Without doing any research, the answer is “watchmaking tools.” Equipment to make small things like watches, and revolvers and what ever you’d need to start a factory. A few things like microscope, binoculars.
They had good craftspeople on hand, just need a little push to start an Industrial Revolution.
Without doing any research, the answer is “watchmaking tools.” Equipment to make small things like watches, and revolvers and what ever you’d need to start a factory. A few things like microscope, binoculars.
They had good craftspeople on hand, just need a little push to start an Industrial Revolution.
You need good quality metal to make precise clockwork. You need to be able to make those metals.
Romans made decent steel, especially in terms of hardness which is what you need to make tooling.
It wouldn’t be the biggest problem you would face in trying to industrialise Rome
You could bring plans for a high quality forge
Look up the antikythera mechanism.
The Romans could make enough quality metals for a clock.
Damn, now I’m wondering if my decision to bring plans for a printing press is actually less useful than accurate timekeeping
Accurate timekeeping means you can navigate the deep ocean without hugging the coast.
The idea of a printing press was revolutionary but it’s just an engraved plate, ink, later and a weight on a lever.
I’m confident I could make a printing press without plans having seen one. I’m not confident I could design an accurate watch.
I might manage a pendulum clock. Just. But that’s far less useful.