Me too Bernie, me too.
The end of the day I won’t blame the young people, though. I will blame the red hat fascists who want to install an orange dictator.
Edit: Young people get a pass because at least they are passionate about something. I’m over here, dead inside, praying to a computer that things don’t get any worse then they already are.
I blame First Past The Post voting, for keeping the people handcuffed to two legacy political parties.
Perhaps Republicans would vote less clowns into office, but they are chained to the Republican party.
Same is true for the Democrats. We don’t need to be stuck with these two parties. There can be something else.
Right. I wish people were upset about not having ranked choice as they were the genocide in Gaza. If we changed the way we voted voting for the lesser evil wouldn’t be a thing.
I blame my dumb ass for voting for Nader in 2000. Don’t be like me. Learn from the mistakes of others!
The people who are to blame are the Republicans. That is where you need to direct your anger.
I’m not angry. I regret voting third-party in an election that barely elected Bush, a year before 9/11, that he used to justify a two front war resulting in nearly one million deaths. I’m encouraging others to learn from my mistake.
Sure but we keep losing sight of what is truly pushing us over the edge
Wanting a three party system but the government won’t comply?
I was going with a single party trying to install an autocrat.
Biden should step down as the nominee and ask Bernie to run.
Bernie has my vote! Biden never will.
Burn it all down woohoo /s
They don’t understand that Trump is just as pro-Israel as Biden, if not even more so considering he moved the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem.
That’s the great part about our democracy: You don’t get to vote for someone who isn’t pro-Israel. Because freedom.
*electoral system
Because of FPTP and the Winner Take All Electoral College, there is a lot of political pressure to only have 2 parties. In a better system (proportional, ranked choice, etc) it wouldn’t break with more than two parties. In fact just reforming the electoral college to be proportional would likely allow 3 parties to exist.
If you look at history the last time there was a viable 3rd party it possibly initiated the civil war by allowing an anti slavery viewpoint to exist (which is good, but if we’d had a better voting system it would have happened earlier and reduced a lot of suffering)
And if a frog had wings he wouldn’t bump his ass when he hopped.
We have FPTP, and we’ll have it until I’m cold and dead in the ground.
even republican-ass alaska passed RCV.
alaska also has some kind of UBI because of their oil stuff, I’m not sure they slot as easily into political partisanship as most other states
And it failed in blue as fuck Massachusetts
Burlington VT also switched off FPTP… and then we fucking back slid because “it’s too confusing!”
I think it’s highly unlikely we get off FPTP at a national level.
Yay, Alaska and Maine did it. Very good. Wake me when it’s a state that has more people than moose.
Electoral system…
Just as I have to watch half the electorate embrace the most asinine BS possible to justify selfishness and hate… it’s not that far out to see people screaming “genocide joe!” at everyone they see, as they turn off everyone and defeat themselves at every chance.
The cool part is focusing all your effort into a camp-out such that your main message is synonymous with homelessness and you self defeat your own goals… all while you call the liberal element genocidal and basically show the world your biggest effort is to sit still while cutting off the liberal nose to spite your face.
Purely hypothetical question for you: If you had a choice between supporting Israel or Biden winning the 2024 election which would you choose?
Ok purely hypothetical right back for you…
Do your ideals exist outside of pure hypotheticals? Can you cite them?
If you had a real choice… say in the upcoming election…
Who would you choose?
Well shit, if you had a purely hypothetical choice, what would you choose?
I’m voting 3rd party so according to liberal and moderate logic that probably means I’m supporting Israel.
The important part is that the equation means more than you.
Vote how you mean, and ignore how your vote’s mean.
Good for you.
So what’s your choice? Supporting Israel or Biden winning the 2024 election?
Congress is bipartisan pro-Israel. This isn’t even a presidential issue.
Biden just happens to be the guy doing the pro-Israel stuff at the moment, so he’s eating the lions share of the public ire.
