Federal data shows the national crime rate has dropped under President Biden
Donald Trump backed out of an interview after a local paper asked him for data to back up his continued baseless claims that crime is on the rise under President Joe Biden.
The Detroit News reported that Trump’s campaign had agreed to an interview with the former president on Tuesday after a campaign speech. However, the campaign suddenly claimed Trump no longer had time for the interview after a reporter began probing them on crime data.
“The Trump campaign had initially agreed that Trump would participate in an interview with The Detroit News on Tuesday,” state politics reporter Craig Mauger wrote. “But after the newspaper began asking about the Michigan crime data before the event, a campaign aide said the presidential candidate no longer had time for an interview after the speech.”
Pulling out of a scheduled interview as part of a presidential campaign because the interviewer wants you to back up your claim sure is a weird thing to do.
So the key to keep him running away is to have the media actually ask him real questions? Let’s keep asking and he’ll never be on TV again other than fox.
But that would require media outlets to actually have editorial independence. Sadly those days are long gone.
D’ya Like Dags?
“Ma! Get me fookin’ Adderall from oot the caravan. Jaysos Chroist. Any o you lads seen General Kelly? I got dags to foire!”
NGL Pikey Trump would have been amazing to watch.
I have too much respect for the Romani people to wish that upon them. Although he is absolutely a born swindler.
If this is all you have to do, then EVERY MEDIA OUTLET should do this. Not even hardball, just “ok can you show me some numbers?”
If that’s all it takes to get this chicken shit weirdo to curl up in a ball, then fucking do it. He gets no airtime then other than his stupid rallies commemorating when he was pitted against an octogenarian.
I watched the debate between Trump and Biden and could hardly believe that there were no fact checks at all from the moderators. Sure, it would have been good if Biden had pointed out more clearly that almost every statement Trump made was factually incorrect. But can you really just tell any tall tales in your presidential debates without even mentioning any facts? That seems absurd. Is that the norm for presidential debates in the US? Or is it just that Trump would not have participated if there were fact checks?
Trump lies at a rate where fact checkers can’t keep up.
Generally, it is more difficult to use the Gish gallop in a structured debate than a free-form one.
This sums it up nicely, and why I think he’s like any bully: he picks his fights and only ones he can win.
I don’t think so. It’s just the same lies he repeats over and over again.
Repeating lies is essential to get the “poorly educated” to believe.
Someone called the Trump Trot.
The media are owned by the oligarchs and those mostly back Trump. Simple as that.
I can’t argue with that.
He’s really banking on the crazies overthrowing the election isn’t he?
He is, and they’re a lot closer to getting that done than you’d like to believe.
Honestly yes. Not on the mob of MAGAs, but on states refusing to certify the results.
That is a very weird way to phrase “Old man throws temper tantrum and refuses to do previously agreed upon interview when called out for lying”
As far as I’m concerned, every media outlet that sugarcoats things, or misrepresent things, or otherwise skews the truth about what the MAGAts are up to are 100% in bed with Republicans, and are mouthpieces for the MAGAgenda
The Washington Post estimated that during his presidency, Trump made more than 30,000 false or misleading statements.
What a coward
Talking about crime scares him. He’s very worried the orange uniform will clash with his “tan”.
Wish Trump’s dad pulled out!
That’s pretty weird.
“Sir, just to be clear, are you leaving because you have no data to support your claim? Making you a weird, lying sack of shit?”