I caught a hell of a cold two weeks ago and it seems to have passed except for this Niagara Falls tier runny nose. I’ve succumbed to desperation and have just been walking around with a nose tampon. Lemmy, how do you treat your runny nose??
Sudafed with Pseudoephedrine
Definitely been taking the good Sudafed.
For me, 24-hour Claritin will usually dry me out for 16-20 hours. Does fuck-all for any other symptoms, but runny nose is the one I hate, so it’s a primary weapon in my arsenal. If my nose is running, I can’t sleep, it makes a mess, and unless I’m religious about fancy kleenex I will end up with a rash on my nose or upper lip. Ending the runny nose makes a cold much more bearable for me.
The rash is real. I look like I’ve been in an industrial accident or something.
Spicy food, in soup form if you can get it. Pho or Taiwanese hot pot are my #1 go to.
A spoon of hot horseradish or wasabi work too.
Pho is my go to if I’m getting over being sick. I did that once and asked them to make it hurt, then requested chili oil at the table. Had two waiters watching me eat in wonder but felt so much better when I finished. Cleared everything out.
At night, this sounds silly but it works.
When in bed, put your head way high on your pillow (head facing upwards) so that your head tilts backwards. It doesn’t have to be a huge tilt, but give it some angle. Stay like that for about 15 minutes and watch your nose magically clear up. Then try to get to sleep before it plugs back up. Good luck.
So I tried this and it was an experience of mixed emotions. Relief that my nose was no longer running mixed with an uneasy shiver of disgust as I felt everything draining down the back of my throat. Effective yet disturbing!
You’re welcome! Haha!
Just playing, man. Sorry if it had adverse reactions, but it’s the simplest and cheapest.
Sinus rinse and flonase.
Tie its shoelaces together.
It’s never crossed my mind to stop a runny nose.
I just carry some tissues and keep blowing it to clear it.
This is why people eat soups for colds. The soups are a heat source and the steam tends to help the runny nose. Changing heat and humidity helps a lot. Wipe your nose not with kleenex but with small hot towels you wet and put in the microwave for a dozen seconds (absolutely make sure it’s a microwave-safe fabric towel). Get a warm drink too and take it to a warm room.
Warning: None of this work if your allergies are acting up, as I found out.
Last time I asked the pharmacist, they recommended Zyrtec, or other allergy medication. It targets the same mechanism, apparently.
It worked for me at any rate.