And then in 1998 Congress passed the so-called “Sonny Bono” Copyright Term Extension Act extending the term of copyright to 95 years for work-for-hire works and life plus 70 years for other works and you wouldn’t believe what Sonny Bono’s widow Congresswoman Mary Bono said about how long copyright terms should last.
…I wanna know
You asked for it. ;)
“Actually, Sonny wanted the term of copyright protection to last forever. I am informed by staff that such a change would violate the Constitution. … As you know, there is also [then-MPAA president] Jack Valenti’s proposal for term to last forever less one day. Perhaps the Committee may look at that next Congress.”
- Mary Bono
The line in the Constitution that justifies the existence of copyright law in the U.S. specifically requires that copyright last “for limited times.” The “proposal for term to last forever less one day” Mary Bono referenced basically meant that Congress should extend copyright every time anything ever gets too close to entering the public domain.
Well it clearly worked for the guy in the picture
Don’t mention the external HD full of lumberjack porn.
Don’t mention the external HD full of lumberjack porn.
Don’t mention the external HD full of lumberjack porn.
lol yeah trees are pretty.
Oh my god, you’re an arboration.
Luberjack porn?! tell me more about this
Luberjack sounds German and therefore, much more kinky. I want to know about your porn.
You want to know more about the porn I watch or that I was in that one time?
As a side note it’s incredible how many posts I see you in
Anyway I mostly watch pretty tame stuff I just like seeing people being affectionate with each other. The one I was in included sitting in cakes and eating ass and was decidedly not very tame. Cake has so much butter and oil in it getting all that off the floor after took some work
I am a very prolificent shit poster. Just out of curiosity though, we’re there fat chicks and party hats in this porn?
There were not, no. Although now I have deep regrets about not having party props like hats or party horns
Tfw you focus desparately hard on not freudian-slipping
An Acquaintance: “Oh my goodness and they said that people could actually be living on Mars soon! Isn’t that just neat-o?”
Me: Having watched enough hours of “Science Fiction and Futurism with Isaac Arthur” to qualify for a doctorate
Me: “Yep. Sure is super neat-o.”
The other day, on work lunch, someone mentioned that their cousin bought a 3d printer and it was “so cool” and I said “yeah I have 2” and nothing more. That was very hard
The hard part is when you’re super excited that you found another but your stupid mouth makes it come off like you’re one-upping them.
Then you have to do the weird apology but it’s too late, you’ve already made the energy weird.
“Bro, c’mon, don’t leave… you’ve only listened to 3 hours of my 10 hours dissertation on Lord of the Rings. What do you mean ‘how’s that relevant when we were talking about Skyrim?’ - I need to make sure we’re on the same wavelength before I start my 53 hour exposition on why The Elder Scrolls is a brilliant work of art.”
ES lore can definitely lend itself to 53 hours of exposition
Then you’re acting casual but let slip ‘oh that’s the b type they use coaxial threading so won’t deharmonize until you get upto 8000hz… uh, I mean yeah looks life it’ll go real fast!’
Wait wait wait what? This sounds interesting. Please elaborate
This is the craziest rhetoric I’ve ever heard. People love hearing interests from a fanatics perspective. If you have an almost unhealthy interest in something, test the waters. See how much the recipient is interested in hearing you talk about this, and if they are, go all out. I’ve learned so many interesting and niche things I never would have by engaging with people with hyper fixated interests.
You’re right in that it depends on the listener
This is the real response.
Whenever I meet someone who’s hyperfixated on something as much as I am hyperfixated on my things, I’m really excited to listen to what they have to say because if someone can be that obsessed with it then it must be interesting in some way (that I just hadn’t noticed).
Several people have learned if I warn them an explanation will be long, I don’t mean “oh I like long walks on the beach but after 2 minutes I want to turn around” long. I mean “heat death of the universe” long.
Example: someone asked me to explain something while playing halo. I told him to make sense of it I need to explain some history, do you want the long version or short version. Long version is long. They said long version. 3 hours later, they fully understood their answer and never asked me to explain anything again.
Well now I want the complete and unabridged history of whatever that Halo thing is…
If I remember correctly, the question was “why don’t the covenant want the halos in this one (Reach)” or “why aren’t they in this one” or something like that when we had just started playing.
