Soviet security strategy always relied on maintenance of a buffer zone in which to contain any fighting. This war was lost the minute the Budapest accords were signed.
That picture of the baby girl from Motaz’s IG.
Lemmy sucks
Soviet security strategy always relied on maintenance of a buffer zone in which to contain any fighting. This war was lost the minute the Budapest accords were signed.
What’s the big deal, when Russia did it they didn’t care
I have a vision that I think would be really cool for this type of adaptation but the only one I really care about is way too good to just put it up on the internet so that my idea can get stolen without credit.
Iran, or Iranian network addresses? They’re still Russian allies too
This is all Israel does.
Rightist vs right.
That’s why.
5th circuit. They’re teeing up for SCOTUS.
The media gatekeepers responsible for applying consequences through fatal stories aren’t doing it to Trump because they have a vested interest in making sure politics doesn’t become boring again.
The Israelis thought the military-
When Israel cries for help next time, we should tell them help is on the way and just not show up. Let them suffer like Gaza has suffered.
I’m not a conservative but for a national figurehead, stacking them up based on one state is poor strategy.
Vacancies happen when landlords refuse to lower the rent that they’re seeking to meet falling market value. Don’t believe landlords.
The meme works as a double dog whistle. Simpletons find camaraderie in nostalgia while actual traitors recognize and organize around the damage they intend to cause.
They’re working for the Russians so of course they want to blame democrats. The surest sign you’re dealing with Russian influence is their lust for American blood.
I’m not worried about it. I just can’t pay my bills unless I get another job or two, in which case I’ll lose my day job which takes attentive focus to do well at.
I work full time. I vote and I pay my taxes. The consequences for people with money of the death of the social contract are not my problem anymore.
Foreign powers (church or another country) basically paying to make you think you should do it
I’m talking about Russia’s inability to defend territory.