing day-one mass-market release games to Linux.
I have, over the years of my dealing with them, come to believe that money spent towards Valve is materially making my life better in ways that just playing games through Steam doesn’t fully encapsulate.
They provide development assistance and funds for open source projects in a way that truly gives back to the projects they work with, their company is run in a way that I find personally satisfying and aspirational, their leadership feels like they’re maintaining their relevance in the industry instead of being disconnected money-men…
I respect their decisions enough to consider their cut reasonable as compared to the services they provide both directly and indirectly to the PC gaming industry as a whole.
I see why you have a positive view on Valve / Steam. However, while this can be the case for many people, it still doesn’t adress what is typically criticised.
One is that they take 30% of the money, which can be described as incredibly high, compared to other paltforms like Epic Games (12%). Is it justified just because they have the same service as any big company has? I don’t know.
I think there is much room for discussion about this, however, I won’t discuss it any further here, because brainless people just downvote my comment.
My Steam Deck has a 512GiB SD card full of pirated games using lutris and sega genesis and nintendo ds roms on it. it is more comfortable to just buy stuff and play, which i do with titles that are worth it (thats the internal memory for), but you are not limited in any way (except that it has to work on linux)
My Steam Deck has a 512GiB SD card full of legally backed up games
to be fair, most of those “backups” are played once, if they suck they get thrown off instantly and if they are good they stay until the price point in the store doesn’t pain me anymore. so it’s really just a temporally displaced backup, you are right :-)
ETA: “Doesn’t pain me” depends on the content: i did not shy back from buying for example Baldurs Gate 3 at full price. Indie devs normally get full price and automatically bought DLCs too, but i’m not into throwing my cash after the Bethesdas and EAs of the gaming world.
You can still install other game stores such as Epic or GOG and add games to the SteamOS gaming mode. Autoflatpak also works for that as well. I don’t have the steam copy of FFXIV but no issue, I added it to my library without issue.
Tue choice is indie. Always has been.
VR is still growing
Indies is where it’s at
And what do you play them on? Sony PlayStation, Nintendo Switch, or Microsoft Windows? Maybe you play the Microsoft Windows version on Linux or macOS?
on my steam deck.
That means you’ll be playing the Microsoft Windows version on Linux, yes.
And that benefits Microsoft, how?
Oh no, I’m not saying it benefits them. It just means we depend on them.
Also means Steam, GOG, Itch etc. will see a high percentage of Windows games sold and played. It’s either that, or one of the consoles. Linux or macOS ports are incredibly rare.
Well, or play a mobile game.
I like their panoply of games, but I cannot in good conscience support this company. The time, effort and money they spent on their legal department could have been used elsewhere… Like pokemon maybe? I’m glad Palword saw daylight.
They’re suing Palworld too btw
Is that surprising to anyone? The specific grounds they’ve chosen for that lawsuit is odd but if any of their legal battles have merit its that one. Palworld is intentionally toeing the line between derivative and blatant ripoff.
I mean, gaming patents are horse shit from stage one. There’s 0 reason you should be able to patent a method or mechanic in a creative medium other than creepy corporate BS
Honestly, though - “method or mechanic”, do you think palworld is a pretty blatant copy of Pokémon or not? Like, most of it. Not just a single bit.
There’s monster collecting and battling, something numerous other games have done.
That’s where the similarities really end
Fair enough!
That logic could easily apply to any kind of patent or copyright. That’s not to say you’re wrong but it’s part of a larger discussion than it seemed like was happening here.
I grew up with a Nintendo controller in hand.
There’s a very good reason I now game almost exclusively on PC. None of this is going to convince me to come back. Quite the opposite in fact.
Grew up the same way. Some of my all time favorite games are still some of the classics. That being said, I wouldnt shed a tear if they go bankrupt.
Nintendo has been on my list of most hated companies for awhile now. Just can’t stand how they operate and design their games.
Well hang tight there, the games are dope. Just the legal dicks are the scumbags.
the games are dope
gestures broadly at the latest Pokémon titles
They just killed Ryujinx too, proving it wasn’t the fact that Yuzu was making money.
I missed this - what happened? (Searching now)
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Yeah I’m now emulating games I own on switch on deck because my switch hardware is so wonky with controllers randomly disconnecting
People got way too greedy with Switch emulation
The fact emulators are faster than the real hardware, can you blame them? Also, modding games is vastly easier, and people like mods.
Nintendo is just shooting themselves in the foot by not making these things more accessible. its a service issue. But nintendo prefers to invest in lawyers and not into their engineers.
The fact emulators are faster than the real hardware, can you blame them?
