I chose to believe this is performance art
You chose wisely sir… save your sanity 👍.
Feels a lot like Ken M.
Theoretically you can do medium rare chicken sous vide because the temperature is just high enough to kill the pathogen. Practically, why would you - it skeeves people out, and the texture is pretty bad
Plus well done sous vide chicken is just as juicy with non sketchy feeling texture.
I actually like to push it to just as a bit less cooked than I would be comfortable with a more traditional cooking way.
Haven’t done it in a while but from memory 66C/150F for just over an hour was the way I loved it (thighs).
But yeah raw chicken yuck
Damn why you gotta tempt a man with the forbidden dark meat. 🤣🙈 Thighs are my favourite cut and I love a med rare steak. But it feels so wrong 😔 but why does it feel so right 🤤.
Theoretically you can do medium rare chicken sous vide because the temperature is just high enough to kill the pathogen.
Yep, you can find time-temperature charts for most meats, and that can lead to some interesting sous vide preparations that are perfectly safe.
I’ve tried it with chicken thighs. The texture wasn’t what I was used to, obviously, but melt-in-your-mouth chicken thighs, properly seasoned, were a success in my book.
But I like weird food.
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I think generally you also need to butcher an animal fresh. Within hours. At least, I believe this to be the case with teak tartare for instance. Edit: steak*
Im a fan of oak tartar myself
You’re both disgusting!
Ash is the best, thinly shaved with a Japanese hand plane, slightly toasted, hint of sesame and pine resin 🤤
I think you can relax more with beef. The important thing is mincing the meat fresh, too early and you have square kilometres exposed to bacteria but no you don’t need it freshly butchered.
Also the problem with chicken is that raw it’s fucking disgusting. Be it the smell, the texture or the flavour (I have eaten undercooked chicken by mistake, it’s vile).
Raw beef? Divine if you can get over the prejudices that some cultures have
Salmonella in chicken is generally a bigger risk than ecoli in beef, in part because we are exposed to it much less often. Ecoli is extremely common and ubiquitous so it actually takes a pretty big dose of it to make most people seriously ill. You’ve probably “had it” dozens of times, had a runny morning poo and didn’t think of it past that. Salmonella, on the other hand, is much more likely to induce painful cramps, vomiting and extended symptoms with a minor exposure.
I’ve had this in Japan, not sushi but at yakitori. Ended up in the hospital but it was fun to say I tried 😅 and surprisingly tasty too. Yakitori is my fave Japanese cuisine, I only eat the cooked stuff now though 🚶♂️
That’s not even medium rare
A good vet could fucking save it
It still has the skin on. It’s not even blue. Its just room temp chicken.
She’s gonna get jpegella
She’s gonna get chickenella.
She should go whole hog and try chicken tartare, complete with the raw egg.
Uhhh don’t think so, this is chicken not hog
Really difficult to believe this is anything other than made-for-social-media scripted for clicks.
Edit: for you non-believers (or is it believers?):
“The image used in the posts originally comes from a blog promoting tourism in Japan’s Shizuoka prefecture: [same pic we see]
What you’re looking at there isn’t so much “medium rare chicken,” as it is more chicken tataki; chicken seared over hot coals and served largely raw. A dish prepared with the same techniques ordinarily used for fish in eastern cuisine.“
So yeah. /thathappened.
People know this is fake, right?
Ah, thank you fellow Lemming 👍.
BTW, how do you crosspost? I use Jerboa, I don’t think it has a crosspost option.
I use voyager and it’s an option from the top right 3 dots. It’ll also display if a post is a cross post which is nice
Ah, I see. How do you switch accounts on it? I couldn’t find that option, it’s quite easy on Jerboa.
EDIT: Sorry, fiund it 😁.
#clean #deadanimal
That happened.
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Eat a vegan? Got it.