Last time I said something similar people down voted my comment all the way lol
Last time I said something similar people down voted my comment all the way lol
Wait what? :'D
Man, that was so much fun. Back then when games actually amazes you that much that you had so much fun and Road Rash was definitely one of my favourites.
Funny how you talk about them like they’re bigots when you’re the one preaching so hard against them lol
Theres just one thing quite obvious in this thread:
You love to state your opinion, even though you spread nonsense by that. And you also like to talk shit about other people when someone presents you facts that you don’t like
Viva la free speech I guess
No, it’s obviously not. I recommend informing yourself.
“impose their beliefs”
It seems like you confuse it with religion. It’s not about beliefs, it’s about whether or not we find certain actions in our society to be morally wrong. Either you can justify your actions morally or you can’t. For example: “Beating women is fine”. Can it be justified morally? No. Can you prove through logic that it’s wrong? Yes, easily, by simply pointing out that trivial reasons like personal pleasure aren’t justification to bring suffering upon other individuals. If you’d, however, insist on beating women, how would you call that?
Nice example of how not to communicate. But what has this to do with what we’re talking about?
I see, I see
If I think about the first time playing mgs, it just blew my mind what you can do there. Even the simple things, like when the soldiers saw your footsteps in the snow. What they did with that game back then was extraordinary in many ways.
There’s always a person who can’t just take the joke
Vegans bad, we get it. How dare they to live according to their moral beliefs
Anybody would do that?
I think you don’t understand the definition then. When herbivores happen to eat some animals, like when cows eat baby chickens, it doesn’t make them carnivores just for doing so. They’re still herbivores
Well, and then there is an interview in regard to animal rights, where it seems that he has no clue what he is taking about.
I like him as long as he speaks about astro physics. But sometimes, when he goes into a field that he doesn’t know very well…
And why a tattoo? Is this for real?
For sure!
I used the sound effects of metal gear for years on my phone :D (
I should tell my family that they must play the metal gear solid game over sound at my funeral lol
Do you also have many special memories with those games?
What an awesome game. Metal gear 1 and 2 will always have a special place in my heart
Counter Strike Source was like chess if you ask me. In CS GO they added this gambling system, which made the game less attractive for me
I see why you have a positive view on Valve / Steam. However, while this can be the case for many people, it still doesn’t adress what is typically criticised.
One is that they take 30% of the money, which can be described as incredibly high, compared to other paltforms like Epic Games (12%). Is it justified just because they have the same service as any big company has? I don’t know.
I think there is much room for discussion about this, however, I won’t discuss it any further here, because brainless people just downvote my comment.
Yes, maybe it just takes 5 seconds. But it’s not my turn to Google things people claim here, especially because I nicely asked for sources ( to inform myself about it ).
Anyway, I’ll not respond here anymore
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deleted by creator
Well, I really don’t care about karma. People do weird things to get “internet points” or just avoid something like being critical just so that they have a lot karma. It’s a broken system
What bothers me is what you describe. When it shows that people don’t know or ignore the negative aspects. And even if you tell them, they still don’t change their opinion, but what they do is downvote you.
I still think it’s crazy how much steam takes for their service. Especially if you compare it to other platforms.