Located on Deck 6, Room 2054. Mass evacuation site for decks 5-10.
I’m someone’s favorite.
Fun fact! This is also how we know when certain asteroids smashed into the earth, because the impact deposits a layer of minerals and elements not found super common in the crust.
Also, sensing equipment that uses or detects radiation as part of its function has to be made of non-radioactive materials in order to not interfere. And since hairless apes started cracking atoms open, all steel is ever so slightly radioactive. They need special preparations to make steel without any isotopes present. This also means pre-1945 steel fetches a higher price in some instances.
That’s the whole point of things like this.
Make it seem super scary, turn public opinion against anything nuclear.
Usually you see articles like this pop up whenever there are renewed discussions for nuclear power plants. Not sure if this is one of those, or just clickbait.
My mother keeps sending stuff over Facebook, my sister keeps inviting me to supposedly important events over Facebook, my work wants me to use twitter, and my brother in law keeps sending tiktock videos.
I remind all of them that I don’t use social media, and my Facebook account is only up for the 2 times a year I need it to get ahold of otherwise-unreachable people. If you want something, send me a text or email and be direct.
Kojima dropped David Hayter like a sack of rotting potatoes, they can both get fucked.
The corpo can get fucked extra hard though.
Well now I’m sad and want to go back to the cabin I stayed in for my first anniversary and finish reading.
My grandparents didn’t even update their will when my sister and I were born.
6 months probation??? What kind of world do we live in where such drastic punishments are forced upon such good people! Cruel and unusual!
Surely this poor man has suffered enough for trying to overthrow the government to install a fascist dictator!
You don’t even have to criticize them. They literally block the word from getting used because they refuse criticism
I mean, I’ve had my knee crushed by a sledgehammer. My left hand has been run through with a knife. I’ve taken a bullet to the hip through a vehicle door.
Doesn’t mean I don’t still feel pain when I get a sack slap.
It’s a peaceful life.
So like… Are people thinking this is serious, and not recognizing the fact that it’s pointing out ridiculous arguments that some Bad-faith argumentatives like to make?
I’ve heard plenty of people in all seriousness say women don’t understand the pain of getting hit in the balls, but like… Nobody sane and rational actually believes that.
If you really DO think women, who have ENTIRE HUMANS SHOCED OUT OF THEIR VAGINA, can’t understand pain? Yes, getting hit in the balls hurts. I’ve been hit more times than I care to remember.
If anyone really DOES think women don’t get that kind of searing pain, look up “Childbirth perineal tear” and promptly lose all confidence in your argument.
So my understanding of it is that one person who has a lot of followers made a video using the word in an arguably improper manner, a bunch of other people making more videos more or less using it ironically to make fun of it, and then a bunch MORE people just started using it completely wrong because it’s been a game of Shitty Telephone from the people who used it correctly (first persons teacher, or a book somewhere) and the end result makes absolutely no sense.
Or, if you will excuse the slanted metaphor, “Ai learning from Ai”
Cool, I can burn it to ash with the tools in my garage.
Diamonds are shiny/glittery and hard, that’s about it.
My wife and I have been visiting half Price books and thrift stores to find dvds and blurays.
Me because I like director/actor commentaries, and behind the scenes/making of features, her because she hates when streaming services cycle through content.
Also secretly I figure if the world ends and I’m somehow alive, I’ve got my solar setup and several ways to watch my favorite shows to escape the hellish reality that is post-apocalyptic earth as I slowly die from malnutrition or radiation. But that’s like… So far down the list, I usually just bring it up for the lols.
If all the joint chiefs and secretaries of [thing] said “we will be marching in Ottowa in 3 days” it really doesn’t matter if the president said it. Because even if he hasn’t said it in a press conference to the world, he most certainly agrees with the people who DO think it’s a slam dunk.
I’m sure anything you said or linked would have been met with “that’s western propaganda” like they’re not shaking hands with MAGAts screeching fake news at things they don’t like.
That is a very weird way to phrase “Old man throws temper tantrum and refuses to do previously agreed upon interview when called out for lying”
As far as I’m concerned, every media outlet that sugarcoats things, or misrepresent things, or otherwise skews the truth about what the MAGAts are up to are 100% in bed with Republicans, and are mouthpieces for the MAGAgenda
Holy fucking shit this country is in a downward spiral and the only cure is to cut out the MAGAt tumors.
In what other country could the headlines say “CONVICTED FELON calls the justice system rigged, so the law enforcement branch has decided to let their cult of outspokenly bigoted, dangerously violent, sprinkled with domestic terrorist in-group do whatever they want while destroying things in order to try and keep them from destroying things”
I remember reading some headlines from about 80 years ago with similar headlines, only it was from Germany. Can’t punish them TOO much or they might take over the country and start exterminating… Oh… Wait… That is exactly what happened.
They’re literally showing a group favoritism to avoid seeming like they’re playing favorites.
This is no different than the school bully screaming about how unfair the teachers are after they were punished for hitting another student. Except now the teachers started saying “well if we keep punishing him then he will go hit someone” as if that in any way shape or form is a logical conclusion.
Fuck the system. If it doesn’t work for the betterment of society then there isn’t a reason to abide by it.
Oh god this was me in highschool.
My response though was “I don’t really like lip balm, but thanks”
Literal years before I remembered it and facepalmed.
“we’re in line at a theme park called DANGER and someone just force fed us a FAST PASS”
chef’s kiss