The Old Man waiting for you at the end of time in Chrono Trigger is Gaspar, the Guru of Time. (At least in the US - in Japan he was called Hash)
I thought it was fitting since I ever so briefly ran my own instance (endofti.me) when I first jumped ship from Reddit.
In an equitable world, where we had either some form of UBI or shared the means of production and had leisure time to enjoy, it wouldn’t be a thing. Spend time at home recharging, go outside and meet people. Go online and meet people. Join community events and do things that interest you and relationships will naturally bloom as a result.
Since we live in Hell? I have no idea. You tell me.
Jesus. What good are free communities if they are forced to spend their waking hours trying to earn money to exist?
Time is a commodity. Energy is a commodity. Going places and meeting people costs time and energy they don’t have to spend.
lol wife bad AMIRITE GUISE???
Ring-a-ding-ding, baby.
Try drinking absinthe and green tea. It works for me
Before I begin - lightsabers are an awesome fantasy weapon and I would love to have one.
Lightsabers are a big reason that Star Wars is garbage.
Hardly any lightsaber fights in the OT, used by all of three people (4 if you count Han, which I don’t). Once the prequel trilogy was made and special effects were cheaper and easier, lightsabers everywhere, and instead of a lightsaber fight being an old fashioned samurai duel where the story and the fight are enhancing each other, now it’s just a spectacle. Has it been more than fifteen minutes since we saw a lightsaber? FSSH, vwoom.
Andor is regarded as one of the better pieces of Star Wars media - no lightsabers, no Jedi, just people versus the machine of the Empire.
Mandalorian S1 was straight fire. Then they introduced the Darksaber. Now nobody likes Mando anymore.
I’m not out to yuck anyone’s yum. You can like bad movies, or movies that are big tentpole spectacles but aren’t ever going to engage with you mentally. I went and saw Episode IX in theaters opening night and it was as entertaining as Hobbs and Shaw. My brain didn’t get anything out of it and it was good to see Palpatine again because he was the only one in the movie that felt like a real person with, you know, motivation and stuff. But I left the theater and I don’t really think about it (except for times like now) because it didn’t engage with me mentally. There was nothing there.
Just lightsabers.
Endless lightsabers.
I’m not crazy about all the callbacks and remember-mes either (looking at you Rogue One, Boba Fett, Solo, etc), but that’s a different rant.
Yes, well… That’s what she looks like when someone with rizz draws her. Or so I was told, anyway.
Block him, Squid. He’s doing this in every thread and you need to put this energy towards more important things.
Sure, OK.
That’s kind of what just popped into my head before I knew there were questions.
I don’t know if it would meet your “no kid’s movie” requirement, but Hocus Pocus has been in my spooky season rotation forever.
Also, it’s technically a musical I guess but the animated Legend of Sleepy Hollow narrated/sung by Bing Crosby is a classic.
Everything else on my list has already been mentioned, but I would be remiss not to mention one of my wife’s favorites, Corpse Bride. If you were already looking at Nightmare Before Christmas, I think you’ll enjoy it.
WRT Secret of Mana - maybe play the first little bit yourself until you unlock a second character, then save and you two can start from there. Trust me.
Also, I know it’s a side scroller, but Castle Crashers is great fun if you haven’t tried it yet.
Pretty much any of the SNES era arcade ports: TMNT, Knights of the Round, Sunset Riders… Though maybe not all of them in one sitting.
That’s all I’ve got off the top of my head. Happy gaming!
Houston native spotted. I’m so sorry.
But this behaviour isn’t really new - I used to work at the Whole Foods on Kirby, which caught fire back in… god, 2012 or so? And someone drove up WHILE THE FIRE WAS STILL BLAZING, was informed that the store was closed, and legitimately responded, “But where am I gonna get my coconut water?”
They may be more mask-off about it now, but it’s always been a thing.
Not that you need to use special tools. SteamOS is built on Arch so you can just… y’know, install shit on there.
Just as the founding fathers intended.
Ooh, I’m torn. They’re both NES “games” - Rocky & Bullwinkle had sluggish controls, awful hitboxes, and I can only describe its graphics AND sound design as offensive. That said, at least it technically played like a game. Where’s Waldo didn’t even have that. I think Where’s Waldo is the worst, but it’s close.
I mean, if we’re talking release order, then Return of the Jedi did get a sequel! It was called The Phantom Menace and ahh
Ahahaha hahahahahahahaha. I’m sorry, I’m sorry! I almost made it through with a straight face.
HONK if you HONK