So I went back and explained the history of the rings from 120,000iah years ago during the height of the Forerunners power, as well as where the flood came from, why the planet has only just been discovered by the covenant, and how the game (Reach) differs from the books and spoken lore established in games 1-3.
Funny thing is, I’m slightly wrong. He did technically ask me one other question, but it was an open question to the group “why do the Spartans look different except Jorge?” and I immediately went “are you SURE you want a full explanation?” to which others jumped jn and said “NO!” which was a little disappointing but not everyone enjoys lore dumps.
For a full explanation, read the forerunner series of books, the novelizarion of combat evolved, the fall of reach, the in-between book that tells us how anyone escaped to halo 2, and the Ghosts of Onyx. That last one isn’t super necessary, but it gives you a neat look at one of the Shield Worlds from the forerunner books.
I think lemmy has a character limit so I can’t get into a 3 hour typefest lmao
Are you my best friend? Because this sounds exactly like a conversation he’s had with me.
Unless you live in Ohio or Kentucky, lolno
People sleep on the Halo books, but they were damn good. Makes me really sad the TV show was hot garbage and made up it’s own story entirely.
I view the show as an alternate universe kind of thing. “there but for the grace of good storytelling go we” because holy shit how do you get so many fundamentals wrong.
To me, it was clearly a generic scifi show that got rejected by studios until someone slapped the Halo logo on the front page.
It could have been watchable on its own, but as a Halo show, I’ll pass. No hate to anyone who enjoys it, it’s just not for me.
I had a half hour meeting with a coworker today. 2 minutes in, he mentioned he was thinking about building a new PC. Almost an hour later we decided we needed to start talking about the meeting topic.
Me whenever someone mentions anything vaguely resembling measurement
Measurement is an interesting field, I was just reading about Atomic clocks
You fool, what have you done
Yeeeees, yeeeeess, feel the units flow through you. >}
Heh heh heh. Unit. Hehehe.
But seriously, gauge blocks are fascinating; as are fine micrometers. Changes in temperature causing expansion drives home the inexactness of size. At certain scales it all becomes relative.
I used to work in this one factory where I had use to calipers for making sure parts were within specification, and they were digital calipers. Which are all fine and good, except the ones they had sucked. Really made me appreciate the value of a good, old-fashioned well-made analog caliper.
I know right? Who would have thought the decay rate of Cesium-133 was so regular…except when it isn’t!!!
A bit
Just a moment
Monarchical Inch
A peck
A hobbitOkay, I’ll bite. What does “a Hobbit” mean as a unit of measurement?
Two and a half imperial bushels
If [I buy wheat] at Wrexham, [I must order] by the hobbet of one hundred and sixty eight [pounds] [76 kg]. But, even if I do happen to know what a hobbet of wheat means at Wrexham, that knowledge good for Flint is not good for Caernarvonshire. A hobbet of wheat at Pwlheli contains eighty-four pounds [38 kg] more than a hobbet at Wrexham; and a hobbet of oats is something altogether different; and a hobbet of barley is something altogether different again.
I just spent my afternoon doing volume calculations… each unit is 3 oz, I need 300 units, 900 oz, but I can only buy in 1 gallon which is 128 oz, etc. For this one, each unit is 10g and 600 of those, I can buy in 1.25 lb or 2.6 lb let’s convert that and see what the cost per gram is and go with the cheaper, okay I can buy in 1180g how much do I need again?
Repeat that 57 times and you too can have a job in supply chain.
Reading that made my brain hurt. It’s times like this that I really wish America would go metric.
But what I can say? That’s a 570-liter dream.
This happened to me when my wife and I went out with a group of her friends and they brought up “sounding.”
The normal amount in that case is not knowing anything at all
OK well… Idk what that is so… Here I goooo–!!
Edit: OK well I looked up the word and stopped at the entrance to this cave. Don’t bother.
Being an introvert homebody and having to hint to coworkers that you’d like that dune bucket if they go see movie.
“The industrial revolution and it’s consequences…”
sure, I’ve played Dark Souls. never dug too much into the lore, though…
I never… don’t do that!:-P