It seems that many of them know that Trump is worse, but think that sticking to ideals and voting for a non-viable candidate (or not voting at all) is somehow the best course of action. Republicans count on people like that to win. Fascists don’t give a fuck how they get into power, as long as they do.
Because even though they would prefer the fascists don’t get into power, the wealthy Democrat politicians know they won’t be too adversely affected by it.
You will understand this when you understand why most people who have more than 20s of geopolitical memory associate people who unironically rant about evil Zionists with neo-nazis.
The hypocrisy comes when millions of vulnerable people they pretend to care about actually suffer as a direct result of their nihilism. Acceptable costs, right?
It really is shocking that more people on the “Lemmy left” don’t see this. The US is one of the most tolerant places in the world for a bunch of otherwise marginalized groups. Pretending that it is irredeemable and must be destroyed because of your cold war grudge is destroying one of their biggest safe spaces and condemning them to suffer.
I’m going to give you a serious answer even though it’s obvious you know nothing about us and don’t care to learn.
Accellerationism is stupid and reactionary, and from my perspective Biden seems to be doing a fine job of doing that as it is. Trump is a symptom produced from the policies Biden has spent his entire career enacting. There will be plenty more candidates like Trump, because the material conditions that produced him still exist, and Biden is perpetuating and worsening those conditions.
The US is in decline and that’s not going to change regardless of who wins this election. What I’d most prefer is to refocus our efforts domestically in order to address some of the many different crises that the country is experiencing. If we did this, it’s likely that China would eventually eclipse the US due to it’s manufacturing capacity, but the lives of everyday people would be improved and the country would become more stable and healthy. Whether the decline could be reversed, I don’t know, but it would at least be a gradual, peaceful decline.
But that’s never going to happen, even a little bit. Instead, our leaders are intent on getting involved in conflicts all over the world while ignoring all the problems at home and allowing things to get worse and worse. The geopolitical interests of the US government are completely disconnected from the interests of the American people.
The US doesn’t need to collapse for China to grow. China’s strategy for many years has been a policy of peaceful coexistence with capitalist states while it focuses on economic development. And that strategy is proving successful. The only concern is what the US is going to do once it becomes eclipsed as global hegemon, and the concerning thing is that while China manufactures more than the next 10 countries combined, the US spends more on the military than the next 10 countries combined. The possibility that the US could start WWIII in an attempt to maintain hegemony by pressing the area where it has an advantage is deeply concerning.
Even if you believe, as you probably do, that Xi Jinping is paying me to run around some niche corner of the internet pretending to be Phoenix Wright - why would China actually want to destabilize the US? They’re already winning the peace.
Hm, read a dissertation from a Uighur genocide fan who communicates in childish video game cartoons, or focus on people who aren’t delusional? Tough choice for me but I’ll have to go with the latter.
There is a contradiction in this testimony! You literally just called my previous comment a “dissertation” and refused to read it! So it’s impossible for you to know if my thoughts are substantive or not!
The defense would like to submit a piece of evidence: this tweet!
This doesn’t actually prove anything, I just think it’s funny!
Yeah but the problem is we live in at least a pro-fascist state if not a fascist state already. So convincing people who realize this to vote for the guy who has been voting for fascist policies for decades (as well as some progressive ones, for those who will say I’m ignoring the “good” he’s done) and is actively supporting genocide not just in policy but in his statements and apparently beliefs is going to be pretty tough. It’s not just about voting “not Trump” anymore, people also want to vote “not Biden”.
While I would call Biden a fascist (and I do), your logic doesn’t follow. Would I call every Biden voter a fascist? No. Fascist apologist or enabler, maybe.
It seems that many of them know that Trump is worse, but think that sticking to ideals and voting for a non-viable candidate (or not voting at all) is somehow the best course of action. Republicans count on people like that to win. Fascists don’t give a fuck how they get into power, as long as they do.
Republicans have lost more than one Senate seat because they ran zealous nutbag losers in safe elections and pissed off moderates.
I’m not sure why Democrats get to run pro-war Zionists and Blue Lives fascists, free from the fear that they’ll suffer the same fate.
Because even though they would prefer the fascists don’t get into power, the wealthy Democrat politicians know they won’t be too adversely affected by it.
Well that just begs the same question about the moderates and liberals who keep them in power. Do they think this is a winning strategy?
Because unfortunately the pro-Israel, pro- cop Democratic candidates are much closer to the average voter than the nutbag religious extremists are.
The majority of Americans are against the continued support for the Genocide. Sanders speaks about that in the speech.
If that’s true, why do more Republicans hold office at the national, state, and local levels?
Gerrymandering, structural advantages, etc. the same as it’s always been.
This sounds like the strategy Republicans are banking on to win.
This is an uncomfortable truth that people don’t want to face
You will understand this when you understand why most people who have more than 20s of geopolitical memory associate people who unironically rant about evil Zionists with neo-nazis.