“You have to support the Pro-Israel guy because the other guy is pro-Israel and both party leaders are pro-Israel and the cops are trained by Israelis and Israeli businesses have strong ties with the MIC and Big Finance needs Israel to control trade through the Suez and you’re outnumbered and outgunned so quit fighting, just vote for Joe Biden” just isn’t a winning message among progressive voters this year.
Maybe try it again in 2026.
My company buys a specific board from an Israeli company.
We have been working on an in house alternative for a few years now. Now we’re scared to actually perform the switch because of the anti-boycott laws
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Nut up and do it. I’m proud of you.
The thing is: Biden is pro-Israel but also pro-Palestinians. He’s providing aid to Gazans and pressuring Israel to minimize civilian casualties. It’s not great, or even good, I agree - but it’s a whole lot better than Trump who would be pro-Israel and anti-Palestinians. You’d see humanitarian aid end and the US support total war instead of the (slightly) restrained version we’re seeing now.
Biden is pro-Israel but also pro-Palestinians.
Right now it seems like the Biden Administration is trying to pressure Israel not to launch a military assault on Rafah and to allow in more humanitarian aid. At the same time, it has shown an unwillingness to take strong steps to punish Israel or to restrict the flow of aid or weapons to Israel if the Israelis disregard that pressure. How do you understand the strategy now?
I’d call the Biden Administration’s approach “passive-aggressive.” They are angry at Netanyahu, and were even before this. He’s presiding over the most extreme government in the history of the state of Israel. That government and the preceding dozen years of Netanyahu’s tenure are undermining the two fundamental drivers of the U.S.-Israeli relationship, which are shared values and common interests. So, it’s passive-aggressive in the sense that, six months into the war, the Administration has still been unwilling—unable—to impose a single cost or consequence that you and I, as normal human beings, would describe as real pressure.
Unable or unwilling?
Both, but I’ll get to that in a second. There were three levers the Administration could’ve pulled. They’re still available. No. 1 is to end U.S. military assistance. There’s no indication the Administration’s anywhere close to that. It just approved a shipment of two-thousand-pound bombs, and twenty F-35s. No. 2, change the U.S. voting posture at the U.N., either by introducing its own Security Council resolution, or by voting for someone else’s, that is very critical of Israel. It has not done that. No. 3, abandon the whole notion of negotiating the hostage release and simply join the chorus of those in the international community who basically say, “You need to pressure Israel to cease this military campaign.”
And I think it has not done these things
Biden is pro-Getting Relected. And he recognizes that his party is increasingly pro-Palestinian. However, his current policy appears to be a CYA strategy, intended to create the illusion of neutrality while negotiating a path that allows Israel to continue its extermination of Arab people across the region.
As this exterminationist Israeli agenda becomes more undeniable, the job of appearing neutral grows more difficult. And Biden’s decision to (tacitly) back Israel at all costs means risking friendly relations with Turkyie, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt. However, he’s staying the course, precisely because he’s banking on a mass expulsion and genocide of Palestinians today will strengthen Israel’s regional position in the future.
It’s especially telling that one of Biden’s justification’s for his support of Israel is a promise to his dying father.
Is that how politicians in a Democracy are supposed to make decisions?
If someone gives a sandwich to me and a gun to a person actively trying to murder me, they are not “pro-me”
An alternative explanation is that what he says and what he de facto does are two entirelly different things.
Look at what is done, not what is said.
The Nazis also proclaimed to be helping the Jews as they were putting them into Ghettos and then industrially murdering them in the Concentration Camps.
Yeah even to expand on that - they don’t understand that everything they don’t like about Biden, they’ll like about Trump less. I mean I have real serious gripes about Biden but it is insultingly stupid to pretend that Trump would be any kind of a solution to those problems.
It seems that many of them know that Trump is worse, but think that sticking to ideals and voting for a non-viable candidate (or not voting at all) is somehow the best course of action. Republicans count on people like that to win. Fascists don’t give a fuck how they get into power, as long as they do.
Republicans count on people like that to win.
