As a side note it’s incredible how many posts I see you in
Anyway I mostly watch pretty tame stuff I just like seeing people being affectionate with each other. The one I was in included sitting in cakes and eating ass and was decidedly not very tame. Cake has so much butter and oil in it getting all that off the floor after took some work
lol yeah trees are pretty.
Oh my god, you’re an arboration.
Luberjack porn?! tell me more about this
Luberjack sounds German and therefore, much more kinky. I want to know about your porn.
You want to know more about the porn I watch or that I was in that one time?
As a side note it’s incredible how many posts I see you in
Anyway I mostly watch pretty tame stuff I just like seeing people being affectionate with each other. The one I was in included sitting in cakes and eating ass and was decidedly not very tame. Cake has so much butter and oil in it getting all that off the floor after took some work
I am a very prolificent shit poster. Just out of curiosity though, we’re there fat chicks and party hats in this porn?
There were not, no. Although now I have deep regrets about not having party props like hats or party horns
damn :(
Tfw you focus desparately hard on not freudian-slipping