You realize this critique cuts both ways right? Fox news and CNN are completely aligned in their criticisms of the protestors.
Taking the “moral high” ground even though it would have a bad result. Sounds like what the DEMs do all the time.
“I learned it from you” -young people probably.
And the Dems get criticized for taking the moral high ground at the expense of being practical, too.
They know Donald will destabilize the country and accelerate a collapse. They think that will make room for China to expand.
If their goal is to destroy the US then helping Trump makes sense, at least.
The hypocrisy comes when millions of vulnerable people they pretend to care about actually suffer as a direct result of their nihilism. Acceptable costs, right?
It really is shocking that more people on the “Lemmy left” don’t see this. The US is one of the most tolerant places in the world for a bunch of otherwise marginalized groups. Pretending that it is irredeemable and must be destroyed because of your cold war grudge is destroying one of their biggest safe spaces and condemning them to suffer.
Hypothetically if you had to chose between supporting Israel or Biden winning in 2024 which would you choose?
Why do you think my comment has anything to do with Israel?
You didn’t answer my question so I dunno why you think I would answer yours.
Just hypothetically would you rather have a duck sized horse or a horse sized duck?
By not answering you have chosen to support Israel and Joe Biden loses the election in this completely hypothetical scenario.
I’m going to give you a serious answer even though it’s obvious you know nothing about us and don’t care to learn.
Accellerationism is stupid and reactionary, and from my perspective Biden seems to be doing a fine job of doing that as it is. Trump is a symptom produced from the policies Biden has spent his entire career enacting. There will be plenty more candidates like Trump, because the material conditions that produced him still exist, and Biden is perpetuating and worsening those conditions.
The US is in decline and that’s not going to change regardless of who wins this election. What I’d most prefer is to refocus our efforts domestically in order to address some of the many different crises that the country is experiencing. If we did this, it’s likely that China would eventually eclipse the US due to it’s manufacturing capacity, but the lives of everyday people would be improved and the country would become more stable and healthy. Whether the decline could be reversed, I don’t know, but it would at least be a gradual, peaceful decline.
But that’s never going to happen, even a little bit. Instead, our leaders are intent on getting involved in conflicts all over the world while ignoring all the problems at home and allowing things to get worse and worse. The geopolitical interests of the US government are completely disconnected from the interests of the American people.
The US doesn’t need to collapse for China to grow. China’s strategy for many years has been a policy of peaceful coexistence with capitalist states while it focuses on economic development. And that strategy is proving successful. The only concern is what the US is going to do once it becomes eclipsed as global hegemon, and the concerning thing is that while China manufactures more than the next 10 countries combined, the US spends more on the military than the next 10 countries combined. The possibility that the US could start WWIII in an attempt to maintain hegemony by pressing the area where it has an advantage is deeply concerning.
Even if you believe, as you probably do, that Xi Jinping is paying me to run around some niche corner of the internet pretending to be Phoenix Wright - why would China actually want to destabilize the US? They’re already winning the peace.
Hm, read a dissertation from a Uighur genocide fan who communicates in childish video game cartoons, or focus on people who aren’t delusional? Tough choice for me but I’ll have to go with the latter.
Well, no one can say I didn’t try. If that’s the kind of engagement you want,
is the only thing that matters! Your baseless accusations are… completely meaningless!What a goofy little clown. You have no substantial thoughts and have to do this instead.
Thanks for the laughs and nostalgia. Loved that game.
There is a
in this testimony! You literally just called my previous comment a “dissertation” and refused to read it! So it’s impossible for you to know if my thoughts are substantive or not!The defense would like to submit a piece of
: this tweet!This doesn’t actually prove anything, I just think it’s funny!
Yeah but the problem is we live in at least a pro-fascist state if not a fascist state already. So convincing people who realize this to vote for the guy who has been voting for fascist policies for decades (as well as some progressive ones, for those who will say I’m ignoring the “good” he’s done) and is actively supporting genocide not just in policy but in his statements and apparently beliefs is going to be pretty tough. It’s not just about voting “not Trump” anymore, people also want to vote “not Biden”.
If you’re going to call Biden a fascist, the word really does mean “anything I don’t like”.
Where did I call Biden a fascist?
If someone is being accused of voting for fascist policies, it’s reasonable to assume they are being accused of being a fascist.
While I would call Biden a fascist (and I do), your logic doesn’t follow. Would I call every Biden voter a fascist? No. Fascist apologist or enabler, maybe.
Show a little fucking courage when you call someone a name, own it coward.
Okay, he’s a fascist. As if that needed to be pointed out.
Apparently it did because you tried to say you didn’t call him that 40 minutes ago. Glad we could clear it up, it wasn’t that hard.
And with that, the world has reached a new record for equivocation