Republicans have lost more than one Senate seat because they ran zealous nutbag losers in safe elections and pissed off moderates.
I’m not sure why Democrats get to run pro-war Zionists and Blue Lives fascists, free from the fear that they’ll suffer the same fate.
Because even though they would prefer the fascists don’t get into power, the wealthy Democrat politicians know they won’t be too adversely affected by it.
Well that just begs the same question about the moderates and liberals who keep them in power. Do they think this is a winning strategy?
Because unfortunately the pro-Israel, pro- cop Democratic candidates are much closer to the average voter than the nutbag religious extremists are.
The majority of Americans are against the continued support for the Genocide. Sanders speaks about that in the speech.
If that’s true, why do more Republicans hold office at the national, state, and local levels?
Gerrymandering, structural advantages, etc. the same as it’s always been.
This sounds like the strategy Republicans are banking on to win.
This is an uncomfortable truth that people don’t want to face
You will understand this when you understand why most people who have more than 20s of geopolitical memory associate people who unironically rant about evil Zionists with neo-nazis.
You realize this critique cuts both ways right? Fox news and CNN are completely aligned in their criticisms of the protestors.
that sticking to ideals and voting for a non-viable candidate (or not voting at all) is somehow the best course of action.
Taking the “moral high” ground even though it would have a bad result. Sounds like what the DEMs do all the time.
“I learned it from you” -young people probably.
And the Dems get criticized for taking the moral high ground at the expense of being practical, too.
Yeah but the problem is we live in at least a pro-fascist state if not a fascist state already. So convincing people who realize this to vote for the guy who has been voting for fascist policies for decades (as well as some progressive ones, for those who will say I’m ignoring the “good” he’s done) and is actively supporting genocide not just in policy but in his statements and apparently beliefs is going to be pretty tough. It’s not just about voting “not Trump” anymore, people also want to vote “not Biden”.
If you’re going to call Biden a fascist, the word really does mean “anything I don’t like”.
Where did I call Biden a fascist?
If someone is being accused of voting for fascist policies, it’s reasonable to assume they are being accused of being a fascist.
While I would call Biden a fascist (and I do), your logic doesn’t follow. Would I call every Biden voter a fascist? No. Fascist apologist or enabler, maybe.
Show a little fucking courage when you call someone a name, own it coward.
Okay, he’s a fascist. As if that needed to be pointed out.
And with that, the world has reached a new record for equivocation
They know Donald will destabilize the country and accelerate a collapse. They think that will make room for China to expand.
If their goal is to destroy the US then helping Trump makes sense, at least.
The hypocrisy comes when millions of vulnerable people they pretend to care about actually suffer as a direct result of their nihilism. Acceptable costs, right?
It really is shocking that more people on the “Lemmy left” don’t see this. The US is one of the most tolerant places in the world for a bunch of otherwise marginalized groups. Pretending that it is irredeemable and must be destroyed because of your cold war grudge is destroying one of their biggest safe spaces and condemning them to suffer.
Hypothetically if you had to chose between supporting Israel or Biden winning in 2024 which would you choose?
Why do you think my comment has anything to do with Israel?
I’m going to give you a serious answer even though it’s obvious you know nothing about us and don’t care to learn.
Accellerationism is stupid and reactionary, and from my perspective Biden seems to be doing a fine job of doing that as it is. Trump is a symptom produced from the policies Biden has spent his entire career enacting. There will be plenty more candidates like Trump, because the material conditions that produced him still exist, and Biden is perpetuating and worsening those conditions.
The US is in decline and that’s not going to change regardless of who wins this election. What I’d most prefer is to refocus our efforts domestically in order to address some of the many different crises that the country is experiencing. If we did this, it’s likely that China would eventually eclipse the US due to it’s manufacturing capacity, but the lives of everyday people would be improved and the country would become more stable and healthy. Whether the decline could be reversed, I don’t know, but it would at least be a gradual, peaceful decline.
