Spiders won’t eliminate your bug problem either. The presence of predators in an environment doesn’t imply all of their prey will soon go extinct.
You eliminate bugs by preventing their entry, reducing or removing their food and water sources, and/or interrupting or preventing their mating cycles. Or occasionally deploying something that kills everything in an area (though if you don’t also do the other steps above, they’ll eventually return).
Tourist version -
Me - here’s your chalet. Remember, it’s very well insulated for the winter weather, so in summer just keep the windows and doors closed during the day and it’ll stay cool inside for the same reason, then you can open the windows in the evening. Otherwise it’ll just be boiling hot and full of flies. There’s no need for AC.
Guests - ok that makes sense
Me under my breath - seriously fuck off you stupid cunts
Meanwhile, the spiders I have begrudging let live have caught nothing because they take up residence behind the toilet and inside an unfilled cabinet (that was fun to discover)
The flies are operating freely! I’m gaining nothing from this ceasefire!
I had a spider in a web right over the fuckin hole in the wall where all the ants enterd. This fucking guy did nothing. Just sat there watching food parade in and out all day all night. Like, come on!
You’d be surprised at how frequently cockroaches hide behind toilets.
o7, spider
As someone who can’t tolerate most insects in his home: Spiders are welcome. Always have been. And since Adrian Tchaikovskys Children of Time, I started naming them.
Are they all called Portia, Fabian, Viola and Bianca? (That book was so good)
Yes, actually. That one gigantic one on my balcony is named Portia. The one behind my bathroom mirror is named Fabian. So is the one next to my kitchen fan. I just figured they’re both male. Probably.
I’m listening to book 2 in the series at the moment. So good also!
Spiders are not technically insects so you are consistent
Except people don’t say that …
They say " I don’t want BUGS in my house"
Any spider smaller than a quarter is welcome in my home. Any spider larger gets served a non deadly eviction notice
The only spiders I want gone are the ones that can kill me, and the ones that get too close to me.
If I see one setting up a web in the distant corner? Hell yeah Bro catch all the pests you can.
Crawl toward me less than a foot away? Sorry smash but you sealed your own fate.
Yah I have a loose treaty in my home too. If I see you and you’re not racing towards my face (or dropping on my head)…no one has to get hurt. If you’re super active and potentially in my way…I have a little bug scoop and off you go back into nature. Also…please don’t make your homes in my bedroom…any other room is fine, basement is preferred.
However if you are hell bent on scaring the crap outta me, or crawling up on me…I cannot guarantee my fear reflexes won’t smash you. I will feel badly though.
This holds for all insects in my home except earwigs, mosquitos and super fast centipedes (I catch and release the dopey ones tho)
House centipedes (Scutigera coleoptrata) are equally as beneficial as they are creepy.
I’ll take the ants and flies, thanks. If I have this in my house, it’s likely I loose my home to fire
As the one time owner of a 100 yo house in the Midwest I say this: fuck no.
They’re just too damn creepy for me. I’m sorry, guys, my primitive brain has been programmed to have a strong response to seeing something like you. You understand. squish
“i cannot tolerate you but i do not hate you, therefore i will grant you as swift and painless a death as i can manage”
“Hey baby, those legs go all the way up?
“And around!”
I live in an area with those fuckers, but also brown recluses and black widows. As a kid I always though we were lucky because we didn’t have any house centipedes, but now I realize that the houses with centipedes don’t have the widows and recluses. It’s like a turf war and I’m in the more dangerous neighborhood.
The creepiness increases tenfold when you encounter one for the first time and it is as scared of you then you are scared of it. Those little guys are very fast.
When I learned that they are harmless to us humans I started to tolerate them. I mean they really try to get out of our way.
Every time I see these, I remind myself they don’t want to be around me and they eat cockroaches, bed bugs, and termites (and other yucky stuff I don’t like).
Damn they give me the heebie jeebies though.
I always worry that the spiders I leave alive will have ten million spider babies. Is that not a concern for any of you?
It’s not .
Most of them will just go outside due to their territorial nature.Not sure why someone would downvote you for this. Spiders are territorial and will cannibalize each other if they’re unable to spread far enough apart. They’ll never reach the insane population densities of social insects like ants or termites.
I’m quite okay with spiders as long as they stay …over there….
Interestingly, they’re also smart enough to recognize this arrangement. They don’t bother me. I don’t bother them. Wonderful roommates, really.
(Also, for people wondering how to get rid of ants… clean your house. They’re coming in because they find food and shelter. Get rid of the food and they’re less inclined to stick around. Same for flies. Especially house flies. Though there’s always going to be some fruit flies- they come in with the fruit.)
I like to think of myself as a big spider in a room with small spiders.
They get the edges and corners and I get the center.Occasionally, I go around clearing the old webs, so that new spiders can come and make new webs and catch some mosquitoes.
If a spider invades my bed/kitchen/computer, I get rid of it.
Ants are pretty annoying, but are useful too.
They let me know if I dropped some foodstuff and didn’t clean it properly, by banding around it.
So I can just go and clean it and the ants stop coming.
Spiders are just an indicator of how bad the problem is - you’ve got buffet level infestation. Time to look for things to seal, trim back plants from House, vacuum, etc.
This summer I’m stepping on the scorpions, because I’ve seen them several times killing spiders.
I’m late to the party, but I don’t see this linked yet Can I introduce you all to Travis? This guy does deep dives into the spiders you might trip over in your house and has recently started also doing general spider knowledge as well.
Awe yiss. New channel.
There’s one on zebra jumpers. Gonna have to get to that when I got a spare half hour.
Love those little guys!
You smash spiders to get rid of bugs.
I smash spiders because they bite the fuck out of me.
We are not the same.
But how can I stop the spiders? We have so many…
Spiders will die off when their food supplies decrease. Spiders are also quite hostile to each other, so they’ll never get overpopulated.
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