Oh hell yeah
Oh hell yeah
Do you remember what you needed to do for it to work?
Honestly voice messages make me unreasonably angry. It’s all of the inconvenience of a phone call with none of the immediacy, like voicemail but for every sentence. Thank you for sharing my hatred, I feel less alone
There’s a line in New Colossus where he’s in the USA during a parade for the Nazis and everyone is cheering and he says something like “look at them, cheering for their own destruction” and I keep being reminded of it
Otherwise there’s Norway they’ll be done in time
Wait a sec my grandmother is calling me about some pictures I apparently sent her
Totally agree, 2nd face but I think straighten the eyebrows so he doesn’t look mad
Unimmaculaticity lives in my word cupboard now
I wonder how long it will be before this is known by everyone as a save icon instead of a floppy disc
When I was a kid I found a box of detergent powder in the bathroom and on the box there was a happy guy that said “Blimey! It’s lemon-limey!” So I stuck my nose in the box and took a big whiff and if I ever see that guy again