But that’s never going to happen, even a little bit. Instead, our leaders are intent on getting involved in conflicts all over the world while ignoring all the problems at home and allowing things to get worse and worse. The geopolitical interests of the US government are completely disconnected from the interests of the American people.
The US doesn’t need to collapse for China to grow. China’s strategy for many years has been a policy of peaceful coexistence with capitalist states while it focuses on economic development. And that strategy is proving successful. The only concern is what the US is going to do once it becomes eclipsed as global hegemon, and the concerning thing is that while China manufactures more than the next 10 countries combined, the US spends more on the military than the next 10 countries combined. The possibility that the US could start WWIII in an attempt to maintain hegemony by pressing the area where it has an advantage is deeply concerning.
Even if you believe, as you probably do, that Xi Jinping is paying me to run around some niche corner of the internet pretending to be Phoenix Wright - why would China actually want to destabilize the US? They’re already winning the peace.
Hm, read a dissertation from a Uighur genocide fan who communicates in childish video game cartoons, or focus on people who aren’t delusional? Tough choice for me but I’ll have to go with the latter.
Well, no one can say I didn’t try. If that’s the kind of engagement you want,
In a court of law,
is the only thing that matters! Your baseless accusations are… completely meaningless!What a goofy little clown. You have no substantial thoughts and have to do this instead.
Thanks for the laughs and nostalgia. Loved that game.
Or they understand that all this apolgetics for the Dems being the lesser of two evils just results in them being the same evil, just four years later. The Dems are still running internment camps at the border. They are still building Trumps wall.
By never threatening them with actual consequences to their power, you give them a blanket check to fuck everyone over for their rich donors. And that is exactly what they did and continue to do.
No they are not the same evil, and it insults the intelligence to pretend otherwise. And threatening the Dems with consequences by giving power to people who are even worse on those issues than them? That does the opposite of what you’re hoping - it encourages that kind of behaviour.
We got to where we are because the right has pulled the window further and further, step by step, for years - and we have to do the same. The system doesn’t just change overnight.
You have to understand that a win for Trump this year is a total win for the far right and a total loss for the left. Anyone pretending otherwise is hopelessly misguided or intentionally stumping for the fascists.
We got to where we are because the right has pulled the window further and further, step by step, for years - and we have to do the same. The system doesn’t just change overnight.
Because the Dems were happy to shift the window with them instead of pulling on the other side. Telling them “Either you pull it back now, or there is no reason to vote for you.” Is the only way they will be motivated to not help the Reps pushing further to the right.
Sure just like in 2016 after we withheld our votes from HIllary and let the far right get all their wishes. The Dems realized how wrong they were and came pandering to leftists.
But surely it’ll work this time, at least we don’t have that many liberal justices left to lose on SCOTUS.
Because you accepted Hillary 2.0 with Biden. The DNC is laughing their asses off, as they keep shoving a “establishment” aka far right imperialist neo-liberal economics candidate down your throat. And now they are gas lighting you, to blame you for them only giving your candidates that are against your interests and against human rights and international law.
The GOP openly courts antisemites while also supporting Israel. They make sure to have all the awful bases covered.
They need all the Jews to return to Israel and the temple to be rebuilt so Jesus can come back. Of course, that does mean expelling all Jews from every other country Jews are in, but they leave that part out.
Zionism fits neatly into the view that every country should be ethically homogenous.
It’s inherently right wing
And yet so is hating Jews. Ordinarily a quandary, but the GOP lives for hypocrisy.
Hating Jews “over here”.
“Over there” is fine, which is why American Racism dovetails so neatly with Zionism: both desire the same, just from different directions.
PS: I was going to say “Fascism” instead of “American Racism”, but frankly if there is one thing this whole situation has made clear is that Liberals are also all about different treatment depending on a person’s etnicity - as made so puignantly clear in their reaction to recent university demonstrations as well as by the very different language used in the Liberal Press when it comes to Palestinians and Israelis - so it’s really just both variants of Racism in the US.
