Good to have data points as reference points to at least guide the discussion.
Good to have data points as reference points to at least guide the discussion.
Nazis gonna not see.
NOT SEE, Carl!
No peace for nazis.
If an underage AI character, is portrayed in say a movie or games, is that wrong? Seems like a very slippery slope.
Iowa is a shit state that just got shittier. Race to the bottom I guess.
accountability is only for citizens not for companies. They will continue to poison us without consequences.
But don’t worry, the state surely won’t throw endless cash for the investigation, as it only affected a few.
So Manslaughter and child neglect. Is Texas a lawless state?
Why is Texas, so Texan?
I’d take a unicorn or dragon.
My class action Spidey sense is tingling
Didn’t even have smartphones either.
Read whole page. Not sure what Obsidian even is?
The class action against META gonna be huge.
Sorry Ukraine, that we elected a small handed baby, who is a terrible leader. Hopefully, things work out for you. Sincerely, U.S.A.
Gonna have to wear a disguise, just to buy groceries.
Linux study, finds that relying on MS kills critical thinking skills. 😂
Yes, English, Spanish, and whatever the Quebec speak.
Let’s start and continue to interrupt the benefits of those being greedy. They breath our air and drink our water.