This is a problem Nintendo has had a few times before, choosing weaker hardware makes it much easier for other platforms to match and outpace them.
My first time playing Pokemon was emulating Pokemon Red on PC. For some reason they put it in Australian stores around a month after the US release so emulation was the only way.
Similarly GBA was playable on PC very early in its cycle. DS/3DS was a bit less attractive because of it screen layout and inputs but that kind of quirk aside underpowered handheld hardware is just asking for emulator support.
I’m glad I bought a switch second hand and immediately installed a modchip on it, 0 money went to Nintendo
Didnt you technically support the guy that supported Nintendo?
Technically, yes, but I know for a fact that he went on to buy a PS5
I wouldn’t be surprised if this backfires a bit. The reason most publishers/IP holders don’t go after videos on youtube and twitch is because it’s basically free advertisement for your game.
If this behavior leads to people holding back on making nintendo based content, it could fuck them over in the long run. If you were a streamer or youtuber, would you feel particularly comfortable making videos and streaming nintendo games?
I know I wouldn’t. There is no guarantee that nintendo actually puts effort into determining whether you are using an emulator or not. And even for the people who do use emulators, they may not be looking to continue making nintendo content.
Nintendo is going after a lot of their biggest fans. It’s so obviously stupid, but they just keep doing it.
They’ve been doing this for a long time, and it definitely has a depressive effect. Even a big gaming youtubers like Videogamedunkey has commented on how every single time he does a video about a Nintendo game it gets demonetized, and while he can afford to take the financial hit every now and then there are plenty of mid-tier creators who can’t.
Wow! Way to tell the world to never buy your products because you’re petty sniveling greedy and absolutely hate your fans.
Nintendo is running out of ideas so they are going back into their catalog to remaster old games. Cant have people playing dead games if they release a new graphically updated version and make millions.
This is especially true when the new generation is figuring out that graphics aren’t shit and story is everything.
I don’t really think it matters that much. The more of the community you alienate and spit in their faces for loving you, the more youngsters will be given something else to play because their dad wants to see Nintendo burn.
If only they did this at the Switch release, one of the biggest reasons I didn’t buy one, wonder if there’s a chance they’ll do a PSO remake and release the English version 10 years later? (Although that’s really Segas fault)
Ephinea server’s been going strong. It’s great. PSO BlueBurst (GameCube, plus episode 4).
I’ve played on Ephinea, it’s a pretty good experience. Afaik there’s not a good way to play on mobile except Steam Deck or other expensive hardware, if net play worked on the Android version of dolphin that would be massive (it won’t probably also only be a matter of hours before Nintendo got butthurt) If there were a larger player base or they could make more changes to the game I’d definitely play more.
That’s all they’ve been doing for decade’s. Ninten-who? I stopped paying attention to them ages ago.
So you’re saying I should never buy anything from Nintendo?
Cool cool cool, cool, cool.
They’re clearing out the scene before the switch 2 releases because they perceive the current emulators as a major threat somehow.
Which I assume means that the new switch is similar enough in architecture that it would be relatively trivial to ship a fully functional emulator on hardware release.
Pretty insane because at least in the USA, emulation is protected by law, except if someone can successfully argue that you are bypassing DRM which is illegal.
In a working system, this wouldn’t be an issue but I imagine neither Yuzu nor Ryjunix would want to deal with Nintendo’s insane law team that could wreck them financially in a matter of days before even entering a court room.
I hope someone either makes an anonymous dev team for a future project, or gets assistance from a consumer justice firm/group to properly argue in court to shut Nintendo down. They really should not be able to do this because it was already a thing 24 years ago:
Sony Computer Entertainment v. Connectix Corporation, 203 F.3d 596 (2000), commonly referred to as simply Sony v. Connectix, is a decision by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals which ruled that the copying of a copyrighted BIOS software during the development of an emulator software does not constitute copyright infringement, but is covered by fair use. The court also ruled that Sony’s PlayStation trademark had not been tarnished by Connectix Corp.'s sale of its emulator software, the Virtual Game Station.
Nintendo has burned through all the good will they developed with me when I was a kid in the 80s and 90s. I doubt I’ll ever buy another Nintendo product again. Not that it matters to Nintendo, though. I’m many years removed from their target demographic. They make products for young people and that ain’t me. I’m sure those younger Nintendo fans will keep supporting the company, but, as for me, I’ve got the classic Nintendo games I want and I’ll keep playing them on whatever device I want. If Nintendo doesn’t like that, they can kiss my whole ass.
With major releases like Tears of the Kingdom on the horizon…
Internet Explorer?
The other horizon, the one behind you
Accidentally leaked the Switch 2 version
Now it plays at 720p60(ish)!