Zionism has big “go back to where you came from” vibes
Everything they do makes sense to them… Which should tell you everything you need to know about them.
I knew that sounded wrong and reading your word brought the correct one to mind. Fixed!
Antisemenites Volume 7, Vivid Entertainment.
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Be careful what you wish for.
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I fucking hate, and from the bottom of my heart, how Biden is funding the genocide in Palestine, but I’m still going to vote for him this time, because we just can’t have a person like Trump in the white house, period. I still can’t figure out how he got in the first time. I’d never let my 10 year old lead a country, yet we let Trump do it for four fucking years. I, too, am sick of this “the lesser of two evils” bullshit, but this time I’m giving it a pass because of Trump. We already have a crumbling country and can’t afford another four years of this dude.
I don’t understand why people point out that Biden is “funding the genocide in Palestine” and completely ignore and fail to mention that trump would do the exact same thing.
He has all but said he would cut Israel loose to do whatever they needed to finish the job.
The use of Israeli aggression is not a point of comparison when viewing the differences between trump and Biden.
Edit: and I apologize for the late edit - FWIW Biden has become critical of Israeli actions and offered some aid to Palestinians (Yeah, I absolutely agree it isn’t enough) while trump would prefer to wash his hands of the whole Palestine thing. That is a notable difference.
No one denies that trump will fund it. That’s not the point, but I get what you mean.
It isn’t the potential for denial that initiated my reply, it’s the fact that people declare US support of Israel is a strike against Biden when comparing Biden to trump as a reason to consider not voting for Biden. This is a false comparison and it is the point I am making.
No one denies that trump will fund it
And? The problem is that these people won’t really address the fact that Trump would be worse than Biden
I’ve argued with multiple people on here who said Trump would be better for Palestinians than Biden is.
Lmfao. Nah, that’s too much credit. Way too much.
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simply cannot actively support a genocidal party because it runs fundementally against their core values.
So by not voting they default to the fascist one. Good for them, at least they (didn’t) vote for the least worst option.
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Ok. GFY for making the “if you vote for Biden you vote for genocide” argument while completely ignoring trump would do the same. You’re just a damn shill for the right wing. Useless MF.
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Unreal. Willing to try to convince others to not vote so we get fascism on top of genocide. What a transparent tool.
Seriously. Don’t vote for Biden so this other fascist wins and Palestine sill gets screwed!
Transparent AF.
I don’t understand why people point out that Biden is “funding the genocide in Palestine” and completely ignore and fail to mention that trump would do the exact same thing.
And hence why I won’t vote for Trump either. It’s not that hard to understand.
I think Joe Biden is maybe the best president of my lifetime, and I’m going to vote for him with my head held high even though I live in a red state where it doesn’t matter at all. I wish things were simpler in the Levant, but I appreciate that Joe Biden is between a rock and a hard place with Israel. It’s not like he can just take Bibi out. He’s not Boeing. That said, even if I laid the entire genocide at Biden’s feet (which, while he’s not blameless, is absolutely not appropriate), he would still be head and shoulders an improvement over Donald Trump.
For that matter, I’d absolutely let my 12 year old run this country before I’d let Trump have a second term. My kid is brilliant, and more importantly, unlike Trump he listens to advice, can take no for an answer, and gives a shit about having a functional democracy four years from now.
A second Trump term is an existential threat to the nation. Hold your nose, hold your neighbor’s nose if you have to, but every able-bodied patriot owes it to their descendants and their patriotic ancestors to prevent a second Trump term.
Biden went around congress to ship weapons to Israel. Painting him as helpless here is pure misinformation.
It’s not like he can just take Bibi out. He’s not Boeing.
Well, he is the President of the United States. We may have to pretend Bibi is a socialist though.
I’m 100% sure trump would have taken charge over there because it was taking too long.
Genocide? Hold my beer.
Your ten-year-old is more mature than Trump.
Not a joke.
Knowing my son? He absolutely is way more mature than Trump.
