A: That good boy had many baconz
B: Pet pigs are awesome
And delicious!
Only if you neutered them very young. Removal of the testicles reduces the potential for odor and taint associated with male hormones in boars after puberty. If you didn’t do this to your pet pig, you are going to regret it when you cook it.
Source: My mother ran the local 4H club. Kids shouldn’t see live castrations of animals IMHO. Especially since they are mostly done without anesthesia. The squeals still haunt me.
So I agree it probably sucks for children to see it, but it sucks that the industry exists. Maybe we should all suffer through seeing where meat comes from.
(Just to be clear, I’m an occasional meat eater. I’ve seen all of this stuff, and after considering the this of meat and also the carbon effect, I have reduced my meat intake, but I’m not at zero yet. Hopefully some day. I just wanted to be clear I’m somewhat of a hypocrite so I’m not dishonest.)
Maybe no one should see it?
There’s pretty widely documented evidence that slaughterhouse work is also harmful to mental health.
(Link is to sagepub)
The fact that people are so insulated from the suffering of the animals they eat is part of the problem
Seeing suffering doesn’t result in more empathy, it results in psychological damage and often in less empathy - losing empathy is a coping mechanism.
More like part of the “solution”, created and upheld intentionally by the meat&dairy industry, incl. happy pictures of cows on an open field in the sunshine. I eat meat, but I would be stupid argue that vegans aren’t right. The suffering and cruelty we are causing animals (and the related pollution to the planet) is unacceptable.
I‘m happy to know every farmer I buy meat from, and also how they are kept and treated (way better than these requires). I could even pet or buy any animal I want from them. Further, I’m happy that my county‘s laws are as strict as they are.
if kids shouldnt see how their food is made then maybe they shouldnt be eating it
Sounds fair. My parents made me look after some of our chickens from hatching then a couple months later there i was plucking the poor bastard. Gotta say it took a tremendouse amount of effort to raise and prepare that bird but my god did it tast so much better knowing all the love and effort that went into that animal.
Kids shouldn’t see live castrations of animals IMHO
Not without reason, but my daughter has been helping me with lambing since she was like 5 years old. Part of that is putting castrator bands on and docking tails, it hasn’t messed her up but just been a good lesson in responsibility and handling animals respectfully.
However lambs just bleat a couple times and lay down in the corner. Showing non-farm kids a bunch of squealing piglets out of nowhere is definitely going to traumatize them.
By the way a non-neutered boar sounds like a terrifying pet to me! I would hope any pet pigs are castrated for safety reasons alone.
I don’t understand why the hell you’re being downvoted.
Because on lemmy you can’t have a reasonable discussion about meat eating without being brigaded by vegans that add little to the conversation besides meat cruel and meat pollution.
Mate here brought up a good example. I myself raise chickens for egg production (i also engage in less sustainable/ humane meat eating to be frank). Would be happy to have an intelligent conversation with someone besides the usual 3-4 arguments like ‘battery chickens’ which don’t apply to my chooks are happy, have plenty of space, toys, food and protection.
Dont they just need about a year or so of being castrated for said oder to not effect the meat?
If dogs go to heaven, then what do they eat there?
Doggy heaven is squirrel hell its a very efficient system.
Lab grown meat
Would anyone or anything in heaven eat? Hunger is but a manifesting of the unimmaculaticity of flesh.
Well done. A google search results in zero hits for unimmaculaticity.
Thanks, it is fun to play with language. I almost went for the more boring “maculate”.
I find something comedic about a Germanesque mash of prefixes and suffixes. Maybe one day I’ll stumble across a newfangled word that can live in the cupboard of our collective vocabulary.
Unimmaculaticity lives in my word cupboard now
Cats. Cats are evil and go to hell. Their hell is to be food for heaven’s carnivores.
Who hurt you?
Most likely a cat
Cats are notorious dicks. Why act surprised? 🙀
Meanwhile I’ve owned dozens of cats and no dogs and have more scars from dogs than cats
In aus at least cats are pests that kill baby birds are single handedly responsible for putting hundreds of speicies on the endagered spieces list and have helped many go extinct so maybe a cat didnt hurt him maybe a cat just hurt the enviroment he loved.
Cats are mirrors.
Do you think murderers and the murdered get together in the afterlife to joke about it
If God is real then he’s a sadistic psychopath who would make it a reality show format.
I’d make it purgatory-style, where you’re stomped and ripped apart by farm animals you’ve eaten, and only then you get to heaven, have a cuppa tea with them and laugh about it.
I mean presumably they go to different places… I guess soldiers might.
Am I the only one that thought it was Wilbur missing Charlotte?
Pig: What’s a human?
Well, at least the dog won’t be going hungry.