I still can’t figure out how he got in the first time.
Electoral College, should not exist.
Biden is not funding Israel. The United States government is. Even if he wanted to stop the aid (he doesn’t), he doesn’t have the power to just ignore laws passed by Congress. Trump did that with Ukraine and got impeached for it.
“I still can’t figure out how he got in the first time”
Easy. He was propped up by democrats, namely Hillary Clinton.
If we reach a point 40 years from now when your choice is between a dem supporting 5 genocides and a republican supporting 10 genocides, are you still going to be militantly democrat and lash out at leftists who are sick of the whole thing?
In this hypothetical we wouldn’t have the option to vote 40 years from now because dim bulbs allowed an insurrectionist to be elected. Donald will also accelerate climate fuckery so anyway we’ll be too busy squabbling over what meager food comes out of the remaining arable regions.
Purely hypothetical question for you: Would you rather continue supporting Israel or see Biden win the 2024 election?
Enjoy the extra genocide Donald “Muslim ban” Trump brings to the conflict and starts up locally. You guys really want him to “finish the job,” huh?
That’s pretty repugnant IMO, but people like you are privileged enough to watch from afar as others lose their rights and their lives.
By not answering the question and participating in the process of this hypothetical choice the outcome is Israel is supported and Joe Biden loses the 2024 election.
Nope. I’ve stated this in multiple posts on other platforms, this is my last time going with this “lesser of two evils” bullshit. Because at some point, we HAVE to believe that it is intentional. I mean, what happened to “fool me once…”?
When I was young my parents introduced me to some old school Communists; folks who’d fought in the Spanish Civil War and been blacklisted in the 1950s.
One of the stories they told was that back in 1968 the oldtimers were warning people to vote for Hubert Humphrey because they knew how bad Nixon would be, Too many young folks then thought ‘both sides are the same.’
The communist party of America consistently votes democrat and doesn’t run a candidate. Same with the American Nazi party and republicans.
My attitude is simple, deal with the problems you can impact. The 2024 elections will not result in a loss of support for Israel. A fascist wants to run a coup in America. That’s on the table, he’s running for president. That’s a problem we can deal with.
There’s a line from the last season of ‘The West Wing’ that I always think of.
It’s election Day and the GOP and Dem campaign managers run into each other in the hotel bar. One turns to the other and tells this story.
"Got into the cab at the airport and started chatting with the cab driver. He’s a really smart guy and we’re having a great chat. Just before I get out I ask him who he’s voting for today.
"He shakes his head. Damn, he tells me, I forgot it was election Day.’
Yepppp, I’ve had to tell so many people. I think it’s one of the benefits I got from being raised by a dyed in the wool democrat. We’d argue over a lot as I was pretty radical even as a teenager, but she taught me the value of voting and participating in the democratic process. And arguing with her taught me the value of convincing everyday folks of your position.
I hate to tell the demsocs that we probably won’t elect away the capital holding class, I’d love it if we could, but we won’t. But we sure as shit can fail to vote to keep our worker protections and environmental protections. And we can vote to get a better situation, it just won’t be a revolution all on its own.
I wish I could force every school to show what the original New Deal programs would look like if implemented today.
Exactly. It’s just concessions, but life’s a hell of a lot better with those concessions.
We watched Donald do worse than Watergate on live news broadcasts.
Hmm, what to do? Better throw my ballot in the trash, because I am against genocide. If anything gets worse under this openly racist putsch planner screeching about dictatorship and absolute immunity, well, there was no way to have seen that coming, right?
I mean I dunno maybe they shouldn’t have ran a guy named hubert humphrey, sounds like the name you’d give to a fictional whale in a children’s novel hoo lee
there is an understandable wave of nihilism manifesting in the younger generations that will probably persist for as long as they live. i don’t imagine the united states will stop producing nihilists for a long time as the circumstances are not projected to change
I hope it won’t turn into “weaponized doomerism” like in Eastern European countries like Hungary and Russia.
In Hungary, a lot of people just gave up altogether, and stopped voting. It’s also often being used to get people to become Fidesz supporters.
If they fuck around they’re going to find out real fast. Look how long it’s taken to get weed semi legal. Like we’ve already lived in a kinda super wealthy oligarchy. I don’t think we need to fight, unless the fascists win. They don’t make up nearly the majority though so we could see what happened in Brazil here, horrible but they did get a more socially minded president. But Trump never conceded and still doesn’t. He’s caused basically a weird cult.
I almost wish Jimmy Carter would run for a second term. 99? 82? Age is just a number now apparently anyway lol
Soon we’ll be governed by heads in jars, as Futurama has foretold
That feeling when RFK jr may actually be the best individual of the field…
Anti vaxxers are never the best.
Lmao this thread really is turning into a quorum of every right wing, anti-democrat troll on the fediverse.
I really hope this wakes up a bunch of real people who have fallen victim to this propaganda cycle, because it’s all on display, and incredibly transparent.
Its not that RFKJ is a good option (hence the That Feeling When meme that every reactionary kneejerk airballed on) ,l but Trump and Biden have to be the worst set of candidates the two party system has produced.
Biden is better only because he won’t destroy the country in the first 100 days.
But neither of them are a good choice.
Not even close.
He’s a hardcore Zionist dude
Haha, you funny.
The Unconcerned: “Orange man bad”
Me: YES! Orange man VERY bad, glad we were able to dumb it down for you in a way you can understand it.
That sound… As if millions of “muh corrupt DNC” trolls cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced…
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You should probably actually watch Bernie’s speech. This snippet grossly misrepresents it.
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Serious question for any leftists here who are voting third party - which candidate do you recommend?
PSL or Green
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There isn’t a single non-genocidal candidate. Either they support Israel committing genocide or don’t support Ukraine defending itself from genocide.
I disagree. When people could agree on one third party and that party gets 20% of the popular vote, then it is a direct threat to Democrats power basis. Because then for the next election they could replace the Dems. It is crucial to vote a third party, as it forces the Dems to start caring for the people instead of just their Superpac donors.
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Cornell West and Jill Stein are proponents of helping the Palestinians, so I imagine one of them.
All the other, mainstream, candidates are vocally pro-Israel. Trump and RFK are more pro-Israel than Biden.
My ultimate hope is that Biden grows a spine on this topic, and draws some rules of engagement for Israel if they wish to receive further aid; however, they seem to have the US govt by the balls somehow.
I think it would be helpful if people tranformed their concerns from meaningless doomposting to active political effort.
Cause the first is almost as bad as not worrying at all.
The problem is there’s a lot to doom post about.
I get it that Biden has some possibly underreported accomplishments, but like Trump tried to overthrow the government and is still walking around like nothing happened.
Yes but circlejerking around it accomplishes nothing. Reach out to new audience, convert, talk, argue, influence.
Eh, I got a day job and a full life. I can barely fit in the doom scrolling I already do today.
I appreciate the sentiment, but it’s been my experience in >40 years of living that the amount of influence I’ll be able to have over the onslaught of doom is miniscule.
I kinda lost all hope for the future of this country when Trump was elected the first time. After how disastrous his first term was, if this country full of morons actually puts the clown back in that same position I’ll completely and fully give up on it.
It’s the idiots’ country, I just have to live in it.
I think the current climate of digging up anything someone has ever done or said that is against the current accepted morality and punishing them for it severely makes a lot of people not want to stick out their neck. This probably isn’t an accident.
Recently came across project 2025, which is a plan to upend the government for trump to run it like a dictatorship. It’s actually frightening to even entertain the possibility. And I’m guessing it’s derived from how putin got to his dictatorship position, because trump really likes putin and met with him too often.
If you aren’t averse to Reddit, there’s a subreddit devoted to Project 2025. Lots of info there.
Its called apathy.
Make everyones vote count (mandatory voting) and all of a sudden it matters
The US needs to get rid of the electoral college as well. This is dumb as fuck the weight of a vote differs between states.
Let’s throw out first-past-the-post voting while we’re at it.
Brasil has compulsory voting and they had Bolsonaro (and apathy). I dont think thats a solution for this specific problem.
Yeah making all the people who have no clue about politics or politicians vote for basically whoever has the most advertising or the most well-known name certainly is not a good system. It’s already pretty bad now, we don’t need to make it worse with even more uneducated people voting.
I wish less people were so jaded about voting…
Well, there is a very simple solution to this. The Democrats could actually be a progressive party that recognizes and protects human rights, international law, and basic humanity of its American people.
But they don’t. They continue to aid a genocide. They continue to obstruct justice on an international level. They continue the racist policies of Trumps like interment camps at the southern borders and building “the wall”. They continue to protect the interest of rich elites against the American people like denying universal healthcare and basic social security for all.
The Democrats would rather have Trump win, than have the US not be a violent rogue nation internationally and a far-right economics hellhole internally.
Now they decided to crack down on free speech together with the Republicans, instead of taking the young peoples protests seriously. They are fine with Trump. For them Trump is better than universal healthcare or upholding international laws, like not committing mass murder.
We need more choice. That means the end of fptp.
In addition, Democrats do everything possible to make sure nobody left of center wins the Democratic nomination: when there was a real challenge to the corporate Democrats (Bernie in 2016 and 2020), they did everything they could to rig the primary process in order to keep out any leftward movement. Similarly for 2024, instead of holding debates to convince Democrats that Joe Biden was still up to the task, they held no debates and even canceled the primaries in several states. In 2020, polling showed that Bernie would have a much more comfortable path to victory than Biden, but Democrats were more comfortable with Trump than Bernie.
Because of the electoral college, my vote doesn’t mean much of anything in a presidential election because I live in a very blue state, not a swing state. I still vote, though.
I’ll say, the guy is taking abortion rights away.
Man, I’d been ignoring the dread and focussing on the cool parts of the future that are coming, but this thread mamaged to break through my shield and fill me with a decent amount of WW3 dread
This election already has a few commonalities with '80.
Potential or real stagflation. A President that’s seen as ineffective (despite some pretty okay policies). And a morally corrupt Republican.
On the other hand, Carter didn’t help genocide or cover for it.
Which parts of the future are cool? I’m actually not joking. I can’t think of anything that’s cool except maybe self driving vehicles. But I fear that day is still quite a ways, decades, off.
If you look past the fear mongering and how capitalists are using it, AI tech is already cool. Crispr and the fact that we are roughly at genetic modification now where we were with Computers in the 80’s with a human trial for a gene modification therapy for a genetic disease already happening this year, VR and AR has some really nifty gaming uses already, and we’re starting another manned mission to the moon. All of that is immediately cool, but boring you dont think of cool is how powerful our cellphones are, most of us now have a tiny black obelisk connected to NOTHING that allows us to talk to someone across the planet who doesnt speak the same language us with a delay of less than a few seconds, and still have them understand us. Our world has already changed SO MUCH in the last 30 years technology wise, and there isnt really anything hinting that that rate of advancement is going to slow to a significant degree, so while the political and environmental instability the world is currently facing is indeed scary, if we are in the position to survive the next 30 years, we’re likely to see even more tech that would seem like magic even in todays eyes
edit: On top of all that, because of the internet, the rich have only been able to delay any of this cool tech getting into our hands, not fully stop it, so as much as they’ve been trying to lock down the internet, as long as they havent, we’ll still eventually get access to these awesome new advancements
Them run Bernie. You aren’t that much older than Biden. You are clearly more with it and cogent and your foreign policy is better by miles.
He knows that’s not a viable option.
I Don’t agree. I think if he were to step into the race now he would trounce Biden and Trump.
He’s very popular.
He is not popular. That last election was evidence of that which is why